Stars with higher masses fuse more elements into existence than do stars with lower masses.
Stars lose mass via stellar winds throughout their lives.
An intermediate-
Stellar winds during the thermal pulse phase eject mass from the star’s outer layers.
The burned-
Explosive hydrogen fusion may occur in the surface layer of a white dwarf in some close binary systems, producing sudden increases in luminosity that we call novae.
An accreting white dwarf in a close binary system can also become a Type Ia supernova when carbon fusion ignites explosively throughout such a degenerate star.
After exhausting its central supply of hydrogen and helium, the core of a high-
A high-
Neutrinos were detected from Supernova 1987A, which was visible to the naked eye. Its development supported theories of Type II supernovae.
Neutron Stars and Pulsars
The core of a high-
A pulsar is a rapidly rotating neutron star with a powerful magnetic field tilted relative to the star’s rotation axis. The spinning field makes the neutron star a source of periodic radio and other electromagnetic pulses. Energy pours out of the polar regions of the neutron star in intense beams that sweep across the sky.
Some X-
Explosive helium fusion may occur in the surface layer of a companion neutron star, producing a sudden increase in X-
If a stellar corpse is more massive than about 3 M⊙, gravitational compression overcomes neutron degeneracy and forces it to collapse further and become a black hole.
A black hole is an object so dense that the escape velocity from it exceeds the speed of light.
The Relativity Theories
Special relativity reveals that space and time are intimately connected and change with an observer’s relative motion.
As seen by observers moving more slowly, the faster an object moves, the slower time passes for it (time dilation) and the shorter it becomes (length contraction).
According to general relativity, mass causes space to curve and time to slow down. These effects are significant only near large masses or compact objects.
Inside a Black Hole
The event horizon of a black hole is a spherical boundary where the escape velocity equals the speed of light. No matter or electromagnetic radiation can escape from inside the event horizon. The distance from the center of the black hole to the event horizon is the Schwarzschild radius.
The matter inside a black hole collapses to a singularity. The singularity for nonrotating matter is a point at the center of the black hole. For rotating matter, the singularity is a ring inside the event horizon.
Matter inside a black hole has only three physical properties: mass, angular momentum, and electric charge.
Nonrotating black holes are called Schwarzschild black holes. Rotating black holes are called Kerr black holes. The event horizon of a Kerr black hole is surrounded by an ergoregion in which all matter must constantly move to avoid being pulled into the black hole.
Matter that approaches a black hole’s event horizon is stretched and torn by the extreme tidal forces generated by the black hole, light from the matter is redshifted, and time slows down.
Black holes can evaporate by the Hawking process, in which virtual particles near the black hole become real. These transformations of virtual particles into real ones decrease the mass of a black hole until, eventually, it disappears.
Evidence of Black Holes
Observations indicate that some binary star systems harbor black holes. In such systems, gases captured by the black hole from the companion star heat up and emit detectable X-
Supermassive black holes exist in the centers of most galaxies. Intermediate-
Typical gamma-
Will the Sun someday cease to shine brightly? If so, how will this occur? Yes. The Sun will shed matter as a planetary nebula in about 6 billion years and then cease nuclear fusion. Its remnant white dwarf will dim over the succeeding billions of years.
What is a nova? How does it differ from a supernova? A nova is a relatively gentle explosion of hydrogen gas on the surface of a white dwarf in a binary star system. Supernovae, on the other hand, are explosions that cause the nearly complete destruction of massive stars.
What are the origins of the carbon, silicon, oxygen, iron, uranium, and other heavy elements on Earth? These elements are created during stellar evolution, by supernovae, and by colliding neutron stars.
What are cosmic rays? Where do they come from? Cosmic rays are high-
What is a pulsar? A pulsar is a rotating neutron star in which the magnetic field’s axis does not coincide with the rotation axis. The beam of radiation it emits periodically sweeps across our region of space.
Are black holes empty holes in space? If not, what are they? No. Black holes contain highly compressed matter—
Does a black hole have a solid surface? If not, what is at its surface? No. The surface of a black hole, called the event horizon, is empty space. No stationary matter exists there.
What power or force enables black holes to draw things into themselves? The only force that pulls things in is the gravitational attraction of the matter and energy in the black hole.
How close to a black hole do you have to be for its special effects to be apparent? An object within about 100 times the Schwarzschild radius from a black hole will begin to feel its special effects, like time dilation.
Can you use black holes to travel to different places in the universe? No. Most astronomers believe that the wormholes predicted by general relativity do not exist.
Do black holes last forever? If not, what happens to them? No. Black holes evaporate.