Including squeals, growls, croons, trills, vowel sounds
6–10 months
Including both consonant and vowel sounds repeated in syllables. Examples: ma-ma-ma, da-da-da, ba-ba-ba
Xiaojiao Wang / Shutterstock
10–12 months
Comprehension of simple words
Speech-like intonations; specific vocalizations that have meaning to those who know the infant well.
Deaf babies express their first signs; hearing babies also use specific gestures (e.g., pointing) to communicate
Marlon Lopez MMG1 Design / Shutterstock
13–18 months
Slow growth of vocabulary
Up to about 50 words. Can learn names of caregivers, siblings, pets, and favorite foods, as well as refer to
elimination. Examples: mama, nana; pee-pee, doo-doo
Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock
18 months
Naming explosion
Three or more words learned per day. Much variation: Some toddlers do not yet speak
21 months
First two-word sentence
Examples: More juice. Baby cry.
24 months
Multiword sentences
Half the toddler’s utterances are two or more words long. Example: Mommy read book