The White House
As part of its campaign to re-authorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the White House launched a campaign in 2012 aimed at raising awareness about and combatting dating violence. Called “1 Is 2 Many,”, the campaign includes many resources, from apps to testimonials to the following public service announcement, many of which are aimed at men. As you watch the PSA below, consider how this video capitalizes on the ethos of professional athletes in order to reach its intended audience.
Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing
How would you describe the ethos of these professional athletes where it pertains to reaching an audience of young men? In other words, why does this video assume that young men are likely to pay attention to this message when it is conveyed by sports stars?
Why do you think the makers of this PSA chose to address men (the primary perpetrators of domestic violence) instead of women? Do you think that choice makes sense? Explain.
Imagine you were tasked with making a similar PSA aimed at women. What would your primary message be, and what sorts of people would you choose to deliver it? Why?