Preface |
Acknowledgments |
I |
1 |
Evolution, Science, and Molecular Biology |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Jack Szostak, on his discovery of self- |
1.1 The Evolution of Life on Earth |
What Is Life? |
Evolution Underpins Molecular Biology |
Life on Earth Probably Began with RNA |
The Last Universal Common Ancestor Is the Root of the Tree of Life |
Evolution by Natural Selection Requires Variation and Competition |
1.2 How Scientists Do Science |
Science Is a Path to Understanding the Natural Universe |
The Scientific Method Underlies Scientific Progress |
The Scientific Method Is a Versatile Instrument of Discovery |
Scientists Work within a Community of Scholars |
Adenine Could Be Synthesized with Prebiotic Chemistry |
Clay Had a Role in Prebiotic Evolution |
Darwin’s World Helped Him Connect the Dots |
2 |
DNA: The Repository of Biological Information |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY James Berger, on his discovery of the structure and mechanism of topoisomerase II |
2.1 Mendelian Genetics |
Mendel’s First Law: Allele Pairs Segregate during Gamete Formation |
Mendel’s Second Law: Different Genes Assort Independently during Gamete Formation |
There Are Exceptions to Mendel’s Laws |
2.2 Cytogenetics: Chromosome Movements during Mitosis and Meiosis |
Cells Contain Chromosomes and Other Internal Structures |
Mitosis: Cells Evenly Divide Chromosomes between New Cells |
Meiosis: Chromosome Number Is Halved during Gamete Formation |
2.3 The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance |
Sex- |
Linked Genes Do Not Segregate Independently |
Recombination Unlinks Alleles |
Recombination Frequency Can Be Used to Map Genes along Chromosomes |
2.4 Foundations of Molecular Genetics |
DNA Is the Chemical of Heredity |
Genes Encode Polypeptides and Functional RNAs |
The Central Dogma: Information Flows from DNA to RNA to Protein— |
Mutations in DNA Give Rise to Phenotypic Change |
Chromosome Pairs Segregate during Gamete Formation in a Way That Mirrors the Mendelian Behavior of Genes |
Corn Crosses Uncover the Molecular Mechanism of Crossing Over |
Hershey and Chase Settle the Matter: DNA Is the Genetic Material |
3 |
Chemical Basis of Information Molecules |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Roxana Georgescu, on her discovery of how beta processivity clamps bind DNA |
3.1 Chemical Building Blocks of Nucleic Acids and Proteins |
Nucleic Acids Are Long Chains of Nucleotides |
Proteins Are Long Polymers of Amino Acids |
Chemical Composition Helps Determine Nucleic Acid and Protein Structure |
Chemical Composition Can Be Altered by Postsynthetic Changes |
3.2 Chemical Bonds |
Electrons Are Shared in Covalent Bonds and Transferred in Ionic Bonds |
Chemical Bonds Are Explainable in Quantum Mechanical Terms |
Forming and Breaking of Chemical Bonds Involves Energy Transfer |
Electron Distribution between Bonded Atoms Determines Molecular Behavior |
3.3 Weak Chemical Interactions |
Van der Waals Forces Are Nonspecific Contacts between Atoms |
The Hydrophobic Effect Brings Together Nonpolar Molecules |
Adjacent Bases in Nucleic Acids Participate in Noncovalent Interactions |
Hydrogen Bonds Are a Special Kind of Noncovalent Bond |
Combined Effects of Weak Chemical Interactions Stabilize Macromolecular Structures |
Weak Chemical Bonds Also Facilitate Macromolecular Interactions |
3.4 Stereochemistry |
Three- |
Biological Molecules and Processes Selectively Use One Stereoisomer |
Proteins and Nucleic Acids Are Chiral |
3.5 The Role of pH and Ionization |
The Hydrogen Ion Concentration of a Solution Is Measured by pH |
Buffers Prevent Dramatic Changes in pH |
The Henderson- |
3.6 Chemical Reactions in Biology |
The Mechanism and Speed of Chemical Transformation Define Chemical Reactions |
Biological Systems Follow the Laws of Thermodynamics |
Catalysts Increase the Rates of Biological Reactions |
Energy Is Stored and Released by Making and Breaking Phosphodiester Bonds |
Single Hydrogen Atoms Are Speed Bumps in Enzyme- |
Peptide Bonds Are (Mostly) Flat |
4 |
Protein Structure |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Steve Mayo, on his discovery of the first successful method for computational protein design |
4.1 Primary Structure |
Amino Acids Are Categorized by Chemical Properties |
Amino Acids Are Connected in a Polypeptide Chain |
Evolutionary Relationships Can Be Determined from Primary Sequence Comparisons |
4.2 Secondary Structure |
The α Helix Is a Common Form of Secondary Protein Structure |
The β Conformation Forms Sheetlike Structures |
Reverse Turns Allow Secondary Structures to Fold |
4.3 Tertiary and Quaternary Structures |
Tertiary and Quaternary Structures Can Be Represented in Different Ways |
Domains Are Independent Folding Units within the Protein |
Supersecondary Structural Elements Are Building Blocks of Domains |
Quaternary Structures Range from Simple to Complex |
Intrinsically Unstructured Proteins Have Versatile Binding Properties |
Protein Structures Help Explain Protein Evolution |
4.4 Protein Folding |
Predicting Protein Folding Is a Goal of Computational Biology |
Polypeptides Fold through a Molten Globule Intermediate |
Chaperones and Chaperonins Can Facilitate Protein Folding |
Protein Isomerases Assist in the Folding of Some Proteins |
4.5 Determining the Atomic Structure of Proteins |
Most Protein Structures Are Solved by X- |
Smaller Protein Structures Can Be Determined by NMR |
Sequence Comparisons Yield an Evolutionary Roadmap from Bird Influenza to a Deadly Human Pandemic |
We Can Tell That a Protein Binds ATP by Looking at Its Sequence |
Disulfide Bonds Act as Molecular Cross- |
5 |
Protein Function |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Smita Patel, on her early work with the T7 gene 4– |
5.1 Protein- |
Reversible Binding of Proteins to Other Molecules Follows Defined Principles |
Protein- |
DNA- |
5.2 Enzymes: The Reaction Catalysts of Biological Systems |
Enzymes Catalyze Specific Biological Reactions |
Enzymes Increase the Rate of a Reaction by Lowering the Activation Energy |
The Rates of Enzyme- |
DNA Ligase Activity Illustrates Some Principles of Catalysis |
5.3 Motor Proteins |
Helicases Abound in DNA and RNA Metabolism |
Helicase Mechanisms Have Characteristic Molecular Parameters |
5.4 The Regulation of Protein Function |
Modulator Binding Causes Conformational Changes in Allosteric Proteins |
Allosteric Enzymes Have Distinctive Binding and/or Kinetic Properties |
Autoinhibition Can Affect Enzyme Activity |
Some Proteins Are Regulated by Reversible Covalent Modification |
Phosphoryl Groups Affect the Structure and Catalytic Activity of Proteins |
Some Proteins Are Regulated by Proteolytic Cleavage |
The Discovery of the Lactose Repressor: One of the Great Sagas of Molecular Biology |
The lacI Gene Encodes a Repressor |
Discovery of the Lactose Repressor Helped Give Rise to DNA Sequencing |
II |
6 |
DNA and RNA Structure |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Jamie Cate, on determining the molecular structure of the bacterial ribosome |
6.1 The Structure and Properties of Nucleotides |
Nucleotides Comprise Phosphates and Characteristic Bases and Sugars |
Phosphodiester Bonds Link the Nucleotide Units in Nucleic Acids |
The Properties of Nucleotide Bases Affect the Three- |
Nucleotides Play Additional Roles in Cells |
6.2 DNA Structure |
DNA Molecules Have Distinctive Base Compositions |
DNA Is Usually a Right- |
DNA Adopts Different Helical Forms |
Certain DNA Sequences Adopt Unusual Structures |
6.3 RNA Structure |
RNAs Have Helical Secondary Structures |
RNAs Form Various Stable Three- |
6.4 Chemical and Thermodynamic Properties of Nucleic Acids |
Double- |
Nucleic Acids from Different Species Can Form Hybrids |
Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids Undergo Uncatalyzed Chemical Transformations |
Base Methylation in DNA Plays an Important Role in Regulating Gene Expression |
RNA Molecules Are Often Site- |
The Chemical Synthesis of DNA and RNA Has Been Automated |
DNA Is a Double Helix |
DNA Helices Have Unique Geometries That Depend on Their Sequence |
Ribosomal RNA Sequence Comparisons Provided the First Hints of the Structural Richness of RNA |
7 |
Studying Genes |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Norman Arnheim, on the discovery of interspersed CA repeats in genomic DNA |
7.1 Isolating Genes for Study (Cloning) |
Genes Are Cloned by Insertion into Cloning Vectors |
Cloning Vectors Allow Amplification of Inserted DNA Segments |
DNA Libraries Provide Specialized Catalogs of Genetic Information |
7.2 Working with Genes and Their Products |
Gene Sequences Can Be Amplified with the Polymerase Chain Reaction |
The Sanger Method Identifies Nucleotide Sequences in Cloned Genes |
Genomic Sequencing Is Aided by New Generations of DNA Sequencing Methods |
Cloned Genes Can Be Expressed to Amplify Protein Production |
Many Different Systems Are Used to Express Recombinant Proteins |
Alteration of Cloned Genes Produces Altered Proteins |
Terminal Tags Provide Handles for Affinity Purification |
7.3 Understanding the Functions of Genes and Their Products |
Protein Fusions and Immunofluorescence Can Localize Proteins in Cells |
Proteins Can Be Detected in Cellular Extracts with the Aid of Western Blots |
Protein- |
DNA Microarrays Reveal Cellular Protein Expression Patterns and Other Information |
A Gene’s Function Can Be Elucidated by Examining the Effects of Its Absence |
New Enzymes Take Molecular Biologists from Cloning to Genetically Modified Organisms |
A Dreamy Night Ride on a California Byway Gives Rise to the Polymerase Chain Reaction |
Coelenterates Show Biologists the Light |
8 |
Genomes, Transcriptomes, and Proteomes |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Joe DeRisi, on his discovery of the SARS virus |
8.1 Genomes and Genomics |
Many Genomes Have Been Sequenced in Their Entirety |
Annotation Provides a Description of the Genome |
Genome Databases Provide Information about Every Type of Organism |
The Human Genome Contains Many Types of Sequences |
Genome Sequencing Informs Us about Our Humanity |
Genome Comparisons Help Locate Genes Involved in Disease |
8.2 Transcriptomes and Proteomes |
Special Cellular Functions Are Revealed in a Cell’s Transcriptome |
High- |
The Proteins Generated by a Cell Constitute Its Proteome |
Electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry Support Proteomics Research |
Computational Approaches Help Elucidate Protein Function |
Experimental Approaches Reveal Protein Interaction Networks |
8.3 Our Genetic History |
All Living Things Have a Common Ancestor |
Genome Comparisons Provide Clues to Our Evolutionary Past |
The Human Journey Began in Africa |
Human Migrations Are Recorded in Haplotypes |
Haemophilus influenzae Ushers in the Era of Genome Sequences |
9 |
Topology: Functional Deformations of DNA |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Carlos Bustamante, on discovering the elasticity of DNA |
9.1 Chromosomes: An Overview |
Chromosome Function Relies on Specialized Genomic Sequences |
Chromosomes Are Longer Than the Cellular or Viral Packages Containing Them |
9.2 DNA Supercoiling |
Most Cellular DNA Is Underwound |
DNA Underwinding Is Defined by the Topological Linking Number |
DNA Compaction Requires a Special Form of Supercoiling |
9.3 The Enzymes That Promote DNA Compaction |
Topoisomerases Catalyze Changes in the Linking Number of DNA |
The Two Bacterial Type II Topoisomerases Have Distinct Functions |
Eukaryotic Topoisomerases Have Specialized Functions in DNA Metabolism |
SMC Proteins Facilitate the Condensation of Chromatin |
The Discovery of Supercoiled DNA Goes through Twists and Turns |
The First DNA Topoisomerase Unravels Some Mysteries |
DNA Gyrase Passes the Strand Test |
10 |
Nucleosomes, Chromatin, and Chromosome Structure |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY C. David Allis, on establishing that p55 from Tetrahymena is a histone acetylase, as is transcription factor Gcn5 |
10.1 Nucleosomes: The Basic Units of DNA Condensation |
Histone Octamers Organize DNA into Repeating Units |
DNA Wraps around a Single Histone Octamer |
Histone Tails Mediate Internucleosome Connections That Regulate the Accessibility of DNA |
10.2 Higher- |
Histone H1 Binds the Nucleosome |
Chromosomes Condense into a Compact Chromatin Filament |
Higher- |
Bacterial DNA, Like Eukaryotic DNA, Is Highly Organized |
10.3 Regulation of Chromosome Structure |
Nucleosomes Are Intrinsically Dynamic |
ATP- |
Variant Histone Subunits Alter DNA- |
Nucleosome Assembly Requires Chaperones |
Modifications of Histone Tails Alter DNA Accessibility |
Proteins with Bromodomains and Chromodomains Bind Modified Histones |
Histone Modifications and Remodeling Complexes May Read a Histone Code |
Histone Modifying Enzymes Maintain Epigenetic States through Cell Division |
Kornberg Wrapped His Mind around the Histone Octamer |
A Transcription Factor Can Acetylate Histones |
11 |
DNA Replication |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Robert Lehman, on discovering DNA ligase |
11.1 DNA Transactions during Replication |
DNA Replication Is Semiconservative |
Replication Is Initiated at Origins and Proceeds Bidirectionally |
Replication Is Semidiscontinuous |
11.2 The Chemistry of DNA Polymerases |
DNA Polymerases Elongate DNA in the 5′→3′ Direction |
Most DNA Polymerases Have DNA Exonuclease Activity |
Five E. coli DNA Polymerases Function in DNA Replication and Repair |
DNA Polymerase Structure Reveals the Basis for Its Accuracy |
Processivity Increases the Efficiency of DNA Polymerase Activity |
11.3 Mechanics of the DNA Replication Fork |
DNA Polymerase III Is the Replicative Polymerase in E. coli |
A DNA Sliding Clamp Increases the Speed and Processivity of the Chromosomal Replicase |
Many Different Proteins Advance a Replication Fork |
Helicase Activity Is Stimulated by Its Connection to the DNA Polymerase |
DNA Loops Repeatedly Grow and Collapse on the Lagging Strand |
Okazaki Fragments Require Removal of RNA and Ligase- |
The Replication Fork Is More Complex in Eukaryotes Than in Bacteria |
11.4 Initiation of DNA Replication |
Assembly of the Replication Fork Follows an Ordered Sequence of Events |
Replication Initiation in E. coli Is Controlled at Multiple Steps |
Eukaryotic Origins “Fire” Only Once per Cell Cycle |
11.5 Termination of DNA Replication |
E. coli Chromosome Replication Terminates Opposite the Origin |
Telomeres and Telomerase Solve the End Replication Problem in Eukaryotes |
Telomere Length Is Associated with Immortality and Cancer |
Telomeres are Protected and Regulated by Proteins |
DNA Polymerase Reads the Sequence of the DNA Template to Copy the DNA |
Polymerase Processivity Depends on a Circular Protein That Slides along DNA |
Replication Requires an Origin |
12 |
DNA Mutation and Repair |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Rose Byrne, on her discovery that E. coli could become a radiation- |
12.1 Types of DNA Mutations |
A Point Mutation Can Alter One Amino Acid |
Small Insertion and Deletion Mutations Change Protein Length |
Some Mutations Are Very Large and Form Abnormal Chromosomes |
12.2 DNA Alterations That Lead to Mutations |
Spontaneous DNA Damage by Water Can Cause Point Mutations |
Oxidative Damage and Alkylating Agents Can Create Point Mutations and Strand Breaks |
The Ames Test Identifies DNA- |
DNA- |
Solar Radiation Causes Interbase Cross- |
Errant Replication and Recombination Lead to DNA Damage |
12.3 Mechanisms of DNA Repair |
Mismatch Repair Fixes Misplaced- |
Direct Repair Corrects a Damaged Nucleotide Base in One Step |
Base Excision Repairs Subtle Alterations in Nucleotide Bases |
Nucleotide Excision Repair Removes Bulky Damaged Bases |
Recombination Repairs Lesions That Break DNA |
Specialized Translesion DNA Polymerases Extend DNA Past a Lesion |
Mismatch Repair in E. coli Requires DNA Methylation |
UV Lights Up the Pathway to DNA Damage Repair |
Translesion DNA Polymerases Produce DNA Mutations |
13 |
Recombinational DNA Repair and Homologous Recombination |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Lorraine Symington, on discovering how DNA ends are processed to initiate DNA recombination |
13.1 Recombination as a DNA Repair Process |
Double- |
Collapsed Replication Forks Are Reconstructed by Double- |
A Stalled Replication Fork Requires Fork Regression |
Single- |
13.2 Enzymatic Machines in Bacterial Recombinational DNA Repair |
RecBCD and RecFOR Initiate Recombinational Repair |
RecA Protein Is the Bacterial Recombinase |
RecA Protein Is Subject to Regulation |
Multiple Enzymes Process DNA Intermediates Created by RecA |
Repair of the Replication Fork in Bacteria Can Lead to Dimeric Chromosomes |
13.3 Homologous Recombination in Eukaryotes |
Meiotic Recombination Is Initiated at Double- |
Meiotic Recombination Is Completed by a Classic DSBR Pathway |
Meiotic Recombination Contributes to Genetic Diversity |
Recombination during Mitosis Is Also Initiated at Double- |
Programmed Gene Conversion Events Can Affect Gene Function and Regulation |
Some Introns Move via Homologous Recombination |
13.4 Nonhomologous End Joining |
Nonhomologous End Joining Repairs Double- |
Nonhomologous End Joining Is Promoted by a Set of Conserved Enzymes |
Recombination Systems Are Being Harnessed for Genome Editing |
A Motivated Graduate Student Inspires the Discovery of Recombination Genes in Bacteria |
A Biochemical Masterpiece Catches a Recombination Protein in the Act |
14 |
Site- |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Wei Yang, on researching the structure and molecular mechanisms of γδ resolvase |
14.1 Mechanisms of Site- |
Precise DNA Rearrangements Are Promoted by Site- |
Site- |
Site- |
Site- |
Gene Expression Can Be Regulated by Site- |
14.2 Mechanisms of Transposition |
Transposition Takes Place by Three Major Pathways |
Bacteria Have Three Common Classes of Transposons |
Retrotransposons Are Especially Common in Eukaryotes |
Retrotransposons and Retroviruses Are Closely Related |
A Retrovirus Causes AIDS |
14.3 The Evolutionary Interplay of Transposons and Their Hosts |
Viruses, Transposons, and Introns Have an Interwoven Evolutionary History |
A Hybrid Recombination Process Assembles Immunoglobulin Genes |
Bacteriophage λ Provided the First Example of Site- |
If You Leave Out the Polyvinyl Alcohol, Transposition Gets Stuck |
15 |
Transcription: DNA- |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Robert Tjian, on discovering the first specific eukaryotic transcription factor |
15.1 RNA Polymerases and Transcription Basics |
RNA Polymerases Differ in Details but Share Many Features |
Transcription Initiation, Elongation, and Termination Occur in Discrete Steps |
DNA- |
Transcriptional Regulation Is a Central Mechanism in the Control of Gene Expression |
15.2 Transcription in Bacteria |
Promoter Sequences Alter the Strength and Frequency of Transcription |
Sigma Factors Specify Polymerase Binding to Particular Promoters |
Structural Changes Lead to Formation of the Transcription- |
Initiation Is Primer- |
Transcription Elongation Is Continuous until Termination |
Specific Sequences in the Template Strand Stop Transcription |
15.3 Transcription in Eukaryotes |
Eukaryotic Polymerases Recognize Characteristic Promoters |
Pol II Transcription Parallels Bacterial RNA Transcription |
Transcription Factors Play Specific Roles in the Transcription Process |
Transcription Initiation In Vivo Requires the Mediator Complex |
Termination Mechanisms Vary among RNA Polymerases |
Transcription Is Coupled to DNA Repair, RNA Processing, and mRNA Transport |
RNA Polymerase Is Recruited to Promoter Sequences |
RNA Polymerases Are Both Fast and Slow |
16 |
RNA Processing |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Melissa Jurica, on determining the first electron microscopic structures of spliceosomes |
16.1 Messenger RNA Capping and Polyadenylation |
Eukaryotic mRNAs Are Capped at the 5′ End |
Eukaryotic mRNAs Have a Distinctive 3′-End Structure |
mRNA Capping, Polyadenylation, and Splicing Are Coordinately Regulated during Transcription |
16.2 Pre- |
Eukaryotic mRNAs Are Synthesized as Precursors Containing Introns |
Alternative RNA Splicing Can Generate Multiple Products from a Gene |
The Spliceosome Catalyzes Most Pre- |
Some Introns Can Self- |
Exons from Different RNA Molecules Can Be Fused by Trans-Splicing |
RNA Editing Can Involve the Insertion or Deletion of Bases |
RNA Editing by Substitution Involves Deamination of A or C Residues |
16.3 RNA Transport and Degradation |
Different Kinds of RNA Use Different Nuclear Export Pathways |
mRNA Export from the Nucleus Is Coupled to Pre- |
Some mRNAs Are Localized to Specific Regions of the Cytoplasm |
Cellular mRNAs Are Degraded at Different Rates |
Processing Bodies Are the Sites of mRNA Storage and Degradation in Eukaryotic Cells |
16.4 Processing of Non- |
Maturation of tRNAs Involves Site- |
Maturation of rRNA Involves Site- |
Small Regulatory RNAs Are Derived from Larger Precursor Transcripts |
16.5 RNA Catalysis and the RNA World Hypothesis |
Ribozymes Catalyze Similar Kinds of Reactions But Have Diverse Functions |
Could RNA Have Formed the Basis for Early Life on Earth? |
Studying Autoimmunity Led to the Discovery of snRNPs |
RNA Molecules Are Fine- |
Ribozyme Form Explains Function |
17 |
The Genetic Code |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Steve Benner, on discovering that borate minerals stabilize ribose |
17.1 Deciphering the Genetic Code: tRNA as Adaptor |
All tRNAs Have a Similar Structure |
The Genetic Code Is Degenerate |
Wobble Enables One tRNA to Recognize Two or More Codons |
Specific Codons Start and Stop Translation |
The Genetic Code Resists Single- |
Some Mutations Are Suppressed by Special tRNAs |
17.2 The Rules of the Code |
The Genetic Code Is Nonoverlapping |
There Are No Gaps in the Genetic Code |
The Genetic Code Is Read in Triplets |
Protein Synthesis Is Linear |
17.3 Cracking the Code |
Random Synthetic RNA Polymers Direct Protein Synthesis in Cell Extracts |
RNA Polymers of Defined Sequence Complete the Code |
The Genetic Code Is Validated in Living Cells |
17.4 Exceptions Proving the Rules |
Evolution of the Translation Machinery Is a Mystery |
Mitochondrial tRNAs Deviate from the Universal Genetic Code |
Initiation and Termination Rules Have Exceptions |
Transfer RNA Connects mRNA and Protein |
Proteins Are Synthesized from the N- |
The Genetic Code In Vivo Matches the Genetic Code In Vitro |
18 |
Protein Synthesis |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Harry Noller, on discovering the functional importance of ribosomal RNA |
18.1 The Ribosome |
The Ribosome Is an RNA- |
Ribosomal Subunits Associate and Dissociate in Each Cycle of Translation |
The Ribosome Is a Ribozyme |
The Ribosome Structure Facilitates Peptide Bond Formation |
18.2 Activation of Amino Acids for Protein Synthesis |
Amino Acids Are Activated and Linked to Specific tRNAs |
Aminoacyl- |
The Structure of tRNA Allows Accurate Recognition by tRNA Synthetases |
Proofreading Ensures the Fidelity of Aminoacyl- |
18.3 Initiation of Protein Synthesis |
Base Pairing Recruits the Small Ribosomal Subunit to Bacterial mRNAs |
Eukaryotic mRNAs Recruit the Small Ribosomal Subunit Indirectly |
A Specific Amino Acid Initiates Protein Synthesis |
Initiation in Bacterial Cells Requires Three Initiation Factors |
Initiation in Eukaryotic Cells Requires Additional Initiation Factors |
Some mRNAs Use 5’ End– |
18.4 Elongation and Termination of the Polypeptide Chain |
Peptide Bonds Are Formed in the Translation Elongation Stage |
Substrate Positioning and the Incoming tRNA Contribute to Peptide Bond Formation |
EF- |
GTP Binding and Hydrolysis Regulate Successive Elongation Cycles |
An mRNA Stop Codon Signals Completion of a Polypeptide Chain |
Ribosome Recycling Factor Prepares Ribosomes for New Rounds of Translation |
Fast and Accurate Protein Synthesis Requires Energy |
Antibiotics and Toxins Frequently Target Protein Synthesis |
18.5 Translation- |
Ribosomes Stalled on Truncated mRNAs Are Rescued by tmRNA |
Eukaryotes Have Other Mechanisms to Detect Defective mRNAs |
18.6 Protein Folding, Covalent Modification, and Targeting |
Protein Folding Sometimes Requires the Assistance of Chaperones |
Covalent Modifications Are Common in Newly Synthesized Proteins |
Proteins Are Targeted to Correct Locations during or after Synthesis |
Some Chemical Modifications of Eukaryotic Proteins Take Place in the Endoplasmic Reticulum |
Glycosylation Plays a Key Role in Eukaryotic Protein Targeting |
Signal Sequences for Nuclear Transport Are Not Removed |
Bacteria Also Use Signal Sequences for Protein Targeting |
The Ribosome Is a Ribozyme |
Ribosomes Check the Accuracy of Codon- |
IV |
19 |
Regulating the Flow of Information |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Lin He, on discovering that microRNA overexpression accelerates tumor development |
19.1 Regulation of Transcription Initiation |
Activators and Repressors Control RNA Polymerase Function at a Promoter |
Transcription Factors Can Function by DNA Looping |
Regulators Often Work Together for Signal Integration |
Gene Expression Is Regulated through Feedback Loops |
Related Sets of Genes Are Often Regulated Together |
Eukaryotic Promoters Use More Regulators Than Bacterial Promoters |
Multiple Regulators Provide Combinatorial Control |
Regulation by Nucleosomes Is Specific to Eukaryotes |
19.2 The Structural Basis of Transcriptional Regulation |
Transcription Factors Interact with DNA and Proteins through Structural Motifs |
Transcription Activators Have Separate DNA- |
19.3 Posttranscriptional Regulation of Gene Expression |
Some Regulatory Mechanisms Act on the Nascent RNA Transcript |
Small RNAs Can Affect mRNA Stability |
Some Genes Are Regulated at the Level of Translation |
Some Covalent Modifications Regulate Protein Function |
Gene Expression Can Be Regulated by Intracellular Localization |
Protein Degradation by Ubiquitination Modulates Gene Expression |
Plasmids Have the Answer to Enhancer Action |
20 |
The Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Bonnie Bassler, on her discovery of interspecies quorum sensing |
20.1 Transcriptional Regulation |
The lac Operon Is Subject to Negative Regulation |
The lac Operon Also Undergoes Positive Regulation |
CRP Functions with Activators or Repressors to Control Gene Transcription |
Transcription Attenuation Often Controls Amino Acid Biosynthesis |
The SOS Response Leads to Coordinated Transcription of Many Genes |
20.2 Beyond Transcription: Control of Other Steps in the Gene Expression Pathway |
RNA Sequences or Structures Can Control Gene Expression Levels |
Translation of Ribosomal Proteins Is Coordinated with rRNA Synthesis |
20.3 Control of Gene Expression in Bacteriophages |
Phage Propagation Can Take One of Two Forms |
Differential Activation of Promoters Regulates λ Phage Infection |
The λ Repressor Functions as Both an Activator and a Repressor |
More Regulation Levels Are Invoked during the λ Phage Life Cycle |
TRAPped RNA Inhibits Expression of Tryptophan Biosynthetic Genes in Bacillus subtilis |
Autoinducer Analysis Reveals Possibilities for Treating Cholera |
21 |
The Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Tracy Johnson, on discovering that pre- |
21.1 Basic Mechanisms of Eukaryotic Transcriptional Activation |
Eukaryotic Transcription Is Regulated by Chromatin Structure |
Positive Regulation of Eukaryotic Promoters Involves Multiple Protein Activators |
Transcription Activators and Coactivators Help Assemble General Transcription Factors |
21.2 Combinatorial Control of Gene Expression |
Combinatorial Control of the Yeast GAL Genes Involves Positive and Negative Regulation |
Combinatorial Control of Transcription Causes Mating- |
Combinatorial Mixtures of Heterodimers Regulate Transcription |
Differentiation Requires Extensive Use of Combinatorial Control |
21.3 Transcriptional Regulation Mechanisms Unique to Eukaryotes |
Insulators Separate Adjacent Genes in a Chromosome |
Some Activators Assemble into Enhanceosomes |
Gene Silencing Can Inactivate Large Regions of Chromosomes |
Imprinting Allows Selective Gene Expression from One Allele Only |
Dosage Compensation Balances Gene Expression from Sex Chromosomes |
Steroid Hormones Bind Nuclear Receptors That Regulate Gene Expression |
Nonsteroid Hormones Control Gene Expression by Triggering Protein Phosphorylation |
Transcription Factors Bind Thousands of Sites in the Fruit Fly Genome |
Muscle Tissue Differentiation Reveals Surprising Plasticity in the Basal Transcription Machinery |
22 |
The Posttranscriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes |
MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Judith Kimble, on the discovery that noncoding regions of mRNA regulate cell fate |
22.1 Posttranscriptional Control inside the Nucleus |
Alternative Splicing Controls Sex Determination in Fruit Flies |
Multiple mRNA Cleavage Sites Allow the Production of Multiple Proteins |
Nuclear Transport Regulates Which mRNAs Are Selected for Translation |
22.2 Translational Control in the Cytoplasm |
Initiation Can Be Suppressed by Phosphorylation of eIF |
The 3′UTR of Some mRNAs Controls Translational Efficiency |
Upstream Open Reading Frames Control the Translation of GCN4 mRNA |
mRNA Degradation Rates Can Control Translational Efficiency |
22.3 The Large- |
Some Sets of Genes Are Regulated by Pre- |
5′UTRs and 3′UTRs Coordinate the Translation of Multiple mRNAs |
Conserved AU- |
22.4 RNA Interference |
Eukaryotic MicroRNAs Target mRNAs for Gene Silencing |
Short Interfering RNAs Target mRNAs for Degradation |
RNAi Pathways Regulate Viral Gene Expression |
RNAi Provides a Useful Tool for Molecular Biologists |
RNAs Regulate a Wide Range of Cellular Processes |
22.5 Putting It All Together: Gene Regulation in Development |
Development Depends on Asymmetric Cell Divisions and Cell- |
Early Development Is Mediated by Maternal Genes |
Segmentation Genes Specify the Development of Body Segments and Tissues |
Homeotic Genes Control the Development of Organs and Appendages |
Stem Cells Have Developmental Potential That Can Be Controlled |
22.6 Finale: Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology, and Evolution |
The Interface of Evolutionary and Developmental Biology Defines a New Field |
Small Genetic Differences Can Produce Dramatic Phenotypic Changes |
A Natural Collaboration Reveals a Binding Protein for a 3′UTR |
Little RNAs Play a Big Role in Controlling Gene Expression |
Everything Old Is New Again: Beauty at the Turn of a Developmental Switch |
Model Organisms Appendix |
A Few Organisms Are Models for Understanding Common Life Processes |
Three Approaches Are Used to Study Human Disease |
Bacterium, Escherichia coli |
Early Studies of E. coli as a Model Organism |
Life Cycle |
Genetic Techniques |
E. coli as a Model Organism Today |
Budding Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Early Studies of Yeast as a Model Organism |
Life Cycle |
Genetic Techniques |
Yeast as a Model Organism Today |
Bread Mold, Neurospora crassa |
Early Studies of Neurospora as a Model Organism |
Life Cycle |
Genetic Techniques |
Neurospora as a Model Organism Today |
Nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans |
Early Studies of C. elegans as a Model Organism |
Life Cycle |
Genetic Techniques |
C. elegans as a Model Organism Today |
Mustard Weed, Arabidopsis thaliana |
Early Studies of Arabidopsis as a Model Organism |
Life Cycle |
Genetic Techniques |
Arabidopsis as a Model Organism Today |
Fruit Fly, Drosophila melanogaster |
Early Studies of Drosophila as a Model Organism |
Life Cycle |
Genetic Techniques |
Drosophila as a Model Organism Today |
House Mouse, Mus musculus |
Early Studies of the Mouse as a Model Organism |
Life Cycle |
Genetic Techniques |
The Mouse as a Model Organism Today |
Glossary |
Solutions to Problems |
Index |