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Chapter 12. BMI

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.


Body Mass Index (BMI)

This activity demonstrates how body mass index is determined and offers students an opportunity to measure their own BMI.

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A couple running
Socked feet on a scale
A man in a red shirt with a pudgy belly
Clockwise: Bodrov Kirill/Shutterstock, Frances L. Fruit/Shutterstock, Suzanne Tucker/Shutterstock

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a quick—but not universally accepted—way to determine whether or not someone has a healthy weight. Too thin is a BMI below 19; the preferred range is 19 to 24, overweight is 25 to 29, obese is more than 30, and morbidly is more than 35. BMI is not always accurate, however: Professional athletes' BMIs are often in the overweight category.

To figure your own BMI, select your height and weight from the menus below, and then click “Submit.” (Don’t worry; your information will only be visible to you.)

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Color image of a smiling woman running with weights.
Flashon Studio/Shutterstock

1. Body Mass Index (BMI)

Healthy eating, exercise, and good health care are important for all adults, whether or not they are overweight. Indeed, for some people it is possible the BMI cutoffs should be altered in certain circumstances. In your opinion, what mitigating factors should be considered before a person is advised to achieve a lower BMI?

Answers will vary, but someone who was once morbidly obese but who now has a BMI of 27 may have lost enough weight to protect their health. Additionally, muscle is heavier than fat, so fit adults could have a BMI of 26 and still be quite healthy. Some people may also be genetically destined to be outside the boundaries of normal weight: Asian American adults have significantly lower rates of obesity and African American adults have higher rates. Lastly, you might have mentioned that an overemphasis on an ideal BMI, particularly in women, may encourage unhealthy dieting, overeating, and even eating disorders. While providing quick information, BMI may be less accurate compared to other measures of overweight and obesity.

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