Why did the early neutrino detectors not detect the predicted number of neutrinos from the Sun?
The Sun’s Atmosphere
The thin shell of the Sun’s gases we see are from its photosphere, the lowest level of its atmosphere. The gases in this layer shine nearly as a blackbody. The photosphere’s base is at the top of the convective zone.
Convection of gas from below the photosphere produces features called granules.
Above the photosphere is a layer of hotter, but less dense, gas called the chromosphere. Jets of gas, called spicules, rise up into the chromosphere along the boundaries of supergranules.
The outermost layer of gases in the solar atmosphere, called the corona, extends outward to become the solar wind at great distances from the Sun. The gases of the corona are very hot, but they have extremely low densities.
The Active Sun
Some surface features on the Sun vary periodically in an 11-
Sunspots are relatively cool regions produced by local concentrations of the Sun’s magnetic field protruding through the photosphere. The average number of sunspots and their average latitude vary in the same 11-
A prominence is gas lifted into the Sun’s corona by magnetic fields. A solar flare is a brief, but violent, eruption of hot, ionized gases from a sunspot group. Coronal mass ejections send out large quantities of gas from the Sun. Coronal mass ejections and flares that head in Earth’s direction affect satellites, communication, and electric power, and cause aurorae.
The magnetic dynamo model suggests that many transient features of the solar cycle are caused by the effects of differential rotation and convection on the Sun’s magnetic field.
The Sun’s Interior
The Sun’s energy is produced by the thermonuclear process called hydrogen fusion, in which four hydrogen nuclei release energy when they fuse together to produce a single helium nucleus.
The energy released in a thermonuclear reaction comes from the conversion of matter into energy, according to Einstein’s equation E = mc2.
The solar model is a theoretical description of the Sun’s interior derived from calculations based on the laws of physics. The solar model reveals that hydrogen fusion occurs in a core that extends from the center to about a quarter of the Sun’s visible radius.
Throughout most of the Sun’s interior, energy moves outward from the core by radiative diffusion. In the Sun’s outer layers, energy is transported to the Sun’s surface by convection.
The amount of energy the Sun emits has increased by about 30% since it first formed.
Neutrinos were originally believed to be massless. The electron neutrinos generated and emitted by the Sun were originally detected at a lower rate than is predicted by our model of thermonuclear fusion. The discrepancy occurred because electron neutrinos have mass, which causes many of them to change into other forms of neutrinos before they reach Earth. These alternative forms are now being detected.
What percentage of the solar system’s mass is in the Sun? The sun contains about 99.85% of the solar system’s mass.
Does the Sun have a solid and liquid interior like Earth? No. The entire Sun is composed of hot gases.
What is the surface of the Sun like? The Sun has no solid surface. Indeed, it has no solids or liquids anywhere. The level we see, the photosphere, is composed of hot, churning gases.
Does the Sun rotate? If so, how fast? The Sun’s surface rotates differentially, varying between once every 35 days near its poles and once every 25 days at its equator.
What makes the Sun shine? Thermonuclear fusion in the Sun’s core is the source of the Sun’s energy.
Are matter and energy conserved? By themselves, they are not always conserved. Nuclear fusion converts matter into energy. Energy can also be converted into matter. The sum of the matter (multiplied by c2) and energy is always conserved.