Match each of the terms on the left with its definition on the right. Click on the term first and then click on the matching definition. As you match them correctly they will move to the bottom of the activity.
cases confounding variable correlational design criterion variable dependent variable descriptive statistic experimental design explanatory variable grouping variable independent variable inferential statistic interval-level numbers nominal-level numbers ordinal-level numbers outcome variable parameter population predictor variable quasi-experimental design random assignment ratio-level numbers sample statistic statistics variables | techniques used to summarize data in order to answer questions. numbers that provide information about how much of an attribute is possessed, as well as information about same/different and more/less; interval-level numbers have equality of units and an arbitrary zero point. a third variable in correlational and quasi-experimental designs that is not controlled for and that has an impact on both of the other variables. a value that summarizes a population. a scientific study in which an explanatory variable is manipulated or controlled by the experimenter and the effect that is measured in a dependent variable allows for a cause and effect conclusion. numbers that have all the attributes of interval-level numbers, plus a real zero point; numbers that provide information about same/different, more/less, how much of an attribute is possessed, and that can be used to calculate a proportion. the participants in or subjects of a study. a group of cases selected from a population. the larger group of cases a researcher is interested in studying. the variable that is controlled by the experimenter in an experimental design. a scientific study in which cases are classified into naturally occurring groups and then compared on a dependent variable. numbers used to place cases in categories; numbers are arbitrary and only provide information about same/different. a scientific study in which the relationship between two variables is examined without any attempt to manipulate or control them. using observations from a sample to draw a conclusion about a population. the variable in a relationship test, X, that is used to predict the other variable, Y; the explanatory variable in a correlation design. the variable that is caused, predicted, or influenced by the explanatory variable; the variable in a relationship test, Y, that is predicted from the other variable, X. Sometimes called the dependent variable. the variable where the effect is measured in an experimental or quasi-experimental study; an outcome variable. the variable that causes, predicts, or explains the outcome variable. a summary statement about a set of cases. numbers used to indicate if more or less of an attribute is possessed; numbers provide information about same/different and more/less. a value that summarizes data from a sample. every case has an equal chance of being assigned to either group in an experiment; random assignment is the hallmark of an experiment. the variable that is the explanatory variable in a quasi-experimental design. characteristics measured by researchers. the outcome variable in a correlational design. |