FATHER: OK, this is the best s'more I ever made in my life. All right? This is absolute peak. Look at this. Honey brown--
SON: It's perfect.
FATHER: No burn. Look at that, huh? Sell that in the store. Mm.
SON: That's like advertisement-worthy,
FATHER: Advertisement quality.
SON: Yeah.
FATHER: (LAUGHING) Mm. You think they ever will make another Star Wars?
SON: I don't know. I mean, I think if they were to make another one, the period where this game is set is where it would have to be. Because there's nothing after, really.
FATHER: Yeah. No, Return of the Jedi, it's over. There's nothing.
SON: Yeah. There's nothing else to do there. Yeah. You going to turn Han Solo into a Sith Lord? I mean--
SON: Yeah. What are you gonna do?
FATHER: (PLAYING GUITAR AND SINGING) I can just get off of this L.A. freeway, without getting killed or caught, I'll be down the road in a cloud of smoke for some land that I ain't bought, bought, bought