5.1 United States Agency for International Development, “How to Feed the Future” and “Mobile Phones Tackling Poverty”

United States Agency for International Development

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent government agency created by President John F. Kennedy. Its primary responsibility is promoting U.S. foreign policy goals by providing humanitarian aid. In particular, it focuses on alleviating hunger and poverty, promoting health care, and advocating for women. Below, we present two infographics that illustrate the goals of two of their aid programs, one designed to fight hunger and the other to combat poverty. Infographics are increasingly popular with many organizations, from corporations to governments to entertainment magazines, as a way of presenting a lot of information or statistics in a visual format. The best infographics clearly show the relationships between statistical information, providing the reader with an easy-to-understand overview of a complex issue.

How To Fight Hunger
Mobile Phones Tackling Poverty

Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing

  1. Question

    Infographics have become increasingly popular as people have moved online in greater numbers. Unlike charts in print or even charts displayed on TV screens, infographics aren’t bound by the physical shape of a page. They can be as long or as large as the information requires. How is looking at infographics like those presented here different than looking at a lot of separate charts and graphs? Which do you prefer? Why?

  2. Question

    Pick one of the infographics in this set and think about what information it presents. In a paragraph, present this same information as an explicit argument.

  3. Question

    Think about the argument you wrote in response to question 2. How is the argument, written as a paragraph, different than what is presented visually? Which version makes the relationship between the statistical information clearer? Which is more effective as an argument? Why?