
apparent limits
bar graph
continuous numbers
cumulative frequency
cumulative percentage
discrete numbers
frequency distribution
frequency polygon
grouped frequency distribution
negative skew
positive skew
real limits
stem-and-leaf display
ungrouped frequency distribution
the middle of an interval in a grouped frequency distribution.
what seem to be the upper and lower bounds of an interval in a grouped frequency distribution.
a tally of how often different values of a variable occur in a set of data.
cumulative frequency expressed as a percentage of the number of cases in the data set.
answer the question “how many,” take whole number values, and have no “in-between” values.
a count of how often a given value, or a lower value, occurs in a set of data.
an asymmetrical frequency distribution in which the tail extends to the left, in the direction of lower scores.
deviation from symmetry in a frequency distribution, which means the left and right sides of the distribution are not mirror images of each other.
a graph of a frequency distribution for discrete data that uses the heights of bars to indicate frequency; the bars do not touch.
a data summary technique that combines features of a table and a graph.
answer the question “how much” and can have “in-between” values; the specificity of the number, the number of decimal places reported, depends on the precision of the measuring instrument.
the number of peaks that exist in a frequency distribution.
how peaked or flat a frequency distribution is.
a count of how often the values of a variable, grouped into intervals, occur in a set of data.
a count of how often each individual value of a variable occurs in a set of data.
an asymmetrical frequency distribution in which the tail extends to the right, in the direction of higher scores.
what are really the upper and lower bounds of a single continuous number or of an interval in a grouped frequency distribution.
a frequency distribution for continuous data, displayed in graphical format, using a line connecting dots, above interval midpoints, that indicate frequency.
a frequency distribution for continuous data, displayed in graph form, using the heights of bars to indicate frequency; the bars touch each other.
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