The base-
For the nucleotide sequence AAC(O6-meG)TGCAC, with a damaged (methylated) G residue, what would be the sequence of each strand of the double-
Replication occurs before repair.
The DNA is acted upon by a glycosylase and then repaired, but only after replication has occurred.
Two rounds of replication occur, followed by repair.
Name three of the common ways in which DNA lesions are incurred. What is required for these DNA lesions to result in a mutation?
Benzo[a]pyrene, the cancer-
In the experiment described in Problem 4, some of the untreated serine auxotrophs were able to grow on a medium lacking serine. Why?
In an experiment using S. typhimurium histidine auxotrophs, the cells are grown on a thin layer of agar with nutrient medium that lacks histidine. The culture (∼109 cells) produces ∼13 colonies over a two-
How did these colonies arise in the absence of histidine?
When the experiment is repeated in the presence of 0.4 μg of 2-
What can you surmise about its carcinogenicity?
What type of mutation is most likely to result from the following lesions (if left unrepaired)?
Deamination of cytosine: G≡C → ______.
Formation of 8-
Deamination of adenine: A=T → ______.
The human disease known as xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) arises from mutations in at least seven different genes. The resulting deficiencies are generally in enzymes involved in some part of the pathway for nucleotide excision repair. The various types of XP are denoted A through G (XPA, XPB, etc.), with a few additional variants lumped together under the label XP-
Samples from the normal fibroblasts show a significant reduction in the average molecular weight of the single-
If you assume that an NER system is operative in fibroblasts, which step might be defective in the cells of patients with XPG? Explain.
Describe the most critical difference between global nucleotide excision repair and transcription-
What do base excision repair and repair of an abasic site have in common? How do they differ?
Many eukaryotes have a DNA glycosylase that specifically removes T residues from DNA, but only when they are paired with G. There is no comparable enzyme that removes the G residues from G—
A gene is found that has a sequence of 11 contiguous A residues in one strand. Mutations occur at an elevated frequency in this gene, mostly in the region with the repeated A residues. Most of these mutations result in inactivation of the encoded protein, with many amino acids either missing or altered. What type of mutations would account for these observations, and how might they occur?
Many bacteria, including E. coli, are capable of growing under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Some mutations are introduced into an E. coli strain that inactivate several enzymes involved in DNA repair. The mutant strain grows normally when kept in an incubator with a 100% nitrogen gas atmosphere. However, the strain dies when exposed to a normal laboratory atmosphere. Why?
In humans, a fetus lacking at least one good copy of a gene encoding any one of dozens of key DNA repair enzymes is usually nonviable. If the fetus has one good copy of the gene and one mutant (inactive) copy, the individual will have a fully functional DNA repair system, but a higher than normal probability of acquiring cancer in middle age. Explain.
In an E. coli cell, DNA polymerase III makes a rare error and inserts a G opposite an A residue at a position 850 bp away from the nearest GATC sequence. The mismatch is accurately repaired by the mismatch repair system. How many phosphodiester bonds derived from deoxynucleotides (dNTPs) are expended in this repair process? ATPs are also used in this process. Which enzymes consume the ATP?
If an oxidative lesion occurs spontaneously in a single-
O6-Methylguanine lesions are repaired directly by transfer of the methyl group to O6-methylguanine methyltransferase. A very high level of metabolic energy is invested in this simple methyl transfer reaction. Describe this energy investment.