Heavy Viewers average more than 13 hours a day with screen media, half of that watching TV and videos and the rest
spent using social media and playing video games via computer, smartphone, or console. Heavy Viewers read only about 30 minutes daily.
They are more likely than other teens to be low-SES, have TVs and video game consoles in their rooms, and live in homes where the TV is always on.
Heavy users
Gamers/Computer Users
Gamers/Computer Users average nearly seven hours of screen media each day, most of which is spent playing video games.
They also watch TV and videos and use computers for non-gaming activities—mainly surfing the Web, listening to music, and using social media.
Gamers/Computer Users are mostly boys and are more likely than most other teens to have a parent with a college or advanced degree.
Gamers/Computer users
Heavy users
Readers average about 90 minutes of reading each day, far more than other teens. The vast majority of their reading is
done in print, and they are more likely than the other media profile groups to be female and to have educated parents. Readers still spend an average
of three hours of screen time a day—watching TV and videos, using social media, and playing mobile games.
Gamers/Computer users
Heavy users
Social Networkers
Social Networkers spend more than three hours a day using social media, far more than other teens. They also watch TV for about
90 minutes and engage in non-social media or games on their smartphones for about two and a half hours. In total, these teens average seven hours
with screen media each day. They are more likely to be female, and almost all of them have their own smartphones.
Social networkers
Gamers/Computer users
Heavy users
Light Users
Light Users spend three and a half hours using media on any given day. They use a variety of media, don’t have a strong preference
for any one type, and don’t tend to use any particular medium for very long, with the exception of music: They average over an hour a day listening to music.