
clinical significance (or practical significance)
individual differences
longitudinal research (or repeated-measures design)
matched pairs
paired-samples t test
practical significance (or clinical significance)
pre-post design
repeated-measures design (or longitudinal research)
standard error of the mean difference for difference scores
statistical significance
within-subjects design
a study in which the same participants are measured at two or more points in time.
participants are grouped into sets of two based on their being similar on potential confounding variables.
the size of the effect is large enough to say the explanatory variable has a meaningful impact on the outcome variable (or the clinical outcome).
attributes that vary from case to case.
the same participants are measured in two or more different situations or under two or more different conditions.
the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of difference scores, abbreviated image; used as the denominator in the paired-samples t test equation.
a study in which the same participants are measured at two or more points in time.
whether the size of the effect is large enough to say the explanatory variable has a meaningful impact on clinical outcome.
participants are measured on the dependent variable before and after an intervention or manipulation.
the observed difference between sample means is large enough to conclude that it represents a difference between population means.
hypothesis test used to compare the means of two dependent samples; also known as dependent-samples t test, correlated-samples t test, related-samples t test, matched-pairs t test, within-subjects t test, or repeated-measures t test.
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