
We are most grateful to the following reviewers, both users and nonusers, for their careful chapter reviews used in the development of the third edition of Modern Principles.

Scott Baier
Clemson University

Justin Barnette
Kent State University

Jodi Beggs
Northeastern University

James Bolchalk
Kent State University– Geauga Campus

Anoshua Chaudhuri
San Francisco State University

Gregory Colson
The University of Georgia

Harold Elder
The University of Alabama

Carlos Elias
Radford University

Patricia Euzent
The University of Central Florida

Alan Grant
Baker University

Mike Hammock
Middle Tennessee State University

Andrew Hanssen
Clemson University

Robert Krol
California State University, Northridge

Susane Leguizamon
Western Kentucky University

Daniel Lin
American University

Melody Lo
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)

Karl A. Mitchell
Queens College–The City University of New York

Chuck Moul
Miami University (Ohio)

Paul Roscelli
Canada College

Jason C. Rudbeck
The University of Georgia

James K. Self
Indiana University–Bloomington

Daniel M. Settlage
The University of Arkansas–Fort Smith

Jennifer Sobotka
Radford University

Steven Yamarik
California State University at Long Beach

We are most grateful to the following reviewers, both users and nonusers of the first edition, for their careful in-depth chapter reviews used in the development of the second edition of Modern Principles.

Rashid Al-Hmoud
Texas Tech University

Scott Baier
Clemson University

David Beckworth
Texas State University

Randall Campbell
Mississippi University

Suparna Chakraborty
Baruch College and Graduate Center, The City University of New York

John Dawson
Appalachian State University

Timothy M. Diette
Washington and Lee University

Harold Elder
University of Alabama

Patricia Euzent
University of Central Florida

Paul Fisher
Henry Ford College

Bill Gibson
The University of Vermont

David Gillette
Truman State University

Gerhard Glomm
Indiana University

Bradley Hobbs
Florida Gulf Coast University

Kate Krause
University of New Mexico

Daniel Kuo
Orange Coast College

Daniel Lin
American University

Solina Lindahl
California State Polytechnic University

Michael Mace
Sierra College

Michael Makowsky
Towson University

Norman Maynard
The University of Oklahoma

Joan Nix
Queens College, The City University of New York

Zuohong Pan
Western Connecticut State University

Steven Peterson
The University of Idaho

Jeff Sarbaum
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

James Self
Indiana University

Randy Simmons
Utah State University

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Richard Stahl
Louisiana State University

Yoav Wachsman
Coastal Carolina University

Tyler Watts
Ball State University

Robert Whaples
Wake Forest University

Jonathan Wight
University of Richmond

Steven Yamarik
California State University, Long Beach

We would like to thank the following instructors who have aided us in the preparation and extensive review of the ancillary package. This list of contributors and reviewers is comprehensive of those who have contributed across editions at this time and will continue to grow as new resources are developed.

Jim Swofford
University of South Alabama

John Dawson
Appalachian State University

Benjamin Powell
Suffolk University

Paul Fisher
Henry Ford College

Solina Lindahl
California Polytechnic State University

Michael Applegate
Oklahoma State University, Main Campus

David Gillette
Truman State University

David Youngberg
George Mason University

Eli Dourado
George Mason University

Garett Jones
George Mason University

Jennifer Platania
University of West Florida

David Kalist
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

Mark Wheeler
Western Michigan University

Bhavneet Walia
Western Illinois University

Sheng Yang
Black Hills State University

Lillian Kamal
University of Hartford

James Self
Indiana University

Kyle Hampton
University of Alaska, Anchorage

Kenneth Slaysman
York College of Pennsylvania

Alanna Holowinsky
Red River College

Irina Pritchett
North Carolina State University

James Watson
University of Colorado—Boulder

Pat Euzent
University of Central Florida

Brett Block
University of Colorado—Boulder

Douglas Campbell
University of Memphis

Ryan Oprea
University of California, Santa Cruz

Margaret Aproberts-Warren
University of California, Santa Cruz

Tyler Watts
Ball State University

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We were fortunate to have eagle-eyed readers of the proofs of the book during the production process: Paul Fisher, Henry Ford College, and Daniel Lin, American University. Paul Fisher, Henry Ford College, contributed numerous new problems and solutions. Our student Michael Lauck provided invaluable help in updating figures and tables. The Mercatus Center supplied an essential work environment. Jane Perry helped us to proof many of the chapters and with Lisa Hill-Corley provided important daily assistance. Teresa Hartnett has done a great job as our agent.

Most of all we are grateful to the team at Worth. The idea for this book was conceived by Paul Shensa, who has seen it through with wise advice from day one until the end. Chuck Linsmeier has been a wonderful publisher and Carlise Stembridge has led the editing work and been a joy to work with. Becca Hicks was a delight to work with and introduced us to the key elements of a textbook. Bruce Kaplan, our primary development editor, is the George Martin of book production; he has done a tremendous amount of nitty-gritty work on the manuscript to make every note just right and he has offered excellent counsel throughout.

We are fortunate to have had such a talented production and design group for our book. Fred Dahl coordinated the entire production process with the help of Lisa Kinne. Diana Blume created the beautiful interior design and the cover. Robin Fadool went beyond the call of duty in tracking down sometimes obscure photos. Barbara Seixas showed a deft hand with the manufacturing aspects of the book. It has been a delight to work with all of them.

The supplements were put together by several people. Lindsay Neff put together the supplements team and ably brought the supplements and media package to market. Stacey Alexander and Edgar Doolan helped finalize and produce the content.

Tom Digiano stands out in the marketing of this book. He has been energetic and relentless.

Most of all, we want to thank our families for their support and understanding. Tyler wishes to offer his personal thanks to Natasha and Yana. It is Alex’s great fortune to be able to thank Monique, Connor, and Maxwell and his parents for years of support and encouragement.

Tyler Cowen

Alex Tabarrok

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