The Big Bang



Superstring Theory and M-Theory

To combine gravitation and the other three fundamental forces in nature into one comprehensive Theory of Everything, scientists have had to consider a universe that contains more than the four dimensions we know about today (three of space and one of time). The theories that mathematically describe this new formulation of the universe are called superstring theories. There are basically five such theories, which allow all of the particles we have been studying—such as quarks, protons, neutrons, electrons, and photons—to exist.

Spacetime in superstring theories has 10 dimensions, of which 6 are everywhere rolled up into such tiny volumes that we cannot detect them directly. The other 4 dimensions are our normal spacetime. Superstring’s more general spacetime carries with it properties that allow scientists to combine all four forces in nature into one set of equations.

The difficulty in reconciling quantum mechanics (describing the weak, strong, and electromagnetic forces) and general relativity (describing gravitation) is that the three forces in quantum mechanics are quantized, whereas general relativity is not. In other words, the weak, strong, and electromagnetic forces are transmitted by particles. For example, the quanta of electromagnetism are photons. Gravity, as described by general relativity, is based on a smooth and continuous, rather than quantized, force. Specifically, the distortion of spacetime by matter and energy creates the gravitational force.

Superstring theories begin with a different assumption about all particles and their interactions than do either quantum mechanics or general relativity. The new theories assert that each particle is actually a tiny vibrating string, with different types of particles vibrating at different rates, like different strings on a guitar. Gravitation has its own energy-sharing particle, the graviton, analogous to photons for electromagnetism. The interactions between the strings create all of the properties of matter and energy.

The predictions made by superstring theories begin with the assumption that general relativity is the correct “classical” theory for describing the gravitational interaction between matter and energy. This may seem trivial, but, because general relativity today correctly predicts everything in its realm of validity, a more comprehensive (superstring) theory needs to keep that accuracy, or the larger theory is wrong. Some additional predictions of superstring theories include the following:

  • The universe cannot have positive curvature (which it does not, as we have seen).

  • Some of the clumpy structure that we see as superclusters of galaxies could have been caused by the effects of superstring activity during inflation (with the rest due to the expansion of quantum fluctuations).

  • Spacetime may not be entirely smooth. It may have structural defects, like a flawed diamond or ice that has broken into abutting chunks. These defects in spacetime would appear as one-dimensional “cosmic strings” with great density. Their attraction would pull normal matter around them, creating strings of galaxies. These cosmic strings have not yet been found.

  • Some of the dark matter may be particles predicted by string theory.

  • Most versions of superstring theory include a cosmological constant, but there is no underlying reason yet known for the value of the cosmological constant that may exist today.

  • The speed of light is the same for all photons. If different wavelengths of light from the same event arrived at different times, then superstring (and relativity) theories would be wrong.

You may have found the idea of five superstring theories of the universe to be four too many. So do scientists who study string theory. American physicist Ed Witten has shown that in 11 dimensions, all five string theories are equivalent. The one 11-dimensional theory of strings is called M-theory.

Superstring and M-theories are, so far, consistent with observations, but it remains to be seen if they will continue to maintain consistency with future observations and, very importantly, if they will make predictions that can be tested. Without being able to do that, they will remain truly elegant mathematical formalisms, but not science.

A Brief History of Spacetime, Matter, Energy, and Everything


The Fate of the Universe


  • What is the universe? It is all of the matter, energy, and spacetime that will ever be detectable from Earth or that will ever affect us.

  • Did the universe have a beginning? Yes. It occurred about 13.8 billion years ago, in an event called the Big Bang.

  • Into what is the universe expanding? Nothing. The Big Bang created space and time (spacetime), as well as all matter and energy in the universe. Spacetime is expanding to accommodate the expansion of the universe.

  • How strong is gravity compared to the other forces in nature? Gravity is by far the weakest force.

  • Will the universe last forever? Current observations support the belief that the universe will last forever.