End of Chapter Questions

Review Questions

Question 13.1

1. What is located in the nucleus of the Galaxy?

  1. a globular cluster

  2. a spiral arm

  3. a black hole

  4. the solar system

  5. a MACHO

Question 13.2

2. Which statement about the Milky Way Galaxy is correct?

  1. Our Galaxy is but one of many galaxies.

  2. Our Galaxy contains all stars in the universe.

  3. All stars in our Galaxy take the same time to complete one orbit.

  4. Most stars in our Galaxy are in the central bulge.

  5. None of the stars in our Galaxy move.

Question 13.3

3. What was the Shapley–Curtis debate all about? Was a winner declared at the end of the debate? Whose ideas turned out to be correct?

Question 13.4

4. How did Edwin Hubble prove that M31 is not a nebula in our Milky Way Galaxy?

Question 13.5

5. What observations led Harlow Shapley to conclude that we are not at the center of the Galaxy?

Question 13.6

6. Explain why globular clusters spend more time in the galactic halo than in the plane of the disk, even though their eccentric orbits take them across the disk of the Galaxy.

Question 13.7

7. How do hydrogen atoms generate 21-cm radiation? What do astronomers learn about our Galaxy from observations of that radiation?

Question 13.8

8. Why do astronomers believe that vast quantities of dark matter surround our Galaxy?

Question 13.9

9. Why are there no massive O and B stars in globular clusters?

Question 13.10

10. What evidence indicates that a supermassive black hole is located at the center of our Galaxy?

Question 13.11

11. What are the least massive galaxies in the universe?

  1. normal spirals

  2. barred spirals

  3. giant ellipticals

  4. dwarf ellipticals

  5. irregulars

Question 13.12

12. Spiral density waves are directly responsible for which of the following?

  1. flocculent spirals

  2. grand-design spirals

  3. supernovae

  4. the collisions between galaxies

  5. galactic cannibalism

Question 13.13

13. Which of the following statements about the motion of galaxies is correct?

  1. All galaxies are moving apart.

  2. Superclusters of galaxies are all moving apart.

  3. Superclusters of galaxies are all moving toward each other.

  4. The Milky Way Galaxy is at the center of the universe.

  5. All clusters of galaxies in each supercluster are moving toward each other.

Question 13.14

14. What is the common name for the sonic boom created by lightning?

Question 13.15

15. In spiral galaxies, what spectral classes of stars are only found in spiral arms?


Question 13.16

16. What is the Hubble classification scheme? Which category includes the biggest galaxies? Into which category do the smallest galaxies fall? Which type of galaxy is the most common?

Question 13.17

17. In which Hubble types of galaxies are new stars most commonly forming? Describe the observational evidence that supports your answer.

Question 13.18

18. What is the difference between a flocculent spiral galaxy and a grand-design spiral galaxy?

Question 13.19

19. Briefly describe how the theory of self-propagating star formation accounts for the existence of spiral arms in some spiral galaxies.

Question 13.20

20. Briefly describe how the spiral density wave theory accounts for the existence of spiral arms in some spiral galaxies.

Question 13.21

21. How is it possible that galaxies in our Local Group still remain to be discovered? In what part of the sky are these galaxies located? What sorts of observations might reveal these galaxies?

Question 13.22

22. Can any galaxies besides our own be seen with the naked eye? If so, name one.

Question 13.23

23. What is the difference between a rich cluster and a poor cluster of galaxies? What is the difference between a regular cluster and an irregular cluster of galaxies?

Question 13.24

24. Why do astronomers believe that considerable quantities of dark matter must exist in clusters of galaxies?

Question 13.25

25. What is the Hubble law?

Question 13.26

26. Some galaxies in the Local Group exhibit blueshifted spectral lines. Why are these blueshifts not violations of the Hubble law?

Question 13.27

27. What is a standard candle? Why are standard candles important to astronomers trying to measure the Hubble constant?

Question 13.28

28. What kinds of stars would you expect to find populating the space between galaxies in a cluster?

Question 13.29

29. What is a double-radio source seen along one axis of a jet called?

  1. a BL Lac object

  2. a quasar

  3. a binary star system

  4. a double-radio source

  5. a pulsar

Question 13.30

30. What two things does the engine of a quasar contain?

  1. a supermassive black hole and a binary companion

  2. a stellar-mass black hole and a binary companion

  3. a supermassive black hole and an accretion disk

  4. a stellar-mass black hole and an accretion disk

  5. a supergiant star and an accretion disk

Question 13.31

31. Suppose you suspected a certain object in the sky to be a quasar. What sort of observations would you perform to confirm your hypothesis?

Question 13.32

32. What is an active galaxy? List the different kinds of active galaxies. How do they differ from one another?

Question 13.33

33. Why do astronomers believe that the energy-producing region of a quasar is very small?

Question 13.34

34. How is synchrotron radiation produced?

Question 13.35

35. What evidence indicates that quasars are extremely distant active galaxies?

Question 13.36

36. What is a double-radio source?

Question 13.37

37. What is a supermassive black hole? What observational evidence suggests that supermassive black holes are located at the centers of many galaxies?

Question 13.38

38. Why do many astronomers believe that the engine at the center of a quasar is a supermassive black hole surrounded by an accretion disk?

Question 13.39

39. How does the orientation of the jets that emanate from the center of a galaxy (relative to our line of sight) relate to the type of active galaxy that we observe?

Advanced Questions

Question 13.40

40. Why do astronomers not detect 21-cm radiation from the hydrogen in giant molecular clouds?

Question 13.41

41. Describe the rotation curve you would get if the Galaxy rotated like a rigid body.

Question 13.42

42. Compare the apparent distribution of open clusters, which contain young stars, with the distribution of globular clusters in the Milky Way. Why are open clusters also referred to as galactic clusters?

Question 13.43

43. In the 1960s, some astronomers suggested that quasars might be compact objects ejected at high speeds from the centers of nearby ordinary galaxies. Why do astronomers now believe that is not correct? (Hint: Consider the directions in which those objects would be ejected.)

Question 13.44

44. When quasars were first discovered, many astronomers were optimistic that these extremely luminous objects could be used to probe distant regions of the universe. For example, it was hoped that quasars would provide high-redshift data from which the Hubble constant could be more accurately determined. Why have these hopes not been realized?


Discussion Questions

Question 13.45

45. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages (for example, reliability, repeatability, etc.) of using the various standard candles to determine extragalactic distances.

Question 13.46

46. Discuss whether the various Hubble types of galaxies actually represent some sort of evolutionary sequence.

Question 13.47

47. Discuss the sorts of phenomena that can occur when galaxies collide. Do you think that such collisions can change the Hubble type of a galaxy? Explain your answers.

Question 13.48

48. From what you know about stellar evolution, the interstellar medium, and spiral density wave theory, explain the appearance and structure of the spiral arms of grand-design spiral galaxies.

Got It?

Question 13.49

49. Does the Sun move in the Milky Way? If so, describe its motion.

Question 13.50

50. About what fraction (or percent) of the matter in the Milky Way can astronomers see with current technology?

Question 13.51

51. Where in the Galaxy is the solar system located?

  1. in the nucleus

  2. in the halo

  3. in a spiral arm

  4. between two spiral arms

  5. in the central bulge

Question 13.52

52. Is the Milky Way in close contact with other galaxies? Explain.

Question 13.53

53. What shape(s) do galaxies have?

Question 13.54

54. With most galaxies in the universe moving away from us equally in all directions, are we at the center of the universe? Explain.

Question 13.55

55. Are galaxies uniformly distributed throughout the universe? Explain your answer.

Question 13.56

56. Is the Milky Way Galaxy moving through the universe? Justify your answer.

Question 13.57

57. What is a quasar?

Question 13.58

58. What does a quasar look like through an optical telescope?