Oxfam is an advocacy organization that focuses primarily on poverty and human rights issues around the world. Founded in 1942, it now operates in ninety countries. This public service announcement opens in a style common to many chocolate advertisements. In it, a woman, seen largely in silhouette, sensually enjoys a bar of chocolate. Sound familiar? Watch the rest, however, to see how Oxfam plays against viewer expectations in order to make larger points about the candy industry.
Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing
As we mentioned, this video opens in a style common to TV commercials. Why do you think the creators of the ad open this way? Though this clip isn’t trying to sell you chocolate, what might it be trying to sell you instead?
The woman in this ad might be said to stand in for the common chocolate consumer (that is, in most respects, she stands in for the viewer). How is what happens to the woman in this video meant to mirror what Oxfam hopes is happening to the viewer? Explain.
In a couple of sentences, summarize the argument this video makes.
Do you find this argument effective? Why, or why not?