End of Chapter Questions

Review Questions

Question 14.1

1. Which force in nature is believed to have formed second?

  1. gravity

  2. electromagnetic force

  3. weak force

  4. strong force

  5. all formed at the same time

Question 14.2

2. Inflation most directly explains which of the following?

  1. why the universe is homogeneous

  2. why the universe is expanding

  3. why the universe is going to last forever

  4. why the universe has a background temperature

  5. why the universe has particles

Question 14.3

3. What does it mean when astronomers say that we live in an expanding universe?

Question 14.4

4. Explain the difference between a Doppler redshift and a cosmological redshift.

Question 14.5

5. In what ways are the fate of the universe, the shape of the universe, and the average density of the universe related?

Question 14.6

6. Assuming that the universe will expand forever, what will eventually become of the microwave background radiation?


Question 14.7

7. What does it mean to say that the universe is dark energy–dominated? When was the universe radiation-dominated? When was it matter-dominated? How did radiation domination show itself?

Question 14.8

8. Explain the difference between an electron and a positron.

Question 14.9

9. Where do astronomers believe most of the photons in the cosmic microwave background originated?

Question 14.10

10. Give examples of the actions or roles of each of the four basic physical forces in the universe.

Question 14.11

11. What is the observational evidence for the (a) Big Bang, (b) inflationary epoch, and (c) confinement of quarks?

Advanced Questions

Question 14.12

12. Explain why the detection of cosmic microwave background radiation was a major blow to the steady-state theory.

Question 14.13

13. Some so-called “creation scientists” claim that the universe came into existence 6000 years ago. What is Hubble’s constant for such a cosmos? Is this a reasonable number? Explain your answers.

Discussion Questions

Question 14.14

14. Discuss the implications of the fact that science cannot yet tell us what caused the Big Bang or what, if anything, existed before the Big Bang occurred.

Question 14.15

15. Explain why gravitational attraction has dominated the behavior of the universe until recently and why the dark energy determines the fate of the universe.

Got It?

Question 14.16

16. Which of the following statements best describes the overall motion in the universe?

  1. The universe is expanding faster and faster.

  2. The universe is expanding but more slowly all the time.

  3. The universe is expanding at a constant rate.

  4. The universe is collapsing at a constant rate.

  5. The universe is collapsing faster and faster.

Question 14.17

17. What is the weakest force in nature?

Question 14.18

18. What do astronomers believe to be the fate of the universe?

Question 14.19

19. Has the universe existed forever? If not, when did it come into existence?