Media and Supplements
Our new coursespace, LaunchPad, combines an interactive e-Book with high-quality multimedia content and ready-made assessment options, including LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. Pre-built, curated units are easy to assign with or adapt to your own material, such as readings, videos, quizzes, discussion groups, and more. LaunchPad also provides access to a gradebook that provides a clear window on performance for your whole class, for individual students, and for individual assignments.
The following resources are available on LaunchPad:
For Students
LearningCurve is an adaptive quizzing engine that automatically adjusts questions to the student’s mastery level. With LearningCurve activities, each student follows a unique path to understanding the material. The more questions a student answers correctly, the more difficult the questions become. Each question is written specifically for the text and is linked to the relevant e-Book section. LearningCurve also provides a personal study plan for students, as well as complete metrics for instructors. Proven to raise student performance, LearningCurve serves as an ideal formative assessment and learning tool. For detailed information, visit
NEW Work It Out Tutorials New to this edition, these tutorials guide students through the process of applying economic analysis and math skills to solve the final problem in each chapter. Choice-specific feedback and video explanations provide students with interactive assistance for each step of the problem.
NEW Assignable Videos and Assessment Author-created short, fun, and professionally produced instructional videos are available for most chapters. The videos are available from the text via QR code or at LaunchPad provides assignable, automatically graded quizzes to accompany each of the videos.
For Instructors
Graphing Questions As a further question bank for instructors building assignments and tests, the electronically gradable graphing problems utilize our own robust graphing engine. In these problems, students will be asked to draw their response to a question, and the software will automatically grade that response. Graphing questions are tagged to appropriate textbook sections and range in difficulty level and skill.
Test Bank The Test Bank provides a wide range of questions appropriate for assessing your students’ comprehension, interpretation, analysis, and synthesis skills. The Test Bank offers multiple-choice, true/false, and short-answer questions designed for comprehensive coverage of the text concepts. Questions are categorized according to difficulty level (easy, medium, and challenging) and skill descriptor (fact-based, definitional, concept-based, critical thinking, and analytical thinking) and are tagged to their appropriate textbook section.
End-of-Chapter Quizzes The end-of-chapter problems from the text have been converted to a multiple-choice format with answer-specific feedback. These problems can be assigned in homework assignments or quizzes.
Practice and Graded Homework Assignments Each LaunchPad unit contains prebuilt assignments, providing instructors with a curated set of multiple-choice and graphing questions that can be easily assigned for practice or graded assessment.
Instructor’s Resource Manual The Instructor’s Resource Manual provides suggested in-class and homework activities.
Solutions Manual The Solutions Manual contains detailed solutions to all of the end-of-chapter problems from the textbook.
Online Offerings
Worth/Aplia courses are all available with digital textbooks, interactive assignments, and detailed feedback.
Sapling Learning provides the most effective interactive homework and instruction that improve student-learning outcomes for the problem-solving disciplines.