



















Evolution, Science, and Molecular Biology


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Jack Szostak, on his discovery of self-dividing vesicles that mimic growing cells


1.1 The Evolution of Life on Earth


What Is Life?


Evolution Underpins Molecular Biology


HIGHLIGHT 1-1 EVOLUTION Observing Evolution in the Laboratory


Life on Earth Probably Began with RNA


The Last Universal Common Ancestor Is the Root of the Tree of Life


Evolution by Natural Selection Requires Variation and Competition


1.2 How Scientists Do Science


Science Is a Path to Understanding the Natural Universe


The Scientific Method Underlies Scientific Progress


The Scientific Method Is a Versatile Instrument of Discovery


Scientists Work within a Community of Scholars




Adenine Could Be Synthesized with Prebiotic Chemistry


Clay Had a Role in Prebiotic Evolution


Darwin’s World Helped Him Connect the Dots


DNA: The Repository of Biological Information


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY James Berger, on his discovery of the structure and mechanism of topoisomerase II


2.1 Mendelian Genetics


Mendel’s First Law: Allele Pairs Segregate during Gamete Formation


Mendel’s Second Law: Different Genes Assort Independently during Gamete Formation


There Are Exceptions to Mendel’s Laws


2.2 Cytogenetics: Chromosome Movements during Mitosis and Meiosis


Cells Contain Chromosomes and Other Internal Structures


Mitosis: Cells Evenly Divide Chromosomes between New Cells


Meiosis: Chromosome Number Is Halved during Gamete Formation


2.3 The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance


Sex-Linked Genes in the Fruit Fly Reveal That Genes Are on Chromosomes


Linked Genes Do Not Segregate Independently


Recombination Unlinks Alleles


Recombination Frequency Can Be Used to Map Genes along Chromosomes


2.4 Foundations of Molecular Genetics


DNA Is the Chemical of Heredity


Genes Encode Polypeptides and Functional RNAs


The Central Dogma: Information Flows from DNA to RNA to Protein—Usually


Mutations in DNA Give Rise to Phenotypic Change


HIGHLIGHT 2-1 MEDICINE The Molecular Biology of Sickle-Cell Anemia, a Recessive Genetic Disease of Hemoglobin




Chromosome Pairs Segregate during Gamete Formation in a Way That Mirrors the Mendelian Behavior of Genes


Corn Crosses Uncover the Molecular Mechanism of Crossing Over


Hershey and Chase Settle the Matter: DNA Is the Genetic Material


Chemical Basis of Information Molecules


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Roxana Georgescu, on her discovery of how beta processivity clamps bind DNA


3.1 Chemical Building Blocks of Nucleic Acids and Proteins


Nucleic Acids Are Long Chains of Nucleotides


Proteins Are Long Polymers of Amino Acids


Chemical Composition Helps Determine Nucleic Acid and Protein Structure


Chemical Composition Can Be Altered by Postsynthetic Changes


3.2 Chemical Bonds


Electrons Are Shared in Covalent Bonds and Transferred in Ionic Bonds


Chemical Bonds Are Explainable in Quantum Mechanical Terms


Forming and Breaking of Chemical Bonds Involves Energy Transfer


Electron Distribution between Bonded Atoms Determines Molecular Behavior


3.3 Weak Chemical Interactions


Van der Waals Forces Are Nonspecific Contacts between Atoms


The Hydrophobic Effect Brings Together Nonpolar Molecules


Adjacent Bases in Nucleic Acids Participate in Noncovalent Interactions


Hydrogen Bonds Are a Special Kind of Noncovalent Bond


Combined Effects of Weak Chemical Interactions Stabilize Macromolecular Structures


Weak Chemical Bonds Also Facilitate Macromolecular Interactions


3.4 Stereochemistry


Three-Dimensional Atomic Arrangements Define Molecules


Biological Molecules and Processes Selectively Use One Stereoisomer


Proteins and Nucleic Acids Are Chiral


HIGHLIGHT 3-1 MEDICINE The Behavior of a Peptide Made of d-Amino Acids


3.5 The Role of pH and Ionization


The Hydrogen Ion Concentration of a Solution Is Measured by pH


Buffers Prevent Dramatic Changes in pH


The Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation Estimates the pH of a Buffered Solution


3.6 Chemical Reactions in Biology


The Mechanism and Speed of Chemical Transformation Define Chemical Reactions


Biological Systems Follow the Laws of Thermodynamics


Catalysts Increase the Rates of Biological Reactions


Energy Is Stored and Released by Making and Breaking Phosphodiester Bonds


HIGHLIGHT 3-2 EVOLUTION ATP: The Critical Molecule of Energy Exchange in All Cells




Single Hydrogen Atoms Are Speed Bumps in Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions


Peptide Bonds Are (Mostly) Flat


Protein Structure


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Steve Mayo, on his discovery of the first successful method for computational protein design


4.1 Primary Structure


Amino Acids Are Categorized by Chemical Properties


Amino Acids Are Connected in a Polypeptide Chain


Evolutionary Relationships Can Be Determined from Primary Sequence Comparisons


HIGHLIGHT 4-1 A CLOSER LOOK Purification of Proteins by Column Chromatography and SDS-PAGE


4.2 Secondary Structure


The α Helix Is a Common Form of Secondary Protein Structure


The β Conformation Forms Sheetlike Structures


Reverse Turns Allow Secondary Structures to Fold


4.3 Tertiary and Quaternary Structures


Tertiary and Quaternary Structures Can Be Represented in Different Ways


Domains Are Independent Folding Units within the Protein


Supersecondary Structural Elements Are Building Blocks of Domains


Quaternary Structures Range from Simple to Complex


Intrinsically Unstructured Proteins Have Versatile Binding Properties


Protein Structures Help Explain Protein Evolution


HIGHLIGHT 4-2 A CLOSER LOOK Protein Structure Databases


4.4 Protein Folding


Predicting Protein Folding Is a Goal of Computational Biology


Polypeptides Fold through a Molten Globule Intermediate


HIGHLIGHT 4-3 MEDICINE Prion-Based Misfolding Diseases


Chaperones and Chaperonins Can Facilitate Protein Folding


Protein Isomerases Assist in the Folding of Some Proteins


4.5 Determining the Atomic Structure of Proteins


Most Protein Structures Are Solved by X-Ray Crystallography


Smaller Protein Structures Can Be Determined by NMR




Sequence Comparisons Yield an Evolutionary Roadmap from Bird Influenza to a Deadly Human Pandemic


We Can Tell That a Protein Binds ATP by Looking at Its Sequence


Disulfide Bonds Act as Molecular Cross-Braces to Stabilize a Protein


Protein Function


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Smita Patel, on her early work with the T7 gene 4–encoded DNA helicase


5.1 Protein-Ligand Interactions


Reversible Binding of Proteins to Other Molecules Follows Defined Principles


Protein-Ligand Interactions Can Be Quantified


DNA-Binding Proteins Guide Genome Structure and Function


5.2 Enzymes: The Reaction Catalysts of Biological Systems


Enzymes Catalyze Specific Biological Reactions


Enzymes Increase the Rate of a Reaction by Lowering the Activation Energy


The Rates of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions Can Be Quantified


HIGHLIGHT 5-1 A CLOSER LOOK Reversible and Irreversible Inhibition


DNA Ligase Activity Illustrates Some Principles of Catalysis


5.3 Motor Proteins


Helicases Abound in DNA and RNA Metabolism


Helicase Mechanisms Have Characteristic Molecular Parameters


5.4 The Regulation of Protein Function


Modulator Binding Causes Conformational Changes in Allosteric Proteins


Allosteric Enzymes Have Distinctive Binding and/or Kinetic Properties


Autoinhibition Can Affect Enzyme Activity


Some Proteins Are Regulated by Reversible Covalent Modification


Phosphoryl Groups Affect the Structure and Catalytic Activity of Proteins


Some Proteins Are Regulated by Proteolytic Cleavage


HIGHLIGHT 5-2 Medicine HIV Protease: Rational Drug Design Using Protein Structure




The Discovery of the Lactose Repressor: One of the Great Sagas of Molecular Biology


The lacI Gene Encodes a Repressor


Discovery of the Lactose Repressor Helped Give Rise to DNA Sequencing




DNA and RNA Structure


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Jamie Cate, on determining the molecular structure of the bacterial ribosome


6.1 The Structure and Properties of Nucleotides


Nucleotides Comprise Phosphates and Characteristic Bases and Sugars


Phosphodiester Bonds Link the Nucleotide Units in Nucleic Acids


The Properties of Nucleotide Bases Affect the Three-Dimensional Structure of Nucleic Acids


Nucleotides Play Additional Roles in Cells


6.2 DNA Structure


DNA Molecules Have Distinctive Base Compositions


DNA Is Usually a Right-Handed Double Helix


DNA Adopts Different Helical Forms


Certain DNA Sequences Adopt Unusual Structures




6.3 RNA Structure


RNAs Have Helical Secondary Structures


RNAs Form Various Stable Three-Dimensional Structures


6.4 Chemical and Thermodynamic Properties of Nucleic Acids


HIGHLIGHT 6-2 MEDICINE RNA Structure Governing HIV Gene Expression


Double-Helical DNA and RNA Can Be Denatured


Nucleic Acids from Different Species Can Form Hybrids


Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids Undergo Uncatalyzed Chemical Transformations


Base Methylation in DNA Plays an Important Role in Regulating Gene Expression


RNA Molecules Are Often Site-Specifically Modified In Vivo


The Chemical Synthesis of DNA and RNA Has Been Automated




DNA Is a Double Helix


DNA Helices Have Unique Geometries That Depend on Their Sequence


Ribosomal RNA Sequence Comparisons Provided the First Hints of the Structural Richness of RNA


Studying Genes


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Norman Arnheim, on the discovery of interspersed CA repeats in genomic DNA


7.1 Isolating Genes for Study (Cloning)


Genes Are Cloned by Insertion into Cloning Vectors


Cloning Vectors Allow Amplification of Inserted DNA Segments


DNA Libraries Provide Specialized Catalogs of Genetic Information


7.2 Working with Genes and Their Products


Gene Sequences Can Be Amplified with the Polymerase Chain Reaction


HIGHLIGHT 7-1 TECHNOLOGY A Potent Weapon in Forensic Medicine


The Sanger Method Identifies Nucleotide Sequences in Cloned Genes


Genomic Sequencing Is Aided by New Generations of DNA Sequencing Methods


Cloned Genes Can Be Expressed to Amplify Protein Production


Many Different Systems Are Used to Express Recombinant Proteins


Alteration of Cloned Genes Produces Altered Proteins


Terminal Tags Provide Handles for Affinity Purification


7.3 Understanding the Functions of Genes and Their Products


Protein Fusions and Immunofluorescence Can Localize Proteins in Cells


Proteins Can Be Detected in Cellular Extracts with the Aid of Western Blots


Protein-Protein Interactions Can Help Elucidate Protein Function


DNA Microarrays Reveal Cellular Protein Expression Patterns and Other Information


A Gene’s Function Can Be Elucidated by Examining the Effects of Its Absence




New Enzymes Take Molecular Biologists from Cloning to Genetically Modified Organisms


A Dreamy Night Ride on a California Byway Gives Rise to the Polymerase Chain Reaction


Coelenterates Show Biologists the Light


Genomes, Transcriptomes, and Proteomes


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Joe DeRisi, on his discovery of the SARS virus


8.1 Genomes and Genomics


Many Genomes Have Been Sequenced in Their Entirety


Annotation Provides a Description of the Genome


Genome Databases Provide Information about Every Type of Organism


HIGHLIGHT 8-1 TECHNOLOGY Sampling Biodiversity with Metagenomics


The Human Genome Contains Many Types of Sequences


Genome Sequencing Informs Us about Our Humanity


Genome Comparisons Help Locate Genes Involved in Disease


8.2 Transcriptomes and Proteomes


Special Cellular Functions Are Revealed in a Cell’s Transcriptome


High-Throughput DNA Sequencing Is Used in Transcriptome Analysis


The Proteins Generated by a Cell Constitute Its Proteome


Electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry Support Proteomics Research


Computational Approaches Help Elucidate Protein Function


Experimental Approaches Reveal Protein Interaction Networks


8.3 Our Genetic History


All Living Things Have a Common Ancestor


Genome Comparisons Provide Clues to Our Evolutionary Past


HIGHLIGHT 8-2 EVOLUTION Phylogenetics Solves a Crime


The Human Journey Began in Africa


Human Migrations Are Recorded in Haplotypes


HIGHLIGHT 8-3 EVOLUTION Getting to Know the Neanderthals




Haemophilus influenzae Ushers in the Era of Genome Sequences


Topology: Functional Deformations of DNA


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Carlos Bustamante, on discovering the elasticity of DNA


9.1 Chromosomes: An Overview


Chromosome Function Relies on Specialized Genomic Sequences


Chromosomes Are Longer Than the Cellular or Viral Packages Containing Them


HIGHLIGHT 9-1 MEDICINE The Dark Side of Antibiotics


9.2 DNA Supercoiling


Most Cellular DNA Is Underwound


DNA Underwinding Is Defined by the Topological Linking Number


DNA Compaction Requires a Special Form of Supercoiling


9.3 The Enzymes That Promote DNA Compaction


Topoisomerases Catalyze Changes in the Linking Number of DNA


HIGHLIGHT 9-2 MEDICINE Curing Disease by Inhibiting Topoisomerases


The Two Bacterial Type II Topoisomerases Have Distinct Functions


Eukaryotic Topoisomerases Have Specialized Functions in DNA Metabolism


SMC Proteins Facilitate the Condensation of Chromatin




The Discovery of Supercoiled DNA Goes through Twists and Turns


The First DNA Topoisomerase Unravels Some Mysteries


DNA Gyrase Passes the Strand Test


Nucleosomes, Chromatin, and Chromosome Structure


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY C. David Allis, on establishing that p55 from Tetrahymena is a histone acetylase, as is transcription factor Gcn5


10.1 Nucleosomes: The Basic Units of DNA Condensation


Histone Octamers Organize DNA into Repeating Units


DNA Wraps around a Single Histone Octamer


Histone Tails Mediate Internucleosome Connections That Regulate the Accessibility of DNA


10.2 Higher-Order Chromosome Structure


Histone H1 Binds the Nucleosome


Chromosomes Condense into a Compact Chromatin Filament


Higher-Order Chromosome Structure Involves Loops and Coils


Bacterial DNA, Like Eukaryotic DNA, Is Highly Organized


10.3 Regulation of Chromosome Structure


Nucleosomes Are Intrinsically Dynamic


ATP-Driven Chromatin Remodeling Complexes Can Reposition Nucleosomes


Variant Histone Subunits Alter DNA-Binding Affinity


Nucleosome Assembly Requires Chaperones


Modifications of Histone Tails Alter DNA Accessibility


HIGHLIGHT 10-1 A CLOSER LOOK The Use of a Histone Variant in X Chromosome Inactivation


Proteins with Bromodomains and Chromodomains Bind Modified Histones


Histone Modifications and Remodeling Complexes May Read a Histone Code


Histone Modifying Enzymes Maintain Epigenetic States through Cell Division


HIGHLIGHT 10-2 MEDICINE Defects in Epigenetic Maintenance Proteins Associated with Cancer




Kornberg Wrapped His Mind around the Histone Octamer


A Transcription Factor Can Acetylate Histones





DNA Replication


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Robert Lehman, on discovering DNA ligase


11.1 DNA Transactions during Replication


DNA Replication Is Semiconservative


Replication Is Initiated at Origins and Proceeds Bidirectionally


Replication Is Semidiscontinuous


11.2 The Chemistry of DNA Polymerases


DNA Polymerases Elongate DNA in the 5′→3′ Direction


Most DNA Polymerases Have DNA Exonuclease Activity


Five E. coli DNA Polymerases Function in DNA Replication and Repair


DNA Polymerase Structure Reveals the Basis for Its Accuracy


Processivity Increases the Efficiency of DNA Polymerase Activity


11.3 Mechanics of the DNA Replication Fork


DNA Polymerase III Is the Replicative Polymerase in E. coli


A DNA Sliding Clamp Increases the Speed and Processivity of the Chromosomal Replicase


Many Different Proteins Advance a Replication Fork


Helicase Activity Is Stimulated by Its Connection to the DNA Polymerase


DNA Loops Repeatedly Grow and Collapse on the Lagging Strand


Okazaki Fragments Require Removal of RNA and Ligase-Mediated Joining of DNA


The Replication Fork Is More Complex in Eukaryotes Than in Bacteria


11.4 Initiation of DNA Replication


Assembly of the Replication Fork Follows an Ordered Sequence of Events


Replication Initiation in E. coli Is Controlled at Multiple Steps


Eukaryotic Origins “Fire” Only Once per Cell Cycle


HIGHLIGHT 11-1 TECHNOLOGY Two-Dimensional Gel Analysis of Replication Origins


11.5 Termination of DNA Replication


E. coli Chromosome Replication Terminates Opposite the Origin


Telomeres and Telomerase Solve the End Replication Problem in Eukaryotes


Telomere Length Is Associated with Immortality and Cancer


Telomeres are Protected and Regulated by Proteins


HIGHLIGHT 11-2 MEDICINE Short Telomeres Portend Aging Diseases




DNA Polymerase Reads the Sequence of the DNA Template to Copy the DNA


Polymerase Processivity Depends on a Circular Protein That Slides along DNA


Replication Requires an Origin


DNA Mutation and Repair


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Rose Byrne, on her discovery that E. coli could become a radiation-resistant extremophile


12.1 Types of DNA Mutations


A Point Mutation Can Alter One Amino Acid


Small Insertion and Deletion Mutations Change Protein Length


Some Mutations Are Very Large and Form Abnormal Chromosomes


12.2 DNA Alterations That Lead to Mutations


Spontaneous DNA Damage by Water Can Cause Point Mutations


Oxidative Damage and Alkylating Agents Can Create Point Mutations and Strand Breaks


The Ames Test Identifies DNA-Damaging Chemicals


DNA-Damaging Agents Are Used in Cancer Chemotherapy


Solar Radiation Causes Interbase Cross-Links and Strand Breaks


Errant Replication and Recombination Lead to DNA Damage


12.3 Mechanisms of DNA Repair


Mismatch Repair Fixes Misplaced-Nucleotide Replication Errors


Direct Repair Corrects a Damaged Nucleotide Base in One Step


HIGHLIGHT 12-1 MEDICINE Mismatch Repair and Colon Cancer


Base Excision Repairs Subtle Alterations in Nucleotide Bases


Nucleotide Excision Repair Removes Bulky Damaged Bases


HIGHLIGHT 12-2 MEDICINE Nucleotide Excision Repair and Xeroderma Pigmentosum


Recombination Repairs Lesions That Break DNA


Specialized Translesion DNA Polymerases Extend DNA Past a Lesion




Mismatch Repair in E. coli Requires DNA Methylation


UV Lights Up the Pathway to DNA Damage Repair


Translesion DNA Polymerases Produce DNA Mutations


Recombinational DNA Repair and Homologous Recombination


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Lorraine Symington, on discovering how DNA ends are processed to initiate DNA recombination


13.1 Recombination as a DNA Repair Process


Double-Strand Breaks Are Repaired by Recombination


Collapsed Replication Forks Are Reconstructed by Double-Strand Break Repair


A Stalled Replication Fork Requires Fork Regression


Single-Stranded DNA Regions Are Filled In by Gap Repair


13.2 Enzymatic Machines in Bacterial Recombinational DNA Repair


RecBCD and RecFOR Initiate Recombinational Repair


RecA Protein Is the Bacterial Recombinase


RecA Protein Is Subject to Regulation


Multiple Enzymes Process DNA Intermediates Created by RecA


HIGHLIGHT 13-1 EVOLUTION A Tough Organism in a Tough Environment: Deinococcus radiodurans


Repair of the Replication Fork in Bacteria Can Lead to Dimeric Chromosomes


13.3 Homologous Recombination in Eukaryotes


HIGHLIGHT 13-2 MEDICINE Why Proper Chromosomal Segregation Matters


Meiotic Recombination Is Initiated at Double-Strand Breaks


Meiotic Recombination Is Completed by a Classic DSBR Pathway


Meiotic Recombination Contributes to Genetic Diversity


Recombination during Mitosis Is Also Initiated at Double-Strand Breaks


Programmed Gene Conversion Events Can Affect Gene Function and Regulation


Some Introns Move via Homologous Recombination


13.4 Nonhomologous End Joining


Nonhomologous End Joining Repairs Double-Strand Breaks


Nonhomologous End Joining Is Promoted by a Set of Conserved Enzymes


Recombination Systems Are Being Harnessed for Genome Editing




A Motivated Graduate Student Inspires the Discovery of Recombination Genes in Bacteria


A Biochemical Masterpiece Catches a Recombination Protein in the Act


Site-Specific Recombination and Transposition


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Wei Yang, on researching the structure and molecular mechanisms of γδ resolvase


14.1 Mechanisms of Site-Specific Recombination


Precise DNA Rearrangements Are Promoted by Site-Specific Recombinases


Site-Specific Recombination Complements Replication


Site-Specific Recombination Can Be a Stage in a Viral Infection Cycle


Site-Specific Recombination Systems Are Used in Biotechnology


Gene Expression Can Be Regulated by Site-Specific Recombination


HIGHLIGHT 14-1 TECHNOLOGY Using Site-Specific Recombination to Trace Neurons


14.2 Mechanisms of Transposition


Transposition Takes Place by Three Major Pathways


Bacteria Have Three Common Classes of Transposons


Retrotransposons Are Especially Common in Eukaryotes


HIGHLIGHT 14-2 EVOLUTION Awakening Sleeping Beauty


Retrotransposons and Retroviruses Are Closely Related


A Retrovirus Causes AIDS


HIGHLIGHT 14-3 MEDICINE Fighting AIDS with HIV Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors


14.3 The Evolutionary Interplay of Transposons and Their Hosts


Viruses, Transposons, and Introns Have an Interwoven Evolutionary History


A Hybrid Recombination Process Assembles Immunoglobulin Genes




Bacteriophage λ Provided the First Example of Site-Specific Recombination


If You Leave Out the Polyvinyl Alcohol, Transposition Gets Stuck


Transcription: DNA-Dependent Synthesis of RNA


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Robert Tjian, on discovering the first specific eukaryotic transcription factor


15.1 RNA Polymerases and Transcription Basics


RNA Polymerases Differ in Details but Share Many Features


HIGHLIGHT 15-1 A CLOSER LOOK The ABCs of RNA: Complexity of the Transcriptome


Transcription Initiation, Elongation, and Termination Occur in Discrete Steps


DNA-Dependent RNA Polymerases Can Be Specifically Inhibited


Transcriptional Regulation Is a Central Mechanism in the Control of Gene Expression


15.2 Transcription in Bacteria


Promoter Sequences Alter the Strength and Frequency of Transcription


Sigma Factors Specify Polymerase Binding to Particular Promoters


Structural Changes Lead to Formation of the Transcription-Competent Open Complex


Initiation Is Primer-Independent and Produces Short, Abortive Transcripts


Transcription Elongation Is Continuous until Termination


Specific Sequences in the Template Strand Stop Transcription


15.3 Transcription in Eukaryotes


Eukaryotic Polymerases Recognize Characteristic Promoters


HIGHLIGHT 15-2 MEDICINE Using Transcription Factors to Reprogram Cells


Pol II Transcription Parallels Bacterial RNA Transcription


Transcription Factors Play Specific Roles in the Transcription Process


Transcription Initiation In Vivo Requires the Mediator Complex


Termination Mechanisms Vary among RNA Polymerases


Transcription Is Coupled to DNA Repair, RNA Processing, and mRNA Transport




RNA Polymerase Is Recruited to Promoter Sequences


RNA Polymerases Are Both Fast and Slow


RNA Processing


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Melissa Jurica, on determining the first electron microscopic structures of spliceosomes


16.1 Messenger RNA Capping and Polyadenylation


Eukaryotic mRNAs Are Capped at the 5′ End


Eukaryotic mRNAs Have a Distinctive 3′-End Structure


mRNA Capping, Polyadenylation, and Splicing Are Coordinately Regulated during Transcription


HIGHLIGHT 16-1 EVOLUTION Eukaryotic mRNAs with Unusual 3′ Tails


16.2 Pre-mRNA Splicing and Editing


Eukaryotic mRNAs Are Synthesized as Precursors Containing Introns


Alternative RNA Splicing Can Generate Multiple Products from a Gene


The Spliceosome Catalyzes Most Pre-mRNA Splicing


Some Introns Can Self-Splice without Protein or Spliceosome Assistance


Exons from Different RNA Molecules Can Be Fused by Trans-Splicing


RNA Editing Can Involve the Insertion or Deletion of Bases


HIGHLIGHT 16-2 EVOLUTION The Origin of Introns


RNA Editing by Substitution Involves Deamination of A or C Residues


16.3 RNA Transport and Degradation


Different Kinds of RNA Use Different Nuclear Export Pathways


mRNA Export from the Nucleus Is Coupled to Pre-mRNA Splicing


Some mRNAs Are Localized to Specific Regions of the Cytoplasm


Cellular mRNAs Are Degraded at Different Rates


Processing Bodies Are the Sites of mRNA Storage and Degradation in Eukaryotic Cells


16.4 Processing of Non-Protein-Coding RNAs


Maturation of tRNAs Involves Site-Specific Cleavage and Chemical Modification


Maturation of rRNA Involves Site-Specific Cleavage and Chemical Modification


Small Regulatory RNAs Are Derived from Larger Precursor Transcripts


16.5 RNA Catalysis and the RNA World Hypothesis


Ribozymes Catalyze Similar Kinds of Reactions But Have Diverse Functions


HIGHLIGHT 16-3 EVOLUTION A Viral Ribozyme Derived from the Human Genome?


Could RNA Have Formed the Basis for Early Life on Earth?




Studying Autoimmunity Led to the Discovery of snRNPs


RNA Molecules Are Fine-Tuned for Stability or Function


Ribozyme Form Explains Function


The Genetic Code


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Steve Benner, on discovering that borate minerals stabilize ribose


17.1 Deciphering the Genetic Code: tRNA as Adaptor


All tRNAs Have a Similar Structure


The Genetic Code Is Degenerate


Wobble Enables One tRNA to Recognize Two or More Codons


Specific Codons Start and Stop Translation


The Genetic Code Resists Single-Base Substitution Mutations


Some Mutations Are Suppressed by Special tRNAs


17.2 The Rules of the Code


The Genetic Code Is Nonoverlapping


There Are No Gaps in the Genetic Code


The Genetic Code Is Read in Triplets


Protein Synthesis Is Linear


17.3 Cracking the Code


Random Synthetic RNA Polymers Direct Protein Synthesis in Cell Extracts


RNA Polymers of Defined Sequence Complete the Code


The Genetic Code Is Validated in Living Cells


17.4 Exceptions Proving the Rules


Evolution of the Translation Machinery Is a Mystery


Mitochondrial tRNAs Deviate from the Universal Genetic Code


HIGHLIGHT 17-1 EVOLUTION The Translation Machinery


Initiation and Termination Rules Have Exceptions




Transfer RNA Connects mRNA and Protein


Proteins Are Synthesized from the N-Terminus to the C-Terminus


The Genetic Code In Vivo Matches the Genetic Code In Vitro


Protein Synthesis


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Harry Noller, on discovering the functional importance of ribosomal RNA


18.1 The Ribosome


The Ribosome Is an RNA-Protein Complex Composed of Two Subunits


Ribosomal Subunits Associate and Dissociate in Each Cycle of Translation


The Ribosome Is a Ribozyme


The Ribosome Structure Facilitates Peptide Bond Formation


HIGHLIGHT 18-1 EVOLUTION Mitochondrial Ribosomes: A Window into Ribosome Evolution?


18.2 Activation of Amino Acids for Protein Synthesis


Amino Acids Are Activated and Linked to Specific tRNAs


Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases Attach the Correct Amino Acids to Their tRNAs


The Structure of tRNA Allows Accurate Recognition by tRNA Synthetases


Proofreading Ensures the Fidelity of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases


18.3 Initiation of Protein Synthesis


HIGHLIGHT 18-2 TECHNOLOGY Genetic Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Proteins


Base Pairing Recruits the Small Ribosomal Subunit to Bacterial mRNAs


Eukaryotic mRNAs Recruit the Small Ribosomal Subunit Indirectly


A Specific Amino Acid Initiates Protein Synthesis


Initiation in Bacterial Cells Requires Three Initiation Factors


Initiation in Eukaryotic Cells Requires Additional Initiation Factors


Some mRNAs Use 5’ End–Independent Mechanisms of Initiation


18.4 Elongation and Termination of the Polypeptide Chain


Peptide Bonds Are Formed in the Translation Elongation Stage


Substrate Positioning and the Incoming tRNA Contribute to Peptide Bond Formation


EF-G Drives Translocation by Displacing the A-Site tRNA


GTP Binding and Hydrolysis Regulate Successive Elongation Cycles


An mRNA Stop Codon Signals Completion of a Polypeptide Chain


Ribosome Recycling Factor Prepares Ribosomes for New Rounds of Translation


Fast and Accurate Protein Synthesis Requires Energy


Antibiotics and Toxins Frequently Target Protein Synthesis


HIGHLIGHT 18-3 MEDICINE Toxins That Target the Ribosome


18.5 Translation-Coupled Removal of Defective mRNA


Ribosomes Stalled on Truncated mRNAs Are Rescued by tmRNA


Eukaryotes Have Other Mechanisms to Detect Defective mRNAs


18.6 Protein Folding, Covalent Modification, and Targeting


Protein Folding Sometimes Requires the Assistance of Chaperones


Covalent Modifications Are Common in Newly Synthesized Proteins


Proteins Are Targeted to Correct Locations during or after Synthesis


Some Chemical Modifications of Eukaryotic Proteins Take Place in the Endoplasmic Reticulum


Glycosylation Plays a Key Role in Eukaryotic Protein Targeting


Signal Sequences for Nuclear Transport Are Not Removed


Bacteria Also Use Signal Sequences for Protein Targeting




The Ribosome Is a Ribozyme


Ribosomes Check the Accuracy of Codon-Anticodon Pairing, but Not the Identity of the Amino Acid





Regulating the Flow of Information


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Lin He, on discovering that microRNA overexpression accelerates tumor development


19.1 Regulation of Transcription Initiation


Activators and Repressors Control RNA Polymerase Function at a Promoter


Transcription Factors Can Function by DNA Looping


Regulators Often Work Together for Signal Integration


Gene Expression Is Regulated through Feedback Loops


Related Sets of Genes Are Often Regulated Together


Eukaryotic Promoters Use More Regulators Than Bacterial Promoters


Multiple Regulators Provide Combinatorial Control


Regulation by Nucleosomes Is Specific to Eukaryotes


19.2 The Structural Basis of Transcriptional Regulation


Transcription Factors Interact with DNA and Proteins through Structural Motifs


Transcription Activators Have Separate DNA-Binding and Regulatory Domains


19.3 Posttranscriptional Regulation of Gene Expression


Some Regulatory Mechanisms Act on the Nascent RNA Transcript


Small RNAs Can Affect mRNA Stability


Some Genes Are Regulated at the Level of Translation


Some Covalent Modifications Regulate Protein Function


Gene Expression Can Be Regulated by Intracellular Localization


HIGHLIGHT 19-1 MEDICINE Insulin Regulation: Control by Phosphorylation


Protein Degradation by Ubiquitination Modulates Gene Expression




Plasmids Have the Answer to Enhancer Action


The Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Bonnie Bassler, on her discovery of interspecies quorum sensing


20.1 Transcriptional Regulation


The lac Operon Is Subject to Negative Regulation


The lac Operon Also Undergoes Positive Regulation


HIGHLIGHT 20-1 TECHNOLOGY Classical Techniques in the Analysis of Gene Regulation


CRP Functions with Activators or Repressors to Control Gene Transcription


Transcription Attenuation Often Controls Amino Acid Biosynthesis


The SOS Response Leads to Coordinated Transcription of Many Genes


20.2 Beyond Transcription: Control of Other Steps in the Gene Expression Pathway


RNA Sequences or Structures Can Control Gene Expression Levels


Translation of Ribosomal Proteins Is Coordinated with rRNA Synthesis


HIGHLIGHT 20-2 A CLOSER LOOK T-Box Riboswitches


20.3 Control of Gene Expression in Bacteriophages


Phage Propagation Can Take One of Two Forms


Differential Activation of Promoters Regulates λ Phage Infection


The λ Repressor Functions as Both an Activator and a Repressor


More Regulation Levels Are Invoked during the λ Phage Life Cycle




TRAPped RNA Inhibits Expression of Tryptophan Biosynthetic Genes in Bacillus subtilis


Autoinducer Analysis Reveals Possibilities for Treating Cholera


The Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Tracy Johnson, on discovering that pre-mRNA splicing requires specific histone acetylation


21.1 Basic Mechanisms of Eukaryotic Transcriptional Activation


Eukaryotic Transcription Is Regulated by Chromatin Structure


Positive Regulation of Eukaryotic Promoters Involves Multiple Protein Activators


HIGHLIGHT 21-1 A CLOSER LOOK The Intertwining of Transcription and mRNA Splicing


Transcription Activators and Coactivators Help Assemble General Transcription Factors


21.2 Combinatorial Control of Gene Expression


Combinatorial Control of the Yeast GAL Genes Involves Positive and Negative Regulation


HIGHLIGHT 21-2 TECHNOLOGY Discovering and Analyzing DNA-Binding Proteins


Combinatorial Control of Transcription Causes Mating-Type Switches in Yeast


Combinatorial Mixtures of Heterodimers Regulate Transcription


Differentiation Requires Extensive Use of Combinatorial Control


21.3 Transcriptional Regulation Mechanisms Unique to Eukaryotes


Insulators Separate Adjacent Genes in a Chromosome


Some Activators Assemble into Enhanceosomes


Gene Silencing Can Inactivate Large Regions of Chromosomes


Imprinting Allows Selective Gene Expression from One Allele Only


HIGHLIGHT 21-3 A CLOSER LOOK Gene Silencing by Small RNAs


Dosage Compensation Balances Gene Expression from Sex Chromosomes


Steroid Hormones Bind Nuclear Receptors That Regulate Gene Expression


Nonsteroid Hormones Control Gene Expression by Triggering Protein Phosphorylation




Transcription Factors Bind Thousands of Sites in the Fruit Fly Genome


Muscle Tissue Differentiation Reveals Surprising Plasticity in the Basal Transcription Machinery


The Posttranscriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes


MOMENT OF DISCOVERY Judith Kimble, on the discovery that noncoding regions of mRNA regulate cell fate


22.1 Posttranscriptional Control inside the Nucleus


Alternative Splicing Controls Sex Determination in Fruit Flies


Multiple mRNA Cleavage Sites Allow the Production of Multiple Proteins


Nuclear Transport Regulates Which mRNAs Are Selected for Translation


22.2 Translational Control in the Cytoplasm


Initiation Can Be Suppressed by Phosphorylation of eIF


The 3′UTR of Some mRNAs Controls Translational Efficiency


Upstream Open Reading Frames Control the Translation of GCN4 mRNA


mRNA Degradation Rates Can Control Translational Efficiency


22.3 The Large-Scale Regulation of Groups of Genes


Some Sets of Genes Are Regulated by Pre-mRNA Splicing in the Nucleus


5′UTRs and 3′UTRs Coordinate the Translation of Multiple mRNAs


HIGHLIGHT 22-1 EVOLUTION Regulation of Splicing in Response to Stress


Conserved AU-Rich Elements in 3′UTRs Control Global mRNA Stability for Some Genes


22.4 RNA Interference


Eukaryotic MicroRNAs Target mRNAs for Gene Silencing


Short Interfering RNAs Target mRNAs for Degradation


RNAi Pathways Regulate Viral Gene Expression


RNAi Provides a Useful Tool for Molecular Biologists


HIGHLIGHT 22-2 MEDICINE Viral Takeover Using a Cell Type–Specific miRNA


RNAs Regulate a Wide Range of Cellular Processes


22.5 Putting It All Together: Gene Regulation in Development


Development Depends on Asymmetric Cell Divisions and Cell-Cell Signaling


Early Development Is Mediated by Maternal Genes


Segmentation Genes Specify the Development of Body Segments and Tissues


Homeotic Genes Control the Development of Organs and Appendages


Stem Cells Have Developmental Potential That Can Be Controlled


22.6 Finale: Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology, and Evolution


The Interface of Evolutionary and Developmental Biology Defines a New Field


Small Genetic Differences Can Produce Dramatic Phenotypic Changes




A Natural Collaboration Reveals a Binding Protein for a 3′UTR


Little RNAs Play a Big Role in Controlling Gene Expression


Everything Old Is New Again: Beauty at the Turn of a Developmental Switch

Model Organisms Appendix


A Few Organisms Are Models for Understanding Common Life Processes


Three Approaches Are Used to Study Human Disease

Bacterium, Escherichia coli


Early Studies of E. coli as a Model Organism


Life Cycle


Genetic Techniques


E. coli as a Model Organism Today

Budding Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Early Studies of Yeast as a Model Organism


Life Cycle


Genetic Techniques


Yeast as a Model Organism Today

Bread Mold, Neurospora crassa


Early Studies of Neurospora as a Model Organism


Life Cycle


Genetic Techniques


Neurospora as a Model Organism Today

Nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans


Early Studies of C. elegans as a Model Organism


Life Cycle


Genetic Techniques


C. elegans as a Model Organism Today

Mustard Weed, Arabidopsis thaliana


Early Studies of Arabidopsis as a Model Organism


Life Cycle


Genetic Techniques


Arabidopsis as a Model Organism Today

Fruit Fly, Drosophila melanogaster


Early Studies of Drosophila as a Model Organism


Life Cycle


Genetic Techniques


Drosophila as a Model Organism Today

House Mouse, Mus musculus


Early Studies of the Mouse as a Model Organism


Life Cycle


Genetic Techniques


The Mouse as a Model Organism Today


Solutions to Problems

