
Chapter 1. Introduction

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Where are you located?

Outside the U.S.


In the U.S.


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End User's License Agreement

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Although we, Macmillan Higher Education, will not permit registration on our site or use of our services without your Agreement to our Legal Terms, if you are a student located outside the United States and you decline acceptance of our Legal Terms, we will permit your registration using an alias.

If you wish to register using an alias, you will need to create an alias and create and open an e-mail account under that alias with a third-party email service. Next, when you register on our site you will do so by providing your alias and the email address you_ve opened under that alias. You will be required to accept our Legal Terms as part of the registration process, which you will complete under your Alias.

IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU MAKE SURE YOU INFORM YOUR INSTRUCTOR OF YOUR ALIAS SO THAT HE/SHE HAS ACCESS TO YOUR WORK. Do NOT provide Macmillan Higher Education with any information that would enable us to link your alias to your real personal information.

You may want to print this for later reference.

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You may choose to contact us through our Web site. If you e-mail us comments or questions, we will have your e-mail address, as well as any other information you choose to provide.

All users of Macmillan websites need to agree to the Legal Terms. However, if you are located outside of the United States and choose not to accept these terms, you may create an anonymous Macmillan account.



Welcome to Developing Lives

{true} setModel("weeks_per_year", 52)
{true} setModel("babyName", "Newborn")
{true} setModel("pregnancyWeightGain", "Normal")
{true} setModel("motherHypertension", "false")
{true} setModel("motherDiabetes", "false")
{true} setModel("trimesterMotherQuitDrinking", "1")
{true} setModel("trimesterMotherQuitSmoking", "1")
{true} setModel("motherCaffeineUse", "mild")
{true} setModel("motherStress", "false")
{true} setModel("motherDepression", "false")
{true} setModel("prenatalEnvironmentalToxins", "false")
{true} setModel("attachment", 0.0)
{true} setModel("stress", 0.0)
{true} setModel("relationship", 0.0)
{true} setModel("parenting_score", 0.0)
{true} setModel("work_stability", 0.0)
{true} setModel("permissive", 0.0)
{true} setModel("authoritarian", 0.0)
{true} setModel("authoritative", 0.0)
{true} setModel("neglectful", 0.0)
{true} setModel("activity_level_score", 0.0)
{true} setModel("screen_time", 0.0)
{true} setModel("IT16_support_lang_dev", "")
{true} setModel("r100", Math.floor(Math.random()*100))
{true} setModel("r2", Math.floor(Math.random()*2))
{true} setModel("r3", Math.floor(Math.random()*3))
{true} setModel("r4", Math.floor(Math.random()*4))
{true} setModel("r5", Math.floor(Math.random()*5))
{true} setModel("r6", Math.floor(Math.random()*6))
{true} setModel("r9", Math.floor(Math.random()*9))
{true} setModel("r10", Math.floor(Math.random()*10))
{true} setModel("r11", Math.floor(Math.random()*11))
{true} setModel("r19", Math.floor(Math.random()*19))
{true} setModel("r30", Math.floor(Math.random()*30))
{true} setModel("r75", Math.floor(Math.random()*75))
{true} setModel("partner_donor", "partner")
{true} setModel("partner_donor_cap", "Partner")
model.r6 == 0
model.r6 == 1
model.r6 == 2
model.r6 == 3
model.r6 == 4
model.r6 == 5

Welcome to
Developing Lives

Welcome to Developing Lives! You_re about to take on the exciting responsibility of raising your very own imaginary child.

You_ll have the opportunity to apply the key concepts you_re learning about child development as you tackle some serious life events and bring up your very own imaginary child.

Starting with prenatal development, you_ll experience both the joys and challenges of raising a baby until he or she grows into your very own young adult. Hang on_it_s going to be an adventure!

Before getting started, would you like to learn more about how to navigate the program?

Yes, please! Take me to a tutorial.


No, thanks! I'd like to get started.


Note for Canadian users: This version has been optimized for a United States audience. A version with more Canadian data will be available with the full-release version of the product.




In this tutorial, we_ll show how to interact with the program so that you can take advantage of all its features! Remember that this is just an early review test of the program. Much of Developing Lives is currently under construction_and we_d love your feedback and we finish the program in coming months. Expect to see more events, more choices and more interactivity. Also, if you_re viewing this module from Canada: Remember that this early Beta is very United States-centric. We are working on the Canadian variation and it will be coming soon!

Developing Lives has five modules: Prenatal, Infants and Toddlers, Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, and Adolescence. The modules consist of a series of events. In most of these events, you will be presented with a scenario, offered relevant information (available by clicking on the _Explain_ or _Learn More_ buttons), and then asked to make a decision about how to raise your child. Occasionally, these events will be opportunities for more in-depth learning, and you will also have a chance to read an article or watch a video and then answer some questions to earn tokens for use in the virtual store. (The store is currently under construction.) With each event, there will be further opportunities for learning and sometimes even to save some precious memories of your baby in the online Memory Book.

Now, let_s explore all the ways to use this program! Here_s a quick rundown through all the on-screen opportunities you_ll be seeing once you enter a module.


Home: In the non-Beta version, this screen serves as a central point through which you can update your profile information, subscription settings and preferences. (You_ll be able to switch your preferences from metric to _Standard_ measurements here, for example.)

Memory Book: A personalized space where you can save items from various events throughout the game. From your first sonogram to high school graduation photos, in the non-Beta version of this program you will be able to print out this gorgeous memory book when you_ve finished this program as a memento of your experience! Your instructor may also want to use the Memory book to trigger various essay or short answer assignments inspired by your use of Developing Lives.

Store: An online store where you can spend your tokens and buy fun and developmentally-focused goodies for your child.

Help: A global access point available throughout the game.

Glossary: A handy reference tool for all the key words and concepts

Data: Review your child_s vitals, such as height and weight, and compare them to national averages.

Look Inside: Offers updates on what_s happening biologically in your child_s body as s/he grows up.

Explain: Find out more about the topic of the event you are currently in.

Learn More: Access to additional articles and videos that will give you even more great information on development throughout the lifespan.

Before you begin raising your child you will need to create your own profile and avatar, choose a mate, and find out what sort of career you will start out in.

I'm ready to get started.


Am I Going to be a Good Parent?

Place holder for the following images: 1647R-91073, 1657R-91079, 1647R-91096

Am I Going to be a Good Parent?

While using this program, you may wonder if you are making the correct decisions for your child. Don_t worry_it_s just a simulation! You may hit some bumps in the virtual road, but that_s all part of the experience. As you journey through each life stage, you_ll find that in here, as well as in the real world, there are many _right_ ways to raise a child. If you ever have questions or need some guidance, there_s always helpful information right at your fingertips.

Plus… it_s not always about you! In this simulation, you will see that many factors influence an individual_s development. Parents are an important influence, but they are not the only one. The individual_s genetic make-up, peers, educational experiences, technology, and society at large all contribute to the path of development. This experience should demonstrate that development is complex, influenced by many factors, constantly changing, and unique to the individual.

In order to customize the developmental journey of your child, we need information about your personality, cognitive abilities, and demographic characteristics. In this world, you can choose to be anyone you want and answers don_t have to reflect exactly who you are in real life. However, we recommend that you make consistent and realistic choices so that your experience is authentic and meaningful. After all, just like in real life, your imaginary child will exhibit some similarities to you in personality and cognitive ability. Remember, since your child will inherit only half of your genes, you will most likely notice personality characteristics and cognitive abilities in your child that are different from your own.

Click 'Continue' to begin your journey.



Getting to Know You

{true} setModel("endParagraph1", "")
Place holder for the following images: 1654R-15783, 1654R-3686 Credit: moonboard / SuperStock

Getting to know you

We want to hear all about who you are so that we can build your virtual identity. Later on, we_ll also give you the option to tell us about your partner (or genetic donor). Or, you can choose to select a partner (or genetic donor) from several pre-programmed profiles.

Question 1.1

My name is: _no_correct_answer:true

{true} setModel("userName", qq1)

Demographic Information


{true} setModel("userName", qq1)


{true} setModel("userName", qq1)


{true} setModel("userName", qq1)


{true} setModel("userName", qq1)



What do you look like?


What do you look like?

Why are we asking this? This is really just for fun. We_re building an avatar that will follow you throughout this program. And your future imaginary baby will be created from a combination of your chosen characteristics plus those of your partner. You don_t have to answer this honestly, although that may be fun! You can have any look that you want. Just remember, however, that you will have to live with this avatar throughout the semester.

Question 1.2



{true} setModel("userHeight", qqMC1)
{true} setModel("userWeight", qqMC2)
model.userSexValue == "Female"

Question 1.3



{true} setModel("userHeight", qqMC1)
{true} setModel("userWeight", qqMC2)
model.userSexValue == "Male"

Edit Player Avatar


1.1 Avatar Editor Player


Avatar Editor Player

Avatar editor will load here



What are you like?

{true} setModel("motherReligious", "false")
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userHeight == "0"} setModel("userHeightValue", 60)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userHeight == "1"} setModel("userHeightValue", 62)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userHeight == "2"} setModel("userHeightValue", 64)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userHeight == "3"} setModel("userHeightValue", 66)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userHeight == "4"} setModel("userHeightValue", 68)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userHeight == "5"} setModel("userHeightValue", 70)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userHeight == "6"} setModel("userHeightValue", 72)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userHeight == "7"} setModel("userHeightValue", 74)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userHeight == "8"} setModel("userHeightValue", 76)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userHeight == "9"} setModel("userHeightValue", 78)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "0"} setModel("userWeightValue", 100)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "1"} setModel("userWeightValue", 111)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "2"} setModel("userWeightValue", 136)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "3"} setModel("userWeightValue", 161)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "4"} setModel("userWeightValue", 186)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "5"} setModel("userWeightValue", 211)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "6"} setModel("userWeightValue", 236)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "7"} setModel("userWeightValue", 261)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "8"} setModel("userWeightValue", 286)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "9"} setModel("userWeightValue", 311)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "10"} setModel("userWeightValue", 346)
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.userWeight == "11"} setModel("userWeightValue", 376)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userHeight == "0"} setModel("userHeightValue", 54)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userHeight == "1"} setModel("userHeightValue", 56)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userHeight == "2"} setModel("userHeightValue", 58)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userHeight == "3"} setModel("userHeightValue", 60)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userHeight == "4"} setModel("userHeightValue", 62)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userHeight == "5"} setModel("userHeightValue", 64)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userHeight == "6"} setModel("userHeightValue", 66)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userHeight == "7"} setModel("userHeightValue", 68)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userHeight == "8"} setModel("userHeightValue", 70)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userHeight == "9"} setModel("userHeightValue", 72)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "0"} setModel("userWeightValue", 90)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "1"} setModel("userWeightValue", 101)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "2"} setModel("userWeightValue", 120)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "3"} setModel("userWeightValue", 140)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "4"} setModel("userWeightValue", 160)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "5"} setModel("userWeightValue", 180)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "6"} setModel("userWeightValue", 200)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "7"} setModel("userWeightValue", 220)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "8"} setModel("userWeightValue", 240)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "9"} setModel("userWeightValue", 260)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "10"} setModel("userWeightValue", 280)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "11"} setModel("userWeightValue", 300)
{model.userSexValue == "Female" && model.userWeight == "12"} setModel("userWeightValue", 320)
model.userSexValue == "Female"
model.userSexValue == "Male"

What Are You Like?

Your personality and cognitive traits are important in terms of your own thinking, feelings, and behaviors as an individual. They are also something you pass to your offspring through genes and your interactions with your child. Please respond to the following statements using the provided scale to determine how much each statement reflects you.

Be sure to move the slider. If you want to keep the initial slider setting, you will need to move the slider off that point and move it back.

Question 1.4

How open are you to new things? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Not open at all. I like

to stay home and keep

the door shut.,, I'm moderately open.,, Super open!

Positively adventurous.

How careful are you? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Not careful at all. Honestly

I'm a little sloppy.,, I'm moderately careful.,, I'm really careful. I cross all

my _t_s and dot all my _i_s.

How outgoing are you? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: I'mm not outgoing at all. I

prefer small groups and

my own company.,, I'm moderately outgoing.,, I'm really outgoing!

I'm the life of the party.

How easy are you to get along with? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: I'm not that agreeable.

I'm a little cranky.,,I'm moderately agreeable.,,I'm very agreeable.

I get along with everyone.

How moody are you? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: I am not moody at all.

I am even-tempered.,,I am moderately moody.,,My moods change

like the weather.

How bright are you? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: I'm not the brightest.,,I'm moderately smart.,,I'm a certified member

of Mensa.

I'm super smart.

How physical are you? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: I really prefer sitting on the

couch. I don't even like sports on TV.,,I'm moderately physical.,,I love working out.

I am super sporty.

How interested are you in music? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Music means nothing to me.,,I_m into music as much

as the average person.,,I can_t go anywhere without

my tunes. And I can sing!

How good are you at dealing with people? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: I really don_t

get people.,,I'm okay at

dealing with people.,, I'm a natural leader.

How well do you understand yourself? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: I really don_t

get why I do things.,,I generally understand

why I do things.,,I have a ton of insight

into what makes me tick.

Are you religious? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: I_m not religious at all.,,I_m not the

biggest church-goer.,,My faith is central

to how I live my life.

How verbal are you? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: I'm not that verbal.

I'm a person of few words.,,I'm moderately verbal.,,I'm super verbal. I can write

poetry and talk the night away.

How good are you at math? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Math? I still sometimes

use my fingers to count.,,I'm okay at math.,,I'm great at math -

a certified math genius.

How are your spatial skills? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Spatial? I can_t navigate

around the block.,,I'm okay at spatial skills.,,I have amazing spatial skills.

I'm a great map reader.

{qq1 == "1"} setModel("userOpenness", 1.0)
{qq1 == "2"} setModel("userOpenness", 1.5)
{qq1 == "3"} setModel("userOpenness", 2.0)
{qq1 == "4"} setModel("userOpenness", 2.5)
{qq1 == "5"} setModel("userOpenness", 3.0)
{qq2 == "1"} setModel("userCarefulness", 1.0)
{qq2 == "2"} setModel("userCarefulness", 1.5)
{qq2 == "3"} setModel("userCarefulness", 2.0)
{qq2 == "4"} setModel("userCarefulness", 2.5)
{qq2 == "5"} setModel("userCarefulness", 3.0)
{qq3 == "1"} setModel("userOutgoing", 1.0)
{qq3 == "2"} setModel("userOutgoing", 1.5)
{qq3 == "3"} setModel("userOutgoing", 2.0)
{qq3 == "4"} setModel("userOutgoing", 2.5)
{qq3 == "5"} setModel("userOutgoing", 3.0)
{qq4 == "1"} setModel("userAgreeableness", 1.0)
{qq4 == "2"} setModel("userAgreeableness", 1.5)
{qq4 == "3"} setModel("userAgreeableness", 2.0)
{qq4 == "4"} setModel("userAgreeableness", 2.5)
{qq4 == "5"} setModel("userAgreeableness", 3.0)
{qq5 == "1"} setModel("userMoodiness", 1.0)
{qq5 == "2"} setModel("userMoodiness", 1.5)
{qq5 == "3"} setModel("userMoodiness", 2.0)
{qq5 == "4"} setModel("userMoodiness", 2.5)
{qq5 == "5"} setModel("userMoodiness", 3.0)
{qq6 == "1"} setModel("userOverallSmarts", 1.0)
{qq6 == "2"} setModel("userOverallSmarts", 1.5)
{qq6 == "3"} setModel("userOverallSmarts", 2.0)
{qq6 == "4"} setModel("userOverallSmarts", 2.5)
{qq6 == "5"} setModel("userOverallSmarts", 3.0)
{qq7 == "1"} setModel("userPhysicalSkills", 1.0)
{qq7 == "2"} setModel("userPhysicalSkills", 1.5)
{qq7 == "3"} setModel("userPhysicalSkills", 2.0)
{qq7 == "4"} setModel("userPhysicalSkills", 2.5)
{qq7 == "5"} setModel("userPhysicalSkills", 3.0)
{qq8 == "1"} setModel("userMusicalSkills", 1.0)
{qq8 == "2"} setModel("userMusicalSkills", 1.5)
{qq8 == "3"} setModel("userMusicalSkills", 2.0)
{qq8 == "4"} setModel("userMusicalSkills", 2.5)
{qq8 == "5"} setModel("userMusicalSkills", 3.0)
{qq9 == "1"} setModel("userPeopleSkills", 1.0)
{qq9 == "2"} setModel("userPeopleSkills", 1.5)
{qq9 == "3"} setModel("userPeopleSkills", 2.0)
{qq9 == "4"} setModel("userPeopleSkills", 2.5)
{qq9 == "5"} setModel("userPeopleSkills", 3.0)
{qq10 == "1"} setModel("userPersonalInsight", 1.0)
{qq10 == "2"} setModel("userPersonalInsight", 1.5)
{qq10 == "3"} setModel("userPersonalInsight", 2.0)
{qq10 == "4"} setModel("userPersonalInsight", 2.5)
{qq10 == "5"} setModel("userPersonalInsight", 3.0)
{qq11 == "1"} setModel("userReligious", 1.0)
{qq11 == "2"} setModel("userReligious", 1.5)
{qq11 == "3"} setModel("userReligious", 2.0)
{qq11 == "4"} setModel("userReligious", 2.5)
{qq11 == "5"} setModel("userReligious", 3.0)
{qq12 == "1"} setModel("userVerbalSkills", 1.0)
{qq12 == "2"} setModel("userVerbalSkills", 1.5)
{qq12 == "3"} setModel("userVerbalSkills", 2.0)
{qq12 == "4"} setModel("userVerbalSkills", 2.5)
{qq12 == "5"} setModel("userVerbalSkills", 3.0)
{qq13 == "1"} setModel("userMathSkills", 1.0)
{qq13 == "2"} setModel("userMathSkills", 1.5)
{qq13 == "3"} setModel("userMathSkills", 2.0)
{qq13 == "4"} setModel("userMathSkills", 2.5)
{qq13 == "5"} setModel("userMathSkills", 3.0)
{qq14 == "1"} setModel("userSpatialSkills", 1.0)
{qq14 == "2"} setModel("userSpatialSkills", 1.5)
{qq14 == "3"} setModel("userSpatialSkills", 2.0)
{qq14 == "4"} setModel("userSpatialSkills", 2.5)
{qq14 == "5"} setModel("userSpatialSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("userOpennessScore", "Moderate (you_re moderately open)")
{qq1 == 1} setModel("userOpennessScore", "Low (you_re not that open)")
{qq1 == 5} setModel("userOpennessScore", "High (you_re super open)")
{true} setModel("userCarefulnessScore", "Moderate (you_re moderately conscientious)")
{qq2 == 1} setModel("userCarefulnessScore", "Low (you_re not that conscientious)")
{qq2 == 5} setModel("userCarefulnessScore", "High (you_re super conscientious)")
{true} setModel("userOutgoingScore", "Moderate (you_re moderately extroverted)")
{qq3 == 1} setModel("userOutgoingScore", "Low (you_re introverted)")
{qq3 == 5} setModel("userOutgoingScore", "High (you_re really outgoing or extroverted)")
{true} setModel("userAgreeablenessScore", "Moderate (you_re moderately easy to get along with)")
{qq4 == 1} setModel("userAgreeablenessScore", "Low (you_re not that easy to get along with)")
{qq4 == 5} setModel("userAgreeablenessScore", "High (you_re really easy to get along with)")
{true} setModel("userMoodinessScore", "Moderate (you_re moderately moody)")
{qq5 == 1} setModel("userMoodinessScore", "Low (you_re even-tempered)")
{qq5 == 5} setModel("userMoodinessScore", "High (you_re pretty moody)")
{true} setModel("userOverallSmartsScore", "Moderate (you_re moderately smart) ")
{qq6 == 1} setModel("userOverallSmartsScore", "Low (you_re not that smart)")
{qq6 == 5} setModel("userOverallSmartsScore", "High (you_re super smart)")
{true} setModel("userPhysicalSkillsScore", "Moderate (you_re moderately physical)")
{qq7 == 1} setModel("userPhysicalSkillsScore", "Low (you_re not that sporty)")
{qq7 == 5} setModel("userPhysicalSkillsScore", "High (you_re super sporty)")
{true} setModel("userMusicalSkillsScore", "Moderate (you're musically average) ")
{qq8 == 1} setModel("userMusicalSkillsScore", "Low (you_re not that into music)")
{qq8 == 5} setModel("userMusicalSkillsScore", "High (you_re really musical)")
{true} setModel("userPeopleSkillsScore", "Moderate (you're OK at dealing with people) ")
{qq9 == 1} setModel("userPeopleSkillsScore", "Low (you_re not that into people)")
{qq9 == 5} setModel("userPeopleSkillsScore", "High (you_re great at dealing with people)")
{true} setModel("userPersonalInsightScore", "Moderate (you_re moderately insightful) ")
{qq10 == 1} setModel("userPersonalInsightScore", "Low (you really don_t care for introspection)")
{qq10 == 5} setModel("userPersonalInsightScore", "High (you_re super insightful about yourself)")
{true} setModel("userReligiousScore", "Moderate (you_re moderately religious) ")
{qq11 == 1} setModel("userReligiousScore", "Low (you_re not that religious)")
{qq11 == 5} setModel("userReligiousScore", "High (you_re super religious)")
{qq11 == 5 && model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherReligious", "true")
{true} setModel("userVerbalSkillsScore", "Moderate (you_re moderately verbal)")
{qq12 == 1} setModel("userVerbalSkillsScore", "Low (you really aren_t into words)")
{qq12 == 5} setModel("userVerbalSkillsScore", "High (you_re super verbal)")
{true} setModel("userMathSkillsScore", "Moderate (you have moderate math skills)")
{qq13 == 1} setModel("userMathSkillsScore", "Low (you really aren_t into math)")
{qq13 == 5} setModel("userMathSkillsScore", "High (you_re a math genius)")
{true} setModel("userSpatialSkillsScore", "Moderate (you have moderate spatial skills)")
{qq14 == 1} setModel("userSpatialSkillsScore", "Low (you really don_t have terrific spatial skills)")
{qq14 == 5} setModel("userSpatialSkillsScore", "High (you_re super with the maps and other spatial skills)")

Remember that this isn_t a real evaluation of what you_re really like. This is just for fun_and to help you see how these intellectual and personality characteristics may (or may not) end up in your offspring.



Here's How You Scored

model.userSexValue == "Female"
model.userSexValue == "Male"

Here's How You Scored

The personality and cognitive questionnaires included in the Developing Lives simulation are for educational purposes only. The questionnaires are not conducted in a scientific setting, and your results are not a diagnosis of personality issues of any kind or an indication of your Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

How_d you do? Check out your scores below to see who your virtual self will be!

Table : Cognitive and Personality Scores
Personality & Cognitive Area Your Score
Openness {model.userOpennessScore}
Carefulness {model.userCarefulnessScore}
Outgoingness {model.userOutgoingScore}
Agreeableness {model.userAgreeablenessScore}
Moodiness {model.userMoodinessScore}
Overall Smarts {model.userOverallSmartsScore}
Physical Skills {model.userPhysicalSkillsScore}
Musical Skills {model.userMusicalSkillsScore}
People Skills {model.userPeopleSkillsScore}
Personal Insight {model.userPersonalInsightScore}
Verbal Skills {model.userVerbalSkillsScore}
Math Skills {model.userMathSkillsScore}
Spatial Skills {model.userSpatialSkillsScore}



Your Better Half

{true} setModel("userSingleMale", "false")
{true} setModel("userSingleFemale", "false")
{true} setModel("GayMan", "false")
{true} setModel("Gay", "false")
{true} setModel("GayWoman", "false")
{true} setModel("singleGay", "false")
Place holder for the following images: 77005489 (think stock), SuperStock_1654R-2288

Your Better Half

Now that we_ve gotten to know a little bit about you, we need to learn more about your partner and/or the donor who will be contributing his/her biological characteristics to your child.

You will also have the option to be single, cohabiting or an opposite or same-sex relationship. If you are in a same-sex relationship and your partner won_t be the biological parent to your child, you will have the opportunity to choose a profile from a sperm bank, an egg from a donor or if you have a partner that is no longer a part of your life but is the father of the child in the program.

Remember, this is all just for fun. You can choose the characteristics of your real-life partner or make someone up or choose an identity from one of our pre-programmed profiles.


What is your relationship status? A. Dating B. Co-habitating with your partner *C. Married D. Single _never_scramble:true

Are we looking for a man or a woman? If you_re single, just indicate whether you_d be looking for a man or a woman in a future relationship. Later on in the program, you may end up in a new relationship_and we want to make sure we find you the appropriate partner. A. Man *B. Woman _never_scramble:true

{true} setModel("userRelationshipStatus", qqMC1)
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 0} setModel("Relationship", "dating")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 1} setModel("Relationship", "cohabitating")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 2} setModel("Relationship", "married")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 3} setModel("Relationship", "single")
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("userSingleMale", "true")
{qqMC2 == 0} setModel("partnerSex", "Male")
{qqMC2 == 1} setModel("partnerSex", "Female")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerGuyGirl", "guy")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerGuyGirl", "girl")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerSelf", "himself")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerSelf", "herself")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeSheCap", "He")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeSheCap", "She")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeShe", "he")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeShe", "she")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHimHer", "him")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHimHer", "her")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHisHerCap", "His")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHisHerCap", "Her")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHisHer", "his")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHisHer", "her")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerLeave", "maternity")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerLeave", "paternity")
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.Relationship != "single"} setModel("GayMan", "true")
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.Relationship != "single"} setModel("Gay", "true")
{model.userSingleMale == "true" && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("singleGay", "true")
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.Relationship != "single" && model.GayMan == "false"} setModel("Mother", "partner")
{model.GayMan == "true"} setModel("Mother", "surrogate")
{model.Relationship == "single"} setModel("Mother", "surrogate")
{model.r19 == 0} setModel("surrogateName", "Mary")
{model.r19 == 1} setModel("surrogateName", "Patricia")
{model.r19 == 2} setModel("surrogateName", "Linda")
{model.r19 == 3} setModel("surrogateName", "Barbara")
{model.r19 == 4} setModel("surrogateName", "Elizabeth")
{model.r19 == 5} setModel("surrogateName", "Jennifer")
{model.r19 == 6} setModel("surrogateName", "Maria")
{model.r19 == 7} setModel("surrogateName", "Susan")
{model.r19 == 8} setModel("surrogateName", "Margaret")
{model.r19 == 9} setModel("surrogateName", "Dorothy")
{model.r19 == 10} setModel("surrogateName", "Lisa")
{model.r19 == 11} setModel("surrogateName", "Nancy")
{model.r19 == 12} setModel("surrogateName", "Karen")
{model.r19 == 13} setModel("surrogateName", "Helen")
{model.r19 == 14} setModel("surrogateName", "Sandra")
{model.r19 == 15} setModel("surrogateName", "Donna")
{model.r19 == 16} setModel("surrogateName", "Carol")
{model.r19 == 17} setModel("surrogateName", "Ruth")
{model.r19 == 18} setModel("surrogateName", "Sharon")
{true} setModel("userSingleFemale", "false")

Partner Age:

{true} setModel("userRelationshipStatus", qqMC1)
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 0} setModel("Relationship", "dating")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 1} setModel("Relationship", "cohabitating")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 2} setModel("Relationship", "married")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 3} setModel("Relationship", "single")
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("userSingleMale", "true")
{qqMC2 == 0} setModel("partnerSex", "Male")
{qqMC2 == 1} setModel("partnerSex", "Female")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerGuyGirl", "guy")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerGuyGirl", "girl")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerSelf", "himself")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerSelf", "herself")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeSheCap", "He")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeSheCap", "She")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeShe", "he")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeShe", "she")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHimHer", "him")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHimHer", "her")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHisHerCap", "His")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHisHerCap", "Her")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHisHer", "his")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHisHer", "her")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerLeave", "maternity")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerLeave", "paternity")
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.Relationship != "single"} setModel("GayMan", "true")
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.Relationship != "single"} setModel("Gay", "true")
{model.userSingleMale == "true" && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("singleGay", "true")
{model.userSexValue == "Male" && model.Relationship != "single" && model.GayMan == "false"} setModel("Mother", "partner")
{model.GayMan == "true"} setModel("Mother", "surrogate")
{model.Relationship == "single"} setModel("Mother", "surrogate")
{model.r19 == 0} setModel("surrogateName", "Mary")
{model.r19 == 1} setModel("surrogateName", "Patricia")
{model.r19 == 2} setModel("surrogateName", "Linda")
{model.r19 == 3} setModel("surrogateName", "Barbara")
{model.r19 == 4} setModel("surrogateName", "Elizabeth")
{model.r19 == 5} setModel("surrogateName", "Jennifer")
{model.r19 == 6} setModel("surrogateName", "Maria")
{model.r19 == 7} setModel("surrogateName", "Susan")
{model.r19 == 8} setModel("surrogateName", "Margaret")
{model.r19 == 9} setModel("surrogateName", "Dorothy")
{model.r19 == 10} setModel("surrogateName", "Lisa")
{model.r19 == 11} setModel("surrogateName", "Nancy")
{model.r19 == 12} setModel("surrogateName", "Karen")
{model.r19 == 13} setModel("surrogateName", "Helen")
{model.r19 == 14} setModel("surrogateName", "Sandra")
{model.r19 == 15} setModel("surrogateName", "Donna")
{model.r19 == 16} setModel("surrogateName", "Carol")
{model.r19 == 17} setModel("surrogateName", "Ruth")
{model.r19 == 18} setModel("surrogateName", "Sharon")
{true} setModel("userSingleFemale", "false")
model.userSexValue == "Male"

Question 1.5

What is your relationship status? A. Dating B. Co-habitating with your partner *C. Married D. Single _never_scramble:true

Are we looking for a man or a woman? If you_re single, just indicate whether you_d be looking for a man or a woman in a future relationship. Later on in the program, you may end up in a new relationship_and we want to make sure we find you the appropriate partner. A. Man *B. Woman _never_scramble:true

{true} setModel("userRelationshipStatus", qqMC1)
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 0} setModel("Relationship", "dating")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 1} setModel("Relationship", "cohabitating")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 2} setModel("Relationship", "married")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 3} setModel("Relationship", "single")
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("userSingleFemale", "true")
{qqMC2 == 0} setModel("partnerSex", "Male")
{qqMC2 == 1} setModel("partnerSex", "Female")
{model.userSexValue == "Female"} setModel("Mother", "user")
{qqMC2 == 0} setModel("partnerSex", "Male")
{qqMC2 == 1} setModel("partnerSex", "Female")
{qqMC2 == 1 && model.Relationship != "single"} setModel("GayWoman", "true")
{model.GayWoman == "true"} setModel("Gay", "true")
{true} setModel("singleGay", "false")
{model.userSingleFemale == "true" && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("singleGay", "true")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerLeave", "maternity")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerLeave", "paternity")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerGuyGirl", "guy")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerGuyGirl", "girl")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerSelf", "himself")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerSelf", "herself")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeSheCap", "He")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeSheCap", "She")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeShe", "he")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeShe", "she")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHimHer", "him")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHimHer", "her")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHisHerCap", "His")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHisHerCap", "Her")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHisHer", "his")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHisHer", "her")

Partner Age:

{true} setModel("userRelationshipStatus", qqMC1)
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 0} setModel("Relationship", "dating")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 1} setModel("Relationship", "cohabitating")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 2} setModel("Relationship", "married")
{model.userRelationshipStatus == 3} setModel("Relationship", "single")
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("userSingleFemale", "true")
{qqMC2 == 0} setModel("partnerSex", "Male")
{qqMC2 == 1} setModel("partnerSex", "Female")
{model.userSexValue == "Female"} setModel("Mother", "user")
{qqMC2 == 0} setModel("partnerSex", "Male")
{qqMC2 == 1} setModel("partnerSex", "Female")
{qqMC2 == 1 && model.Relationship != "single"} setModel("GayWoman", "true")
{model.GayWoman == "true"} setModel("Gay", "true")
{true} setModel("singleGay", "false")
{model.userSingleFemale == "true" && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("singleGay", "true")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerLeave", "maternity")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerLeave", "paternity")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerGuyGirl", "guy")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerGuyGirl", "girl")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerSelf", "himself")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerSelf", "herself")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeSheCap", "He")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeSheCap", "She")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeShe", "he")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeShe", "she")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHimHer", "him")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHimHer", "her")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHisHerCap", "His")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHisHerCap", "Her")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHisHer", "his")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHisHer", "her")
model.userSexValue == "Female"



Your Child's other biological parent

{true} setModel("donorSex", "")
{model.GayWoman == "true" || model.userSingleFemale == "true"} setModel("donorSex", "Male")
{model.GayMan == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("donorSex", "Female")
{model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorHeSheCap", "She")
{model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorHeSheCap", "He")
{model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorHisHer", "her")
{model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorHisHer", "his")
{model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorHisHerCap", "Her")
{model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorHisHerCap", "His")
{model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorHimHer", "her")
{model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorHimHer", "him")
{model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorHeShe", "she")
{model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorHeShe", "he")
{model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorSelf", "herself")
{model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorSelf", "himself")
{model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorGuyGirl", "girl")
{model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorGuyGirl", "guy")

Your Child's other biological parent

How would you like to set up your partner?

Create my own partner


Pick a partner from a pre-programmed profile

model.userSingleMale == "false" && model.userSingleFemale == "false"

How would you like to set up the biological parent or donor for your future child?

Create my own donor or biological parent


Pick a donor or biological parent from a set of pre-programmed profiles

model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"

Getting to Know Your Partner

{model.Gay == "true" || model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("partner_donor", "donor")
{model.Gay == "true" || model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("partner_donor_cap", "Donor")

Getting to know your Partner

Question 1.6

My partner's name is: _no_correct_answer:true

Responding to the following questions is optional. However, answering these questions will allow the program to better customize your experience.



{true} setModel("partnerName", qq1)
{qqMC2 != 0} setModel("partnerRace", qqMC2)
{qqMC2 != 0} setModel("partnerRaceValue", qqMCValue2)
{qqMC2 == 0} setModel("partnerRaceValue", "White (non-Hispanic)")
{qqMC2 == 0} setModel("partnerRace", "1")
{model.partnerRace == 0 || model.partnerRace == 1} setModel("partnerEthnicity", "white")
{model.partnerRace == 2} setModel("partnerEthnicity", "latino")
{model.partnerRace == 3} setModel("partnerEthnicity", "black")
{model.partnerRace == 4} setModel("partnerEthnicity", "asian")
{model.partnerRace == 5} setModel("partnerEthnicity", "multiracial")
{model.partnerRace == 6} setModel("partnerEthnicity", "native")
{model.partnerRace == 7} setModel("partnerEthnicity", "pacific")
{qqMC3 != 0} setModel("partnerLanguageValue", qqMCValue3)
{qqMC3 != 0} setModel("partnerLanguage", qqMC3)
{qqMC3 == 0} setModel("partnerLanguageValue", "English")
{qqMC3 == 0} setModel("partnerLanguage", 1)



Customizing Your Partner's Avatar


Customizing Your Partner's Avatar

Now you need to create an avatar for your Partner. Remember your future child will be created from a combination of your avatar and the one that you are creating for your partner.

Question 1.7



{true} setModel("partnerHeight", qqMC1)
{true} setModel("partnerWeight", qqMC2)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerHeight == "0"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 60)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerHeight == "1"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 62)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerHeight == "2"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 64)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerHeight == "3"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 66)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerHeight == "4"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 68)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerHeight == "5"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 70)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerHeight == "6"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 72)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerHeight == "7"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 74)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerHeight == "8"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 76)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerHeight == "9"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 78)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "0"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 100)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "1"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 111)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "2"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 136)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "3"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 161)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "4"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 186)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "5"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 211)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "6"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 236)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "7"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 261)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "8"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 286)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "9"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 311)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "10"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 346)
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.partnerWeight == "11"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 376)
model.partnerSex == "Male"

Question 1.8



{true} setModel("partnerHeight", qqMC1)
{true} setModel("partnerWeight", qqMC2)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "0"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 54)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "1"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 56)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "2"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 58)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "3"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 60)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "4"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 62)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "5"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 64)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "6"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 66)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "7"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 68)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "8"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 70)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "9"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 72)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "0"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 90)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "1"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 101)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "2"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 120)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "3"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 140)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "4"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 160)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "5"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 180)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "6"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 200)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "7"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 220)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "8"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 240)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "9"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 260)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "10"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 280)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "11"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 300)
{true} setModel("partnerHeight", qqMC1)
{true} setModel("partnerWeight", qqMC2)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "0"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 54)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "1"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 56)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "2"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 58)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "3"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 60)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "4"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 62)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "5"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 64)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "6"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 66)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "7"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 68)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "8"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 70)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerHeight == "9"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 72)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "0"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 90)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "1"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 101)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "2"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 120)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "3"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 140)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "4"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 160)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "5"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 180)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "6"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 200)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "7"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 220)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "8"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 240)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "9"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 260)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "10"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 280)
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.partnerWeight == "11"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 300)
model.partnerSex == "Female"

Edit Partner Avatar


1.2 Avatar Editor Partner

{true} setModel("child_age_number", 10)

Avatar Editor Partner

Avatar editor will load here.



Donor's Demographics and Appearance


Donor_s Demographics and Appearance

Can you let us know a little more about the donor or the biological parent you have in mind to contribute to your future child?

Question 1.9

Responding to the following questions is optional. However, answering these questions will allow us to better customize your experience.



{qqMC1 != 0} setModel("donorRace", qqMC1)
{qqMC1 != 0} setModel("donorRaceValue", qqMCValue1)
{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("donorRaceValue", "White (non-Hispanic)")
{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("donorRace", "1")
{model.donorRace == 0 || model.donorRace == 1} setModel("donorEthnicity", "white")
{model.donorRace == 2} setModel("donorEthnicity", "latino")
{model.donorRace == 3} setModel("donorEthnicity", "black")
{model.donorRace == 4} setModel("donorEthnicity", "asian")
{model.donorRace == 5} setModel("donorEthnicity", "multiracial")
{model.donorRace == 6} setModel("donorEthnicity", "native")
{model.donorRace == 7} setModel("donorEthnicity", "pacific")
{qqMC2 != 0} setModel("donorLanguageValue", qqMCValue2)
{qqMC2 != 0} setModel("donorLanguage", qqMC2)
{qqMC2 == 0} setModel("donorLanguageValue", "English")
{qqMC2 == 0} setModel("donorLanguage", 1)



What Do They Look Like


Customizing Your Donor's Avatar

Now you need to create an avatar for your donor. Remember your future child will be created from a combination of your avatar and the one that you are creating for your donor.

Question 1.10



{true} setModel("donorHeight", qqMC1)
{true} setModel("donorWeight", qqMC2)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorHeight == "0"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 60)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorHeight == "1"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 62)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorHeight == "2"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 64)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorHeight == "3"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 66)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorHeight == "4"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 68)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorHeight == "5"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 70)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorHeight == "6"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 72)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorHeight == "7"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 74)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorHeight == "8"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 76)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorHeight == "9"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 78)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "0"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 100)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "1"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 111)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "2"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 136)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "3"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 161)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "4"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 186)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "5"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 211)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "6"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 236)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "7"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 261)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "8"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 286)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "9"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 311)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "10"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 346)
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.donorWeight == "11"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 376)
{model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("Father", "donor")
model.donorSex == "Male"

Question 1.11



{true} setModel("donorHeight", qqMC1)
{true} setModel("donorWeight", qqMC2)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "0"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 54)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "1"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 56)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "2"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 58)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "3"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 60)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "4"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 62)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "5"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 64)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "6"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 66)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "7"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 68)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "8"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 70)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "9"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 72)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "0"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 90)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "1"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 101)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "2"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 120)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "3"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 140)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "4"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 160)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "5"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 180)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "6"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 200)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "7"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 220)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "8"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 240)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "9"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 260)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "10"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 280)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "11"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 300)
{model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("Mother", "donor")
{true} setModel("donorHeight", qqMC1)
{true} setModel("donorWeight", qqMC2)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "0"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 54)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "1"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 56)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "2"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 58)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "3"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 60)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "4"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 62)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "5"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 64)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "6"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 66)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "7"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 68)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "8"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 70)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "9"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 72)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "0"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 90)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "1"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 101)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "2"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 120)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "3"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 140)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "4"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 160)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "5"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 180)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "6"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 200)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "7"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 220)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "8"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 240)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "9"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 260)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "10"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 280)
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.donorHeight == "11"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 300)
{model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("Mother", "donor")
model.donorSex == "Female"

Edit Donor Avatar


1.3 Avatar Editor Donor

{true} setModel("child_age_number", 10)
{true} setModel("donorAgeValue", 27)

Avatar Editor Donor

Avatar editor will load here.



What is your donor like?

model.donorSex == "Female"
model.donorSex == "Male"

What Is the donor like?

The personality and cognitive traits you select for your child's other biological parent will also be passed on to your child_giving you an opportunity to see how genes_and the environment a child is raised in_affect the development of a child. Please respond to the following statements using the provided scale to determine how much each statement reflects your child's other biological parent.

Question 1.12

How open is your baby_s other biological parent to new things? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Not open at all.

{model.donorHeSheCap} likes to stay home

and keep the door shut.,, {model.donorHeSheCap} is moderately open.,, Super open!

Positively adventurous.

How careful is your baby_s other biological parent? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Not careful at all. Honestly

{model.donorHeShe} is a little sloppy.,, {model.donorHeSheCap} is moderately careful.,, Really careful. {model.donorHeSheCap} crosses

all {model.partnerHisHer} _t_s and

dots all {model.donorHisHer} _i_s.

How outgoing is your baby_s other biological parent? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Not outgoing at all. {model.donorHeSheCap} prefers

small groups and {model.donorHisHer} own company.,, {model.donorHeSheCap} is moderately outgoing.,, Really outgoing! {model.donorHeSheCap} is

the life of the party.

How easy is your baby_s other biological parent to get along with? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Not that agreeable.

{model.donorHeSheCap} is a little cranky.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is moderately agreeable.,,Very agreeable. {model.donorHeSheCap} gets

along with everyone.

How moody is your baby_s other biological parent? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.donorHeSheCap} is not moody at all.

{model.donorHeSheCap} is even-tempered.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is moderately moody.,,{model.donorHisHerCap} moods change

like the weather.

How bright is your baby_s other biological parent? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.donorHeSheCap} is not the brightest.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is moderately smart.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is a certified member

of Mensa. {model.donorHeSheCap} is super smart.

How physical is your baby_s other biological parent? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.donorHeSheCap} really prefers sitting on the couch.

And doesn't even like sports on TV.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is moderately physical.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} loves working out.

{model.donorHeSheCap} is super sporty.

How interested is your baby_s other biological parent in music? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Music means nothing to {model.donorHimHer}.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is into music as much

as the average person.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} can_t go anywhere without

{model.donorHisHer} tunes. And {model.donorHeShe} can sing!

How good is your baby_s other biological parent at dealing with people? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.donorHeSheCap} really doesn_t get people.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is okay at dealing with people.,, {model.donorHeSheCap} is a natural leader.

How well does your baby_s other biological parent understand {model.donorSelf}? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.donorHeSheCap} really doesn_t get

why {model.donorHeShe} does things.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} generally understands

why {model.donorHeShe} does things.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} has a ton of insight

into what makes {model.donorHimHer} tick.

How verbal is your baby_s other biological parent? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.donorHeSheCap} isn't that verbal.

{model.donorHeSheCap} is a person of few words.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is moderately verbal.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is super verbal. {model.donorHeSheCap} can

write poetry and

talk the night away.

How good is your baby_s other biological parent at math? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Math? {model.donorHeSheCap} still sometimes

uses {model.donorHisHer} fingers to count.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is okay at math.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is great at math -

a certified math genius.

How are your baby_s other biological parent's spatial skills? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Spatial? {model.donorHeSheCap} can_t navigate

around the block.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} is okay at spatial skills.,,{model.donorHeSheCap} has amazing spatial skills.

{model.donorHeSheCap} is a great map reader.

{qq1 == "1"} setModel("donorOpenness", 1.0)
{qq1 == "2"} setModel("donorOpenness", 1.5)
{qq1 == "3"} setModel("donorOpenness", 2.0)
{qq1 == "4"} setModel("donorOpenness", 2.5)
{qq1 == "5"} setModel("donorOpenness", 3.0)
{qq2 == "1"} setModel("donorCarefulness", 1.0)
{qq2 == "2"} setModel("donorCarefulness", 1.5)
{qq2 == "3"} setModel("donorCarefulness", 2.0)
{qq2 == "4"} setModel("donorCarefulness", 2.5)
{qq2 == "5"} setModel("donorCarefulness", 3.0)
{qq3 == "1"} setModel("donorOutgoing", 1.0)
{qq3 == "2"} setModel("donorOutgoing", 1.5)
{qq3 == "3"} setModel("donorOutgoing", 2.0)
{qq3 == "4"} setModel("donorOutgoing", 2.5)
{qq3 == "5"} setModel("donorOutgoing", 3.0)
{qq4 == "1"} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 1.0)
{qq4 == "2"} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 1.5)
{qq4 == "3"} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 2.0)
{qq4 == "4"} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 2.5)
{qq4 == "5"} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 3.0)
{qq5 == "1"} setModel("donorMoodiness", 1.0)
{qq5 == "2"} setModel("donorMoodiness", 1.5)
{qq5 == "3"} setModel("donorMoodiness", 2.0)
{qq5 == "4"} setModel("donorMoodiness", 2.5)
{qq5 == "5"} setModel("donorMoodiness", 3.0)
{qq6 == "1"} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 1.0)
{qq6 == "2"} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 1.5)
{qq6 == "3"} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 2.0)
{qq6 == "4"} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 2.5)
{qq6 == "5"} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 3.0)
{qq7 == "1"} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", 1.0)
{qq7 == "2"} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", 1.5)
{qq7 == "3"} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", 2.0)
{qq7 == "4"} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", 2.5)
{qq7 == "5"} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", 3.0)
{qq8 == "1"} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", 1.0)
{qq8 == "2"} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", 1.5)
{qq8 == "3"} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", 2.0)
{qq8 == "4"} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", 2.5)
{qq8 == "5"} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", 3.0)
{qq9 == "1"} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", 1.0)
{qq9 == "2"} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", 1.5)
{qq9 == "3"} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", 2.0)
{qq9 == "4"} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", 2.5)
{qq9 == "5"} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", 3.0)
{qq10 == "1"} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", 1.0)
{qq10 == "2"} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", 1.5)
{qq10 == "3"} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", 2.0)
{qq10 == "4"} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", 2.5)
{qq10 == "5"} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", 3.0)
{qq11 == "1"} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", 1.0)
{qq11 == "2"} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", 1.5)
{qq11 == "3"} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", 2.0)
{qq11 == "4"} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", 2.5)
{qq11 == "5"} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", 3.0)
{qq12 == "1"} setModel("donorMathSkills", 1.0)
{qq12 == "2"} setModel("donorMathSkills", 1.5)
{qq12 == "3"} setModel("donorMathSkills", 2.0)
{qq12 == "4"} setModel("donorMathSkills", 2.5)
{qq12 == "5"} setModel("donorMathSkills", 3.0)
{qq13 == "1"} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", 1.0)
{qq13 == "2"} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", 1.5)
{qq13 == "3"} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", 2.0)
{qq13 == "4"} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", 2.5)
{qq13 == "5"} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("donorOpennessScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately open)")
{qq1 == 1} setModel("donorOpennessScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that open)")
{qq1 == 5} setModel("donorOpennessScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super open)")
{true} setModel("donorCarefulnessScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately conscientious)")
{qq2 == 1} setModel("donorCarefulnessScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that conscientious)")
{qq2 == 5} setModel("donorCarefulnessScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super conscientious)")
{true} setModel("donorOutgoingScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately extroverted)")
{qq3 == 1} setModel("donorOutgoingScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is introverted)")
{qq3 == 5} setModel("donorOutgoingScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is really outgoing or extroverted)")
{true} setModel("donorAgreeablenessScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately easy to get along with)")
{qq4 == 1} setModel("donorAgreeablenessScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that easy to get along with)")
{qq4 == 5} setModel("donorAgreeablenessScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is really easy to get along with)")
{true} setModel("donorMoodinessScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately moody)")
{qq5 == 1} setModel("donorMoodinessScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is even-tempered)")
{qq5 == 5} setModel("donorMoodinessScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is pretty moody)")
{true} setModel("donorOverallSmartsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately smart) ")
{qq6 == 1} setModel("donorOverallSmartsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that smart)")
{qq6 == 5} setModel("donorOverallSmartsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super smart)")
{true} setModel("donorPhysicalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately physical)")
{qq7 == 1} setModel("donorPhysicalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that sporty)")
{qq7 == 5} setModel("donorPhysicalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super sporty)")
{true} setModel("donorMusicalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is musically average) ")
{qq8 == 1} setModel("donorMusicalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that into music)")
{qq8 == 5} setModel("donorMusicalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is really musical)")
{true} setModel("donorPeopleSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is Ok at dealing with people) ")
{qq9 == 1} setModel("donorPeopleSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that into people)")
{qq9 == 5} setModel("donorPeopleSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is great at dealing with people)")
{true} setModel("donorPersonalInsightScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately insightful) ")
{qq10 == 1} setModel("donorPersonalInsightScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " really doesn_t care for introspection)")
{qq10 == 5} setModel("donorPersonalInsightScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super insightful about themself)")
{true} setModel("donorVerbalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately verbal)")
{qq11 == 1} setModel("donorVerbalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " really isn_t into words)")
{qq11 == 5} setModel("donorVerbalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super verbal)")
{true} setModel("donorMathSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " has moderate math skills)")
{qq12 == 1} setModel("donorMathSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " really isn_t into math)")
{qq12 == 5} setModel("donorMathSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is a math genius)")
{true} setModel("donorSpatialSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " has moderate spatial skills)")
{qq13 == 1} setModel("donorSpatialSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " really doesn_t have terrific spatial skills)")
{qq13 == 5} setModel("donorSpatialSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super with the maps and other spatial skills)")
{true} setModel("babyMoodiness", model.userMoodiness*0.5 + model.donorMoodiness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOpenness", model.userOpenness*0.5 + model.donorOpenness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOutgoing", model.userOutgoing*0.5 + model.donorOutgoing*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyCarefulness", model.userCarefulness*0.5 + model.donorCarefulness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyAgreeableness", model.userAgreeableness*0.5 + model.donorAgreeableness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOverallSmarts", model.userOverallSmarts*0.5 + model.donorOverallSmarts*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPhysicalSkills", model.userPhysicalSkills*0.5 + model.donorPhysicalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyMusicalSkills", model.userMusicalSkills*0.5 + model.donorMusicalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPeopleSkills", model.userPeopleSkills*0.5 + model.donorPeopleSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPersonalInsight", model.userPersonalInsight*0.5 + model.donorPersonalInsight*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyVerbalSkills", model.userVerbalSkills*0.5 + model.donorVerbalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyMathSkills", model.userMathSkills*0.5 + model.donorMathSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babySpatialSkills", model.userSpatialSkills*0.5 + model.donorSpatialSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyTemperament", "easy")
{model.babyMoodiness > 1.5 && model.babyOpenness < 2.5 && model.babyOutgoing < 2.5 && model.babyCarefulness > 1.5} setModel("babyTemperament", "slow to warm")
{model.babyMoodiness > 2.0 && model.babyOutgoing < 1.5 && model.babyCarefulness < 2.0} setModel("babyTemperament", "difficult")

Remember that this isn_t a real evaluation of what your child's other biological parent is really like. This is just for fun_and to help you see how these intellectual and personality characteristics may (or may not) end up in your offspring.



Pick a Biological Parent... Just one

{true} setModel("rprofile", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{true} setModel("donorAge1", 26)
{true} setModel("donorAge2", 26)
{true} setModel("donorAge3", 26)
{true} setModel("donorAge4", 26)
{true} setModel("donorAge5", 26)
{true} setModel("donorAge6", 26)
{true} setModel("r3", Math.floor(Math.random()*3))
{model.r100 < 75} setModel("donorAge1", model.donorAge1 + model.r3)
{true} setModel("r3", Math.floor(Math.random()*3))
{true} setModel("donorAge2", model.donorAge2 + model.r3)
{true} setModel("r3", Math.floor(Math.random()*3))
{model.r100 < 30} setModel("donorAge3", model.donorAge3 + model.r3)
{true} setModel("r3", Math.floor(Math.random()*3))
{true} setModel("donorAge4", model.donorAge4 + model.r3)
{true} setModel("r3", Math.floor(Math.random()*3))
{model.r100 < 60} setModel("donorAge5", model.donorAge5 + model.r3)
{true} setModel("r3", Math.floor(Math.random()*3))
{true} setModel("donorAge6", model.donorAge6 + model.r3)
{true} setModel("r3", Math.floor(Math.random()*3))
{true} setModel("rscore1", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore2", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore3", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore4", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore5", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore6", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore7", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorOpenness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorCarefulness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorOutgoing", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorMoodiness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorMathSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorOpenness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorCarefulness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorOutgoing", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorMoodiness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorMathSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorOpenness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorCarefulness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorOutgoing", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorMoodiness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorMathSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorOpenness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorCarefulness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorOutgoing", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorMoodiness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorMathSkills", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorOpenness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorCarefulness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorOutgoing", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorMoodiness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorMathSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorOpenness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorCarefulness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorOutgoing", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorMoodiness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorMathSkills", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorOpenness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorCarefulness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorOutgoing", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorAgreeableness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorMoodiness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorOverallSmarts", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorMathSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", model.rscore1)
{true} setModel("babyMoodiness", model.userMoodiness*0.5 + model.donorMoodiness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyMoodinessScore", "M")
{model.babyMoodinessScore < 1.01} setModel("babyMoodinessScore", "L")
{model.babyMoodinessScore > 4.99} setModel("babyMoodinessScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyOpenness", model.userOpenness*0.5 + model.donorOpenness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOpennessScore", "M")
{model.babyOpennessScore < 1.01} setModel("babyOpennessScore", "L")
{model.babyOpennessScore > 4.99} setModel("babyOpennessScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyOutgoing", model.userOutgoing*0.5 + model.donorOutgoing*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOutgoingScore", "M")
{model.babyOutgoingScore < 1.01} setModel("babyOutgoingScore", "L")
{model.babyOutgoingScore > 4.99} setModel("babyOutgoingScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyCarefulness", model.userCarefulness*0.5 + model.donorCarefulness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyCarefulnessScore", "M")
{model.babyCarefulnessScore < 1.01} setModel("babyCarefulnessScore", "L")
{model.babyCarefulnessScore > 4.99} setModel("babyCarefulnessScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyAgreeableness", model.userAgreeableness*0.5 + model.donorAgreeableness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyAgreeablenessScore", "M")
{model.babyAgreeablenessScore < 1.01} setModel("babyAgreeablenessScore", "L")
{model.babyAgreeablenessScore > 4.99} setModel("babyAgreeablenessScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyOverallSmarts", model.userOverallSmarts*0.5 + model.donorOverallSmarts*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOverallSmartsScore", "M")
{model.babyOverallSmartsScore < 1.01} setModel("babyOverallSmartsScore", "L")
{model.babyOverallSmartsScore > 4.99} setModel("babyOverallSmartsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyPhysicalSkills", model.userPhysicalSkills*0.5 + model.donorPhysicalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPhysicalSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babyPhysicalSkillsScore < 1.01} setModel("babyPhysicalSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babyPhysicalSkillsScore > 4.99} setModel("babyPhysicalSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyMusicalSkills", model.userMusicalSkills*0.5 + model.donorMusicalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyMusicalSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babyMusicalSkillsScore < 1.01} setModel("babyMusicalSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babyMusicalSkillsScore > 4.99} setModel("babyMusicalSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyPeopleSkills", model.userPeopleSkills*0.5 + model.donorPeopleSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPeopleSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babyPeopleSkillsScore < 1.01} setModel("babyPeopleSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babyPeopleSkillsScore > 4.99} setModel("babyPeopleSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyPersonalInsight", model.userPersonalInsight*0.5 + model.donorPersonalInsight*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPersonalInsightScore", "M")
{model.babyPersonalInsightScore < 1.01} setModel("babyPersonalInsightScore", "L")
{model.babyPersonalInsightScore > 4.99} setModel("babyPersonalInsightScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyVerbalSkills", model.userVerbalSkills*0.5 + model.donorVerbalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyVerbalSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babyVerbalSkillsScore < 1.01} setModel("babyVerbalSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babyVerbalSkillsScore > 4.99} setModel("babyVerbalSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyMathSkills", model.userMathSkills*0.5 + model.donorMathSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyMathSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babyMathSkills < 1.01} setModel("babyMathSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babyMathSkills > 4.99} setModel("babyMathSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babySpatialSkills", model.userSpatialSkills*0.5 + model.donorSpatialSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babySpatialSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babySpatialSkills < 1.01} setModel("babySpatialSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babySpatialSkills > 4.99} setModel("babySpatialSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyTemperament", "easy")
{model.babyMoodiness > 1.5 && model.babyOpenness < 2.5 && model.babyOutgoing < 2.5 && model.babyCarefulness > 1.5} setModel("babyTemperament", "slow to warm")
{model.babyMoodiness > 2.0 && model.babyOutgoing < 1.5 && model.babyCarefulness < 2.0} setModel("babyTemperament", "difficult")
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("donorMusicalSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("profile_addon1", "I'm also really into music.")
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("donorVerbalSkills", 3.0)
{model.donorOverallSmarts < 2.01} setModel("profile_addon2", "I'm also a big reader.")
{model.donorOverallSmarts > 1.99} setModel("profile_addon2", "I also love the Sunday crossword puzzle.")
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("donorPhysicalSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("profile_addon3", "I'm also really into playing sports.")
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("donorSpatialSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("profile_addon4", "I'm also really good at maps.")
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("donorMathSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("profile_addon5", "I'm also really good at math.")
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("donorPersonalInsight", 3.0)
{model.donorOpenness > 1.99} setModel("profile_addon6", "Not to brag, but I think of myself as a natural leader.")
{model.donorOpenness < 1.50} setModel("profile_addon6", "I am good at understanding other people_s problems.")
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("donorPeopleSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("profile_addon7", "Also, I really understand myself.")
{true} setModel("donorOpennessScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately open)")
{model.donorOpenness == 1} setModel("donorOpennessScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that open)")
{model.donorOpenness == 3} setModel("donorOpennessScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super open)")
{true} setModel("donorCarefulnessScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately conscientious)")
{model.donorCarefulness == 1} setModel("donorCarefulnessScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that conscientious)")
{model.donorCarefulness == 3} setModel("donorCarefulnessScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super conscientious)")
{true} setModel("donorOutgoingScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately extroverted)")
{model.donorOutgoing == 1} setModel("donorOutgoingScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is introverted)")
{model.donorOutgoing == 3} setModel("donorOutgoingScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is really outgoing or extroverted)")
{true} setModel("donorAgreeablenessScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately easy to get along with)")
{model.donorAgreeableness == 1} setModel("donorAgreeablenessScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that easy to get along with)")
{model.donorAgreeableness == 3} setModel("pdonorAgreeablenessScore", "High (" + model.donorrHeShe + " is really easy to get along with)")
{true} setModel("donorMoodinessScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately moody)")
{model.donorMoodiness == 1} setModel("donorMoodinessScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is even-tempered)")
{model.donorMoodiness == 3} setModel("donorMoodinessScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is pretty moody)")
{true} setModel("donorOverallSmartsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately smart) ")
{model.donorOverallSmarts == 1} setModel("donorOverallSmartsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that smart)")
{model.donorOverallSmarts == 3} setModel("donorOverallSmartsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super smart)")
{true} setModel("donorPhysicalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately physical)")
{model.donorPhysicalSkills == 1} setModel("donorPhysicalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that sporty)")
{model.donorPhysicalSkills == 3} setModel("donorPhysicalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super sporty)")
{true} setModel("donorMusicalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that musical) ")
{model.donorMusicalSkills == 1} setModel("donorMusicalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that into music)")
{model.donorMusicalSkills == 3} setModel("donorMusicalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is really musical)")
{true} setModel("donorPeopleSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that great at dealing with people) ")
{model.donorPeopleSkills == 1} setModel("donorPeopleSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " is not that into people)")
{model.donorPeopleSkills == 3} setModel("donorPeopleSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is great at dealing with people)")
{true} setModel("donorPersonalInsightScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately insightful) ")
{model.donorPersonalInsight == 1} setModel("donorPersonalInsightScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " really doesn_t care for introspection)")
{model.donorPersonalInsight == 3} setModel("donorPersonalInsightScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super insightful about themself)")
{true} setModel("donorVerbalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " is moderately verbal)")
{model.donorVerbalSkills == 1} setModel("donorVerbalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " really isn_t into words)")
{model.donorVerbalSkills == 3} setModel("donorVerbalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super verbal)")
{true} setModel("donorMathSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " has moderate math skills)")
{model.donorMathSkills == 1} setModel("donorMathSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " really isn_t into math)")
{model.donorMathSkills == 3} setModel("donorMathSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is a math genius)")
{true} setModel("donorSpatialSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.donorHeShe + " has moderate spatial skills)")
{model.donorSpatialSkills == 1} setModel("donorSpatialSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.donorHeShe + " really doesn_t have terrific spatial skills)")
{model.donorSpatialSkills == 3} setModel("donorSpatialSkillsScore", "High (" + model.donorHeShe + " is super with the maps and other spatial skills)")
{model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("whitefemale", "true")
{model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("whitemale", "true")
{true} setModel("latinomale", "false")
{true} setModel("latinofemale", "false")
{true} setModel("blackmale", "false")
{true} setModel("blackfemale", "false")
{true} setModel("asianmale", "false")
{true} setModel("asianfemale", "false")
{model.donorRace == 5 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("latinomale", "true")
{model.donorRace == 5 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("latinofemale", "true")
{model.donorRace == 2 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("blackmale", "true")
{model.donorRace == 2 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("blackfemale", "true")
{model.donorRace == 4 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("asianmale", "true")
{model.donorRace == 4 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("asianfemale", "true")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName1", "Emily")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName1", "Chloe")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName1", "Tiffany")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName1", "Fiona")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName1", "Jessica")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName1", "Vivian")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName1", "Isabella")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName2", "Bella")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName2", "Ashley")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName2", "Sophia")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName2", "Brianna")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName2", "Melanie")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName2", "Samantha")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName2", "Camila")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName3", "Madison")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName3", "Kayla")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName3", "Jada")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName3", "London")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName3", "Arianna")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName3", "Taylor")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName3", "Gabrielle")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName4", "Olivia")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName4", "Sarah")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName4", "Rachel")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName4", "Leah")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName4", "Angela")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName4", "Emma")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName4", "Ava")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName5", "Anna")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName5", "Claire")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName5", "Addison")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName5", "Ella")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName5", "Abigail")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName5", "Mia")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName5", "Lily")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName6", "Natalie")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName6", "Mila")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName6", "Evelyn")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName6", "Layla")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName6", "Charlotte")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName6", "Zoe")
{model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName6", "Kaylee")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName1", "Joseph")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName1", "David")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName1", "Jacob")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName1", "Benjamin")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName1", "Matthew")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName1", "Alexander")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName1", "Jack")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName2", "Justin")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName2", "Christopher")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName2", "Daniel")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName2", "Ethan")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName2", "Anthony")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName2", "Brandon")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName2", "Bradley")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName3", "Jayden")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName3", "Joshua")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName3", "Elijah")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName3", "Jeremiah")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName3", "Aiden")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName3", "Michael")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName3", "Tyler")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName4", "Ryan")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName4", "Eric")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName4", "Lucas")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName4", "Kevin")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName4", "Jason")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName4", "Luke")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName4", "Henry")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName5", "Noah")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName5", "Logan")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName5", "Elijah")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName5", "Owen")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName5", "Cameron")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName5", "Nathan")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName5", "Andrew")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("donorName6", "Jackson")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("donorName6", "Mason")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("donorName6", "James")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("donorName6", "Gabriel")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("donorName6", "Isaac")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("donorName6", "Brayden")
{model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("donorName6", "Christian")
{model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("Mother", "donor")
{model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("Father", "donor")
{model.Gay == "true" || model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("partner_donor", "donor")
{model.Gay == "true" || model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("partner_donor_cap", "Donor")

Pick a Biological Parent...Just one

We_ve come up with some options for you to choose from. Remember that these are just for fun_and to help you see how these intellectual and personality characteristics may (or may not) end up in your offspring.

{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 3

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

White: {model.donorName1}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 3

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

Latina: {model.donorName2}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 3

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

Black: {model.donorName3}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 3

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

Asian: {model.donorName4}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 3

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

Native American: {model.donorName5}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 3

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

Multi-ethnic: {model.donorName6}

model.donorSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Question 1.13

Please choose your donor from the following: A. I'm {model.donorName1}. I'm {model.donorAge1} years old. I'm an adventurer and really outgoing. I'm also easy to get along with, even-tempered and pretty smart. {model.profile_addon1} B. I'm {model.donorName2}. I'm {model.donorAge2} years old. I'm really careful and a little bit shy, but I'm easy to get along with and I'm probably smarter than the average person. {model.profile_addon2} C. I'm {model.donorName3}. I'm {model.donorAge3} years old. I'm really adventurous and outgoing. Sometimes people think I'm cranky but I think they're just not able to understand the real me. {model.profile_addon3} D. I'm {model.donorName4}. I'm {model.donorAge4} years old. I prefer one-on-one activities to big parties, but I'm easy to get along with in small groups and I keep my word. {model.profile_addon4} E. I'm {model.donorName5}. I'm {model.donorAge5} years old. I'm probably not the brightest {model.donorGuyGirl} in the world, but I'm easy to get along with and I'm hardly ever in a bad mood. {model.profile_addon5} F. I'm {model.donorName6}. I'm {model.donorAge6} years old. I'm outgoing and I love big groups of people. I'm not the best at getting things done that I try to do. School has always been hard for me. I'm almost always cheerful. {model.profile_addon6} _never_scramble:true

{true} setModel("donorChoice", qqMC1)
{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("donorName", model.donorName1)
{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("donorAgeValue", model.donorAge1)
{qqMC1 == 1} setModel("donorName", model.donorName2)
{qqMC1 == 1} setModel("donorAgeValue", model.donorAge2)
{qqMC1 == 2} setModel("donorName", model.donorName3)
{qqMC1 == 2} setModel("donorAgeValue", model.donorAge3)
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("donorName", model.donorName4)
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("donorAgeValue", model.donorAge4)
{qqMC1 == 4} setModel("donorName", model.donorName5)
{qqMC1 == 4} setModel("donorAgeValue", model.donorAge5)
{qqMC1 == 5} setModel("donorName", model.donorName6)
{qqMC1 == 5} setModel("donorAgeValue", model.donorAge6)
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 130)
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 160)
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 65)
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 70)
{qqMC1 == 1 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 135)
{qqMC1 == 1 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 165)
{qqMC1 == 1 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 63)
{qqMC1 == 1 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 67)
{qqMC1 == 2 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 135)
{qqMC1 == 2 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 185)
{qqMC1 == 2 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 68)
{qqMC1 == 2 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 74)
{qqMC1 == 3 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 125)
{qqMC1 == 3 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 155)
{qqMC1 == 3 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 64)
{qqMC1 == 3 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 69)
{qqMC1 == 4 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 150)
{qqMC1 == 4 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 190)
{qqMC1 == 4 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 68)
{qqMC1 == 4 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 70)
{qqMC1 == 5 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 125)
{qqMC1 == 5 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorWeightValue", 155)
{qqMC1 == 5 && model.donorSex == "Female"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 64)
{qqMC1 == 5 && model.donorSex == "Male"} setModel("donorHeightValue", 69)
{model.donorName == "Emily"} player.setDonorAvatar("emily");
{model.donorName == "Chloe"} player.setDonorAvatar("chloe");
{model.donorName == "Tiffany"} player.setDonorAvatar("tiffany");
{model.donorName == "Fiona"} player.setDonorAvatar("fiona");
{model.donorName == "Jessica"} player.setDonorAvatar("jessica");
{model.donorName == "Vivian"} player.setDonorAvatar("vivian");
{model.donorName == "Isabella"} player.setDonorAvatar("isabella");
model.donorSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 0
{model.donorName == "Joseph"} player.setDonorAvatar("joseph");
{model.donorName == "David"} player.setDonorAvatar("david");
{model.donorName == "Jacob"} player.setDonorAvatar("jacob");
{model.donorName == "Benjamin"} player.setDonorAvatar("benjamin");
{model.donorName == "Matthew"} player.setDonorAvatar("matthew");
{model.donorName == "Alexander"} player.setDonorAvatar("alexander");
{model.donorName == "Jack"} player.setDonorAvatar("jack");
model.donorSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 0
{model.donorName == "Bella"} player.setDonorAvatar("bella");
{model.donorName == "Ashley"} player.setDonorAvatar("ashley");
{model.donorName == "Sophia"} player.setDonorAvatar("sophia");
{model.donorName == "Brianna"} player.setDonorAvatar("brianna");
{model.donorName == "Melanie"} player.setDonorAvatar("melanie");
{model.donorName == "Samantha"} player.setDonorAvatar("samantha");
{model.donorName == "Camila"} player.setDonorAvatar("camila");
model.donorSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 1
{model.donorName == "Justin"} player.setDonorAvatar("justin");
{model.donorName == "Christopher"} player.setDonorAvatar("christopher");
{model.donorName == "Daniel"} player.setDonorAvatar("daniel");
{model.donorName == "Ethan"} player.setDonorAvatar("ethan");
{model.donorName == "Anthony"} player.setDonorAvatar("anthony");
{model.donorName == "Brandon"} player.setDonorAvatar("brandon");
{model.donorName == "Bradley"} player.setDonorAvatar("bradley");
model.donorSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 1
{model.donorName == "Madison"} player.setDonorAvatar("madison");
{model.donorName == "Kayla"} player.setDonorAvatar("kayla");
{model.donorName == "Jada"} player.setDonorAvatar("jada");
{model.donorName == "London"} player.setDonorAvatar("london");
{model.donorName == "Arianna"} player.setDonorAvatar("arianna");
{model.donorName == "Taylor"} player.setDonorAvatar("taylor");
{model.donorName == "Gabrielle"} player.setDonorAvatar("gabrielle");
model.donorSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 2
{model.donorName == "Jayden"} player.setDonorAvatar("jayden");
{model.donorName == "Joshua"} player.setDonorAvatar("joshua");
{model.donorName == "Elijah"} player.setDonorAvatar("elijah");
{model.donorName == "Jeremiah"} player.setDonorAvatar("jeremiah");
{model.donorName == "Aiden"} player.setDonorAvatar("aiden");
{model.donorName == "Michael"} player.setDonorAvatar("michael");
{model.donorName == "Tyler"} player.setDonorAvatar("tyler");
model.donorSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 2
{model.donorName == "Olivia"} player.setDonorAvatar("olivia");
{model.donorName == "Sarah"} player.setDonorAvatar("sarah");
{model.donorName == "Rachel"} player.setDonorAvatar("rachel");
{model.donorName == "Leah"} player.setDonorAvatar("leah");
{model.donorName == "Angela"} player.setDonorAvatar("angela");
{model.donorName == "Emma"} player.setDonorAvatar("emma");
{model.donorName == "Ava"} player.setDonorAvatar("ava");
model.donorSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 3
{model.donorName == "Ryan"} player.setDonorAvatar("ryan");
{model.donorName == "Eric"} player.setDonorAvatar("eric");
{model.donorName == "Lucas"} player.setDonorAvatar("lucas");
{model.donorName == "Kevin"} player.setDonorAvatar("kevin");
{model.donorName == "Jason"} player.setDonorAvatar("jason");
{model.donorName == "Luke"} player.setDonorAvatar("luke");
{model.donorName == "Henry"} player.setDonorAvatar("henry");
model.donorSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 3
{model.donorName == "Anna"} player.setDonorAvatar("anna");
{model.donorName == "Claire"} player.setDonorAvatar("claire");
{model.donorName == "Addison"} player.setDonorAvatar("addison");
{model.donorName == "Ella"} player.setDonorAvatar("ella");
{model.donorName == "Abigail"} player.setDonorAvatar("abigail");
{model.donorName == "Mia"} player.setDonorAvatar("mia");
{model.donorName == "Lily"} player.setDonorAvatar("lily");
model.donorSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 4
{model.donorName == "Noah"} player.setDonorAvatar("noah");
{model.donorName == "Logan"} player.setDonorAvatar("logan");
{model.donorName == "Elijah"} player.setDonorAvatar("elijah");
{model.donorName == "Owen"} player.setDonorAvatar("owen");
{model.donorName == "Cameron"} player.setDonorAvatar("cameron");
{model.donorName == "Nathan"} player.setDonorAvatar("nathan");
{model.donorName == "Andrew"} player.setDonorAvatar("andrew");
model.donorSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 4
{model.donorName == "Natalie"} player.setDonorAvatar("natalie");
{model.donorName == "Mila"} player.setDonorAvatar("mila");
{model.donorName == "Evelyn"} player.setDonorAvatar("evelyn");
{model.donorName == "Layla"} player.setDonorAvatar("layla");
{model.donorName == "Charlotte"} player.setDonorAvatar("charlotte");
{model.donorName == "Zoe"} player.setDonorAvatar("zoe");
{model.donorName == "Kaylee"} player.setDonorAvatar("kaylee");
model.donorSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 5
{model.donorName == "Jackson"} player.setDonorAvatar("jackson");
{model.donorName == "Mason"} player.setDonorAvatar("mason");
{model.donorName == "James"} player.setDonorAvatar("james");
{model.donorName == "Gabriel"} player.setDonorAvatar("gabriel");
{model.donorName == "Isaac"} player.setDonorAvatar("isaac");
{model.donorName == "Brayden"} player.setDonorAvatar("brayden");
{model.donorName == "Christian"} player.setDonorAvatar("christian");
model.donorSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 5



Here's how your child's other biological parent scored.

{true} setModel("numerator", model.userWeightValue * 703)
{true} setModel("denominator", model.userHeightValue * model.userHeightValue)
{true} setModel("userBMI", model.numerator / model.denominator)
{true} setModel("numerator", model.donorWeightValue * 703)
{true} setModel("denominator", model.donorHeightValue * model.donorHeightValue)
{true} setModel("donorBMI", model.numerator / model.denominator)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherWeight", model.userWeightValue)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherHeight", model.userHeightValue)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("MotherBMI", model.userBMI)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("motherWeight", model.partnerWeightValue)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("motherHeight", model.partnerHeightValue)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("MotherBMI", model.partnerBMI)
{model.Mother == "donor"} setModel("fatherWeight", model.donorWeightValue)
{model.Mother == "donor"} setModel("fatherHeight", model.donorHeightValue)
{model.Mother == "donor"} setModel("FatherBMI", model.donorBMI)
{model.Father == "user"} setModel("fatherWeight", model.userWeightValue)
{model.Father == "user"} setModel("fatherHeight", model.userHeightValue)
{model.Father == "user"} setModel("FatherBMI", model.userBMI)
{model.Father == "partner"} setModel("fatherWeight", model.partnerWeightValue)
{model.Father == "partner"} setModel("fatherHeight", model.partnerHeightValue)
{model.Father == "partner"} setModel("FatherBMI", model.partnerBMI)
{model.Father == "donor"} setModel("fatherWeight", model.donorWeightValue)
{model.Father == "donor"} setModel("fatherHeight", model.donorHeightValue)
{model.Father == "donor"} setModel("FatherBMI", model.donorBMI)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("motherWeight", model.donorWeightValue)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("motherHeight", model.donorHeightValue)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("MotherBMI", model.donorBMI)
{model.MotherBMI > 25} setModel("MotherBMILevel", "high")
{model.MotherBMI < 25.01 && model.MotherBMI > 18.5} setModel("MotherBMILevel", "normal")
{model.MotherBMI < 18.5} setModel("MotherBMILevel", "low")
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherEthnicity", model.userEthnicity)
{model.Father == "user"} setModel("fatherEthnicity", model.userEthnicity)
{model.Mother == "donor"} setModel("motherEthnicity", model.donorEthnicity)
{model.Father == "donor"} setModel("fatherEthnicity", model.donorEthnicity)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("motherEthnicity", model.partnerEthnicity)
{model.Father == "partner"} setModel("fatherEthnicity", model.partnerEthnicity)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("motherEthnicity", model.donorEthnicity)
{model.Mother == "surrogate" || model.Mother == "donor"} setModel("motherAgeValue", model.donorAgeValue)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherAgeValue", model.userAgeValue)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("motherAgeValue", model.partnerAgeValue)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherName", model.userName)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("motherName", model.partnerName)
{model.Mother == "surrogate" || model.Mother == "donor"} setModel("motherName", model.donorName)
{model.r100 < 24} setModel("SEClass", "L")
{model.r100 > 23 && model.r100 < 79} setModel("SEClass", "M")
{model.r100 > 78} setModel("SEClass", "U")
{model.GayMan == "true"} setModel("SEClass", "U")
{model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("SEClass", "U")
model.donorSex == "Female"
model.donorSex == "Male"

Here's how your child's other biological parent scored

Table : Cognitive and Personality Scores
Personality & Cognitive Area Your Donor's Score
Openness {model.donorOpennessScore}
Carefulness {model.donorCarefulnessScore}
Outgoingness {model.donorOutgoingScore}
Agreeableness {model.donorAgreeablenessScore}
Moodiness {model.donorMoodinessScore}
Overall Smarts {model.donorOverallSmartsScore}
Physical Skills {model.donorPhysicalSkillsScore}
Musical Skills {model.donorMusicalSkillsScore}
People Skills {model.donorPeopleSkillsScore}
Personal Insight {model.donorPersonalInsightScore}
Verbal Skills {model.donorVerbalSkillsScore}
Math Skills {model.donorMathSkillsScore}
Spatial Skills {model.donorSpatialSkillsScore}

Now that you_ve found out about the other biological parent for your child, you_re almost ready to start your parenting journey

model.userSingleMale == "true" || model.userSingleFemale == "true"

Now that you_ve figured out who you are and selected a partner, you_re almost ready to start your parenting journey.

model.userSingleMale == "false" && model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.Gay == "false"

Now that you_ve figured out who you are, selected a partner and the other biological parent for your child, you_re almost ready to start your parenting journey.

model.Gay == "true"



Pick a Partner... Just one

{true} setModel("rprofile", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{true} setModel("rscore1", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore2", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore3", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore4", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore5", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore6", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{true} setModel("rscore7", (Math.floor(Math.random()*10.0 + 15.0)/10.0))
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerOpenness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerMathSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerOpenness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerMathSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerOpenness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerMathSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerOpenness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerMathSkills", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerOpenness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerMathSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerOpenness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", model.rscore1)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerMathSkills", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerOpenness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 3.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 1.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 2.0)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", model.rscore6)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", model.rscore7)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", model.rscore4)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", model.rscore5)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", model.rscore2)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerMathSkills", model.rscore3)
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", model.rscore1)
{true} setModel("babyMoodiness", model.userMoodiness*0.5 + model.partnerMoodiness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyMoodinessScore", "M")
{model.babyMoodinessScore < 1.01} setModel("babyMoodinessScore", "L")
{model.babyMoodinessScore > 4.99} setModel("babyMoodinessScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyOpenness", model.userOpenness*0.5 + model.partnerOpenness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOpennessScore", "M")
{model.babyOpennessScore < 1.01} setModel("babyOpennessScore", "L")
{model.babyOpennessScore > 4.99} setModel("babyOpennessScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyOutgoing", model.userOutgoing*0.5 + model.partnerOutgoing*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOutgoingScore", "M")
{model.babyOutgoingScore < 1.01} setModel("babyOutgoingScore", "L")
{model.babyOutgoingScore > 4.99} setModel("babyOutgoingScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyCarefulness", model.userCarefulness*0.5 + model.partnerCarefulness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyCarefulnessScore", "M")
{model.babyCarefulnessScore < 1.01} setModel("babyCarefulnessScore", "L")
{model.babyCarefulnessScore > 4.99} setModel("babyCarefulnessScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyAgreeableness", model.userAgreeableness*0.5 + model.partnerAgreeableness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyAgreeablenessScore", "M")
{model.babyAgreeablenessScore < 1.01} setModel("babyAgreeablenessScore", "L")
{model.babyAgreeablenessScore > 4.99} setModel("babyAgreeablenessScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyOverallSmarts", model.userOverallSmarts*0.5 + model.partnerOverallSmarts*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOverallSmartsScore", "M")
{model.babyOverallSmartsScore < 1.01} setModel("babyOverallSmartsScore", "L")
{model.babyOverallSmartsScore > 4.99} setModel("babyOverallSmartsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyPhysicalSkills", model.userPhysicalSkills*0.5 + model.partnerPhysicalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPhysicalSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babyPhysicalSkillsScore < 1.01} setModel("babyPhysicalSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babyPhysicalSkillsScore > 4.99} setModel("babyPhysicalSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyMusicalSkills", model.userMusicalSkills*0.5 + model.partnerMusicalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyMusicalSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babyMusicalSkillsScore < 1.01} setModel("babyMusicalSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babyMusicalSkillsScore > 4.99} setModel("babyMusicalSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyPeopleSkills", model.userPeopleSkills*0.5 + model.partnerPeopleSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPeopleSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babyPeopleSkillsScore < 1.01} setModel("babyPeopleSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babyPeopleSkillsScore > 4.99} setModel("babyPeopleSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyPersonalInsight", model.userPersonalInsight*0.5 + model.partnerPersonalInsight*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPersonalInsightScore", "M")
{model.babyPersonalInsightScore < 1.01} setModel("babyPersonalInsightScore", "L")
{model.babyPersonalInsightScore > 4.99} setModel("babyPersonalInsightScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyVerbalSkills", model.userVerbalSkills*0.5 + model.partnerVerbalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyVerbalSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babyVerbalSkillsScore < 1.01} setModel("babyVerbalSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babyVerbalSkillsScore > 4.99} setModel("babyVerbalSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyMathSkills", model.userMathSkills*0.5 + model.partnerMathSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyMathSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babyMathSkills < 1.01} setModel("babyMathSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babyMathSkills > 4.99} setModel("babyMathSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babySpatialSkills", model.userSpatialSkills*0.5 + model.partnerSpatialSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babySpatialSkillsScore", "M")
{model.babySpatialSkills < 1.01} setModel("babySpatialSkillsScore", "L")
{model.babySpatialSkills > 4.99} setModel("babySpatialSkillsScore", "H")
{true} setModel("babyTemperament", "easy")
{model.babyMoodiness > 1.5 && model.babyOpenness < 2.5 && model.babyOutgoing < 2.5 && model.babyCarefulness > 1.5} setModel("babyTemperament", "slow to warm")
{model.babyMoodiness > 2.0 && model.babyOutgoing < 1.5 && model.babyCarefulness < 2.0} setModel("babyTemperament", "difficult")
{model.rprofile == 1} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("profile_addon1", "I'm also really into music.")
{model.rprofile == 2} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", 3.0)
{model.partnerOverallSmarts < 2.01} setModel("profile_addon2", "I'm also a big reader.")
{model.partnerOverallSmarts > 1.99} setModel("profile_addon2", "I also love the Sunday crossword puzzle.")
{model.rprofile == 3} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("profile_addon3", "I'm also really into playing sports.")
{model.rprofile == 4} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("profile_addon4", "I'm also really good at maps.")
{model.rprofile == 5} setModel("partnerMathSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("profile_addon5", "I'm also really good at math.")
{model.rprofile == 6} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", 3.0)
{model.partnerOpenness > 1.99} setModel("profile_addon6", "Not to brag, but I think of myself as a natural leader.")
{model.partnerOpenness < 1.50} setModel("profile_addon6", "I am good at understanding other people_s problems.")
{model.rprofile == 7} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("profile_addon7", "Also, I really understand myself.")
{true} setModel("partnerOpennessScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately open)")
{model.partnerOpenness == 1} setModel("partnerOpennessScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that open)")
{model.partnerOpenness == 3} setModel("partnerOpennessScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super open)")
{true} setModel("partnerCarefulnessScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately conscientious)")
{model.partnerCarefulness == 1} setModel("partnerCarefulnessScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that conscientious)")
{model.partnerCarefulness == 3} setModel("partnerCarefulnessScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super conscientious)")
{true} setModel("partnerOutgoingScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately extroverted)")
{model.partnerOutgoing == 1} setModel("partnerOutgoingScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is introverted)")
{model.partnerOutgoing == 3} setModel("partnerOutgoingScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is really outgoing or extroverted)")
{true} setModel("partnerAgreeablenessScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately easy to get along with)")
{model.partnerAgreeableness == 1} setModel("partnerAgreeablenessScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that easy to get along with)")
{model.partnerAgreeableness == 3} setModel("partnerAgreeablenessScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is really easy to get along with)")
{true} setModel("partnerMoodinessScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately moody)")
{model.partnerMoodiness == 1} setModel("partnerMoodinessScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is even-tempered)")
{model.partnerMoodiness == 3} setModel("partnerMoodinessScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is pretty moody)")
{true} setModel("partnerOverallSmartsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately smart) ")
{model.partnerOverallSmarts == 1} setModel("partnerOverallSmartsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that smart)")
{model.partnerOverallSmarts == 3} setModel("partnerOverallSmartsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super smart)")
{true} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately physical)")
{model.partnerPhysicalSkills == 1} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that sporty)")
{model.partnerPhysicalSkills == 3} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super sporty)")
{true} setModel("partnerMusicalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that musical) ")
{model.partnerMusicalSkills == 1} setModel("partnerMusicalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that into music)")
{model.partnerMusicalSkills == 3} setModel("partnerMusicalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is really musical)")
{true} setModel("partnerPeopleSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that great at dealing with people) ")
{model.partnerPeopleSkills == 1} setModel("partnerPeopleSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that into people)")
{model.partnerPeopleSkills == 3} setModel("partnerPeopleSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is great at dealing with people)")
{true} setModel("partnerPersonalInsightScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately insightful) ")
{model.partnerPersonalInsight == 1} setModel("partnerPersonalInsightScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " really doesn_t care for introspection)")
{model.partnerPersonalInsight == 3} setModel("partnerPersonalInsightScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super insightful about themself)")
{true} setModel("partnerVerbalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately verbal)")
{model.partnerVerbalSkills == 1} setModel("partnerVerbalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " really isn_t into words)")
{model.partnerVerbalSkills == 3} setModel("partnerVerbalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super verbal)")
{true} setModel("partnerMathSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " has moderate math skills)")
{model.partnerMathSkills == 1} setModel("partnerMathSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " really isn_t into math)")
{model.partnerMathSkills == 3} setModel("partnerMathSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is a math genius)")
{true} setModel("partnerSpatialSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " has moderate spatial skills)")
{model.partnerSpatialSkills == 1} setModel("partnerSpatialSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " really doesn_t have terrific spatial skills)")
{model.partnerSpatialSkills == 3} setModel("partnerSpatialSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super with the maps and other spatial skills)")
{model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("whitefemale", "true")
{model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("whitemale", "true")
{true} setModel("latinomale", "false")
{true} setModel("latinofemale", "false")
{true} setModel("blackmale", "false")
{true} setModel("blackfemale", "false")
{true} setModel("asianmale", "false")
{true} setModel("asianfemale", "false")
{model.partnerRace == 5 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("latinomale", "true")
{model.partnerRace == 5 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("latinofemale", "true")
{model.partnerRace == 2 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("blackmale", "true")
{model.partnerRace == 2 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("blackfemale", "true")
{model.partnerRace == 4 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("asianmale", "true")
{model.partnerRace == 4 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("asianfemale", "true")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName1", "Emily")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName1", "Chloe")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName1", "Tiffany")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName1", "Fiona")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName1", "Jessica")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName1", "Vivian")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName1", "Isabella")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName2", "Bella")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName2", "Ashley")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName2", "Sophia")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName2", "Brianna")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName2", "Melanie")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName2", "Samantha")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName2", "Camila")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName3", "Madison")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName3", "Kayla")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName3", "Jada")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName3", "London")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName3", "Arianna")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName3", "Taylor")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName3", "Gabrielle")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName4", "Olivia")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName4", "Sarah")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName4", "Rachel")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName4", "Leah")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName4", "Angela")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName4", "Emma")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName4", "Ava")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName5", "Anna")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName5", "Claire")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName5", "Addison")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName5", "Ella")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName5", "Abigail")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName5", "Mia")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName5", "Lily")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName6", "Natalie")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName6", "Mila")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName6", "Evelyn")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName6", "Layla")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName6", "Charlotte")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName6", "Zoe")
{model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName6", "Kaylee")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName1", "Joseph")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName1", "David")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName1", "Jacob")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName1", "Benjamin")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName1", "Matthew")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName1", "Alexander")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName1", "Jack")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName2", "Justin")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName2", "Christopher")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName2", "Daniel")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName2", "Ethan")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName2", "Anthony")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName2", "Brandon")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName2", "Bradley")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName3", "Jayden")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName3", "Joshua")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName3", "Elijah")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName3", "Jeremiah")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName3", "Aiden")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName3", "Michael")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName3", "Tyler")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName4", "Ryan")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName4", "Eric")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName4", "Lucas")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName4", "Kevin")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName4", "Jason")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName4", "Luke")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName4", "Henry")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName5", "Noah")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName5", "Logan")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName5", "Elijah")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName5", "Owen")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName5", "Cameron")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName5", "Nathan")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName5", "Andrew")
{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==1} setModel("partnerName6", "Jackson")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==2} setModel("partnerName6", "Mason")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==3} setModel("partnerName6", "James")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==4} setModel("partnerName6", "Gabriel")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==5} setModel("partnerName6", "Isaac")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==6} setModel("partnerName6", "Brayden")
{model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7==7} setModel("partnerName6", "Christian")
{model.Gay == "true" || model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("partner_donor", "donor")
{model.Gay == "true" || model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("partner_donor_cap", "Donor")

Pick a Partner...Just one

We_ve come up with some options for you to choose from. Remember that these are just for fun_and to help you see how these intellectual and personality characteristics may (or may not) end up in your offspring.

{true} setModel("r7", Math.floor(Math.random()*7 + 1))

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 1

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 2

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 4

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 5

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 6

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 7

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 3

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

White: {model.partnerName1}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 3

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

Latina: {model.partnerName2}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 3

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

Black: {model.partnerName3}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Female" && model.r7 == 3

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

Asian: {model.partnerName4}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 3

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

Native American: {model.partnerName5}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 1

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 2

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 3

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 4

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 5

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 6

Multi-ethnic: {model.partnerName6}

model.partnerSex == "Male" && model.r7 == 7

Question 1.14

Please choose your partner from the following: A. I'm {model.partnerName1}. I'm an adventurer and really outgoing. I'm also easy to get along with, even-tempered and pretty smart. {model.profile_addon1} B. I'm {model.partnerName2}. I'm really careful and a little bit shy, but I'm easy to get along with and I'm probably smarter than the average person. {model.profile_addon2} C. I'm {model.partnerName3}. I'm really adventurous and outgoing. Sometimes people think I'm cranky but I think they're just not able to understand the real me. {model.profile_addon3} D. I'm {model.partnerName4}. I prefer one-on-one activities to big parties, but I'm easy to get along with in small groups and I keep my word. {model.profile_addon4} E. I'm {model.partnerName5}. I'm probably not the brightest {model.partnerGuyGirl} in the world, but I'm easy to get along with and I'm hardly ever in a bad mood. {model.profile_addon5} F. I'm {model.partnerName6}. I'm outgoing and I love big groups of people. I'm not the best at getting things done that I try to do. School has always been hard for me. I'm almost always cheerful. {model.profile_addon6} _never_scramble:true

{true} setModel("partnerChoice", qqMC1)
{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("partnerName", model.partnerName1)
{qqMC1 == 1} setModel("partnerName", model.partnerName2)
{qqMC1 == 2} setModel("partnerName", model.partnerName3)
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("partnerName", model.partnerName4)
{qqMC1 == 4} setModel("partnerName", model.partnerName5)
{qqMC1 == 5} setModel("partnerName", model.partnerName6)
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 130)
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 160)
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 65)
{qqMC1 == 0 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 70)
{qqMC1 == 1 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 135)
{qqMC1 == 1 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 165)
{qqMC1 == 1 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 63)
{qqMC1 == 1 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 67)
{qqMC1 == 2 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 135)
{qqMC1 == 2 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 185)
{qqMC1 == 2 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 68)
{qqMC1 == 2 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 74)
{qqMC1 == 3 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 125)
{qqMC1 == 3 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 155)
{qqMC1 == 3 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 64)
{qqMC1 == 3 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 69)
{qqMC1 == 4 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 150)
{qqMC1 == 4 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 190)
{qqMC1 == 4 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 68)
{qqMC1 == 4 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 70)
{qqMC1 == 5 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 125)
{qqMC1 == 5 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerWeightValue", 155)
{qqMC1 == 5 && model.partnerSex == "Female"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 64)
{qqMC1 == 5 && model.partnerSex == "Male"} setModel("partnerHeightValue", 69)
{model.partnerName == "Emily"} player.setPartnerAvatar("emily");
{model.partnerName == "Chloe"} player.setPartnerAvatar("chloe");
{model.partnerName == "Tiffany"} player.setPartnerAvatar("tiffany");
{model.partnerName == "Fiona"} player.setPartnerAvatar("fiona");
{model.partnerName == "Jessica"} player.setPartnerAvatar("jessica");
{model.partnerName == "Vivian"} player.setPartnerAvatar("vivian");
{model.partnerName == "Isabella"} player.setPartnerAvatar("isabella");
model.partnerSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 0
{model.partnerName == "Joseph"} player.setPartnerAvatar("joseph");
{model.partnerName == "David"} player.setPartnerAvatar("david");
{model.partnerName == "Jacob"} player.setPartnerAvatar("jacob");
{model.partnerName == "Benjamin"} player.setPartnerAvatar("benjamin");
{model.partnerName == "Matthew"} player.setPartnerAvatar("matthew");
{model.partnerName == "Alexander"} player.setPartnerAvatar("alexander");
{model.partnerName == "Jack"} player.setPartnerAvatar("jack");
model.partnerSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 0
{model.partnerName == "Bella"} player.setPartnerAvatar("bella");
{model.partnerName == "Ashley"} player.setPartnerAvatar("ashley");
{model.partnerName == "Sophia"} player.setPartnerAvatar("sophia");
{model.partnerName == "Brianna"} player.setPartnerAvatar("brianna");
{model.partnerName == "Melanie"} player.setPartnerAvatar("melanie");
{model.partnerName == "Samantha"} player.setPartnerAvatar("samantha");
{model.partnerName == "Camila"} player.setPartnerAvatar("camila");
model.partnerSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 1
{model.partnerName == "Justin"} player.setPartnerAvatar("justin");
{model.partnerName == "Christopher"} player.setPartnerAvatar("christopher");
{model.partnerName == "Daniel"} player.setPartnerAvatar("daniel");
{model.partnerName == "Ethan"} player.setPartnerAvatar("ethan");
{model.partnerName == "Anthony"} player.setPartnerAvatar("anthony");
{model.partnerName == "Brandon"} player.setPartnerAvatar("brandon");
{model.partnerName == "Bradley"} player.setPartnerAvatar("bradley");
model.partnerSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 1
{model.partnerName == "Madison"} player.setPartnerAvatar("madison");
{model.partnerName == "Kayla"} player.setPartnerAvatar("kayla");
{model.partnerName == "Jada"} player.setPartnerAvatar("jada");
{model.partnerName == "London"} player.setPartnerAvatar("london");
{model.partnerName == "Arianna"} player.setPartnerAvatar("arianna");
{model.partnerName == "Taylor"} player.setPartnerAvatar("taylor");
{model.partnerName == "Gabrielle"} player.setPartnerAvatar("gabrielle");
model.partnerSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 2
{model.partnerName == "Jayden"} player.setPartnerAvatar("jayden");
{model.partnerName == "Joshua"} player.setPartnerAvatar("joshua");
{model.partnerName == "Elijah"} player.setPartnerAvatar("elijah");
{model.partnerName == "Jeremiah"} player.setPartnerAvatar("jeremiah");
{model.partnerName == "Aiden"} player.setPartnerAvatar("aiden");
{model.partnerName == "Michael"} player.setPartnerAvatar("michael");
{model.partnerName == "Tyler"} player.setPartnerAvatar("tyler");
model.partnerSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 2
{model.partnerName == "Olivia"} player.setPartnerAvatar("olivia");
{model.partnerName == "Sarah"} player.setPartnerAvatar("sarah");
{model.partnerName == "Rachel"} player.setPartnerAvatar("rachel");
{model.partnerName == "Leah"} player.setPartnerAvatar("leah");
{model.partnerName == "Angela"} player.setPartnerAvatar("angela");
{model.partnerName == "Emma"} player.setPartnerAvatar("emma");
{model.partnerName == "Ava"} player.setPartnerAvatar("ava");
model.partnerSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 3
{model.partnerName == "Ryan"} player.setPartnerAvatar("ryan");
{model.partnerName == "Eric"} player.setPartnerAvatar("eric");
{model.partnerName == "Lucas"} player.setPartnerAvatar("lucas");
{model.partnerName == "Kevin"} player.setPartnerAvatar("kevin");
{model.partnerName == "Jason"} player.setPartnerAvatar("jason");
{model.partnerName == "Luke"} player.setPartnerAvatar("luke");
{model.partnerName == "Henry"} player.setPartnerAvatar("henry");
model.partnerSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 3
{model.partnerName == "Anna"} player.setPartnerAvatar("anna");
{model.partnerName == "Claire"} player.setPartnerAvatar("claire");
{model.partnerName == "Addison"} player.setPartnerAvatar("addison");
{model.partnerName == "Ella"} player.setPartnerAvatar("ella");
{model.partnerName == "Abigail"} player.setPartnerAvatar("abigail");
{model.partnerName == "Mia"} player.setPartnerAvatar("mia");
{model.partnerName == "Lily"} player.setPartnerAvatar("lily");
model.partnerSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 4
{model.partnerName == "Noah"} player.setPartnerAvatar("noah");
{model.partnerName == "Logan"} player.setPartnerAvatar("logan");
{model.partnerName == "Elijah"} player.setPartnerAvatar("elijah");
{model.partnerName == "Owen"} player.setPartnerAvatar("owen");
{model.partnerName == "Cameron"} player.setPartnerAvatar("cameron");
{model.partnerName == "Nathan"} player.setPartnerAvatar("nathan");
{model.partnerName == "Andrew"} player.setPartnerAvatar("andrew");
model.partnerSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 4
{model.partnerName == "Natalie"} player.setPartnerAvatar("natalie");
{model.partnerName == "Mila"} player.setPartnerAvatar("mila");
{model.partnerName == "Evelyn"} player.setPartnerAvatar("evelyn");
{model.partnerName == "Layla"} player.setPartnerAvatar("layla");
{model.partnerName == "Charlotte"} player.setPartnerAvatar("charlotte");
{model.partnerName == "Zoe"} player.setPartnerAvatar("zoe");
{model.partnerName == "Kaylee"} player.setPartnerAvatar("kaylee");
model.partnerSex == "Female" && qqMC1 == 5
{model.partnerName == "Jackson"} player.setPartnerAvatar("jackson");
{model.partnerName == "Mason"} player.setPartnerAvatar("mason");
{model.partnerName == "James"} player.setPartnerAvatar("james");
{model.partnerName == "Gabriel"} player.setPartnerAvatar("gabriel");
{model.partnerName == "Isaac"} player.setPartnerAvatar("isaac");
{model.partnerName == "Brayden"} player.setPartnerAvatar("brayden");
{model.partnerName == "Christian"} player.setPartnerAvatar("christian");
model.partnerSex == "Male" && qqMC1 == 5



What is your partner like?

model.partnerSex == "Female"
model.partnerSex == "Male"

What Is Your Partner Like?

Not only will your partner's personality and cognitive traits give you insight into your relationship, but these traits will also be passed on to your child through genes and your partner's interaction with the child. Please respond to the following statements using the provided scale to determine how much each statement reflects your partner as compared to others.

Question 1.15

How open is your partner to new things? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Not open at all.

{model.partnerHeSheCap} likes to stay home

and keep the door shut.,, {model.partnerHeSheCap} is moderately open.,, Super open!

Positively adventurous.

How careful is your partner? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Not careful at all. Honestly

{model.partnerHeShe} is a little sloppy.,, {model.partnerHeSheCap} is moderately careful.,, Really careful. {model.partnerHeSheCap} crosses

all {model.partnerHisHer} _t_s and

dots all {model.partnerHisHer} _i_s.

How outgoing is your partner? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Not outgoing at all. {model.partnerHeSheCap} prefers

small groups and {model.partnerHisHer} own company.,, {model.partnerHeSheCap} is moderately outgoing.,, Really outgoing! {model.partnerHeSheCap} is

the life of the party.

How easy is your partner to get along with? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Not that agreeable.

{model.partnerHeSheCap} is a little cranky.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is moderately agreeable.,,Very agreeable. {model.partnerHeSheCap} gets

along with everyone.

How moody is your partner? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.partnerHeSheCap} is not moody at all.

{model.partnerHeSheCap} is even-tempered.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is moderately moody.,,{model.partnerHisHerCap} moods change

like the weather.

How bright is your partner? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.partnerHeSheCap} is not the brightest.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is moderately smart.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is a certified member

of Mensa. {model.partnerHeSheCap} is super smart.

How physical is your partner? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.partnerHeSheCap} really prefers sitting on the couch.

And doesn't even like sports on TV.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is moderately physical.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} loves working out.

{model.partnerHeSheCap} is super sporty.

How interested is your partner in music? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Music means nothing to {model.partnerHimHer}.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is into music as much

as the average person.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} can_t go anywhere without

{model.partnerHisHer} tunes. And {model.partnerHeShe} can sing!

How good is your partner at dealing with people? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.partnerHeSheCap} really doesn_t get people.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is okay at dealing with people.,, {model.partnerHeSheCap} is a natural leader.

How well does your partner understand {model.partnerSelf}? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.partnerHeSheCap} really doesn_t get

why {model.partnerHeShe} does things.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} generally understands

why {model.partnerHeShe} does things.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} has a ton of insight

into what makes {model.partnerHimHer} tick.

How verbal is your partner? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: {model.partnerHeSheCap} isn't that verbal.

{model.partnerHeSheCap} is a person of few words.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is moderately verbal.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is super verbal. {model.partnerHeSheCap} can

write poetry and

talk the night away.

How good is your partner at math? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Math? {model.partnerHeSheCap} still sometimes

uses {model.partnerHisHer} fingers to count.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is okay at math.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is great at math -

a certified math genius.

How are your partner's spatial skills? _no_correct_answer: true _min:1 _max:5 _step: 1 _labels: Spatial? {model.partnerHeSheCap} can_t navigate

around the block.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} is okay at spatial skills.,,{model.partnerHeSheCap} has amazing spatial skills.

{model.partnerHeSheCap} is a great map reader.

{qq1 == "1"} setModel("partnerOpenness", 1.0)
{qq1 == "2"} setModel("partnerOpenness", 1.5)
{qq1 == "3"} setModel("partnerOpenness", 2.0)
{qq1 == "4"} setModel("partnerOpenness", 2.5)
{qq1 == "5"} setModel("partnerOpenness", 3.0)
{qq2 == "1"} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 1.0)
{qq2 == "2"} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 1.5)
{qq2 == "3"} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 2.0)
{qq2 == "4"} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 2.5)
{qq2 == "5"} setModel("partnerCarefulness", 3.0)
{qq3 == "1"} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 1.0)
{qq3 == "2"} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 1.5)
{qq3 == "3"} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 2.0)
{qq3 == "4"} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 2.5)
{qq3 == "5"} setModel("partnerOutgoing", 3.0)
{qq4 == "1"} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 1.0)
{qq4 == "2"} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 1.5)
{qq4 == "3"} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 2.0)
{qq4 == "4"} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 2.5)
{qq4 == "5"} setModel("partnerAgreeableness", 3.0)
{qq5 == "1"} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 1.0)
{qq5 == "2"} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 1.5)
{qq5 == "3"} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 2.0)
{qq5 == "4"} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 2.5)
{qq5 == "5"} setModel("partnerMoodiness", 3.0)
{qq6 == "1"} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 1.0)
{qq6 == "2"} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 1.5)
{qq6 == "3"} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 2.0)
{qq6 == "4"} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 2.5)
{qq6 == "5"} setModel("partnerOverallSmarts", 3.0)
{qq7 == "1"} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", 1.0)
{qq7 == "2"} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", 1.5)
{qq7 == "3"} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", 2.0)
{qq7 == "4"} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", 2.5)
{qq7 == "5"} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkills", 3.0)
{qq8 == "1"} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", 1.0)
{qq8 == "2"} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", 1.5)
{qq8 == "3"} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", 2.0)
{qq8 == "4"} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", 2.5)
{qq8 == "5"} setModel("partnerMusicalSkills", 3.0)
{qq9 == "1"} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", 1.0)
{qq9 == "2"} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", 1.5)
{qq9 == "3"} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", 2.0)
{qq9 == "4"} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", 2.5)
{qq9 == "5"} setModel("partnerPeopleSkills", 3.0)
{qq10 == "1"} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", 1.0)
{qq10 == "2"} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", 1.5)
{qq10 == "3"} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", 2.0)
{qq10 == "4"} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", 2.5)
{qq10 == "5"} setModel("partnerPersonalInsight", 3.0)
{qq11 == "1"} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", 1.0)
{qq11 == "2"} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", 1.5)
{qq11 == "3"} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", 2.0)
{qq11 == "4"} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", 2.5)
{qq11 == "5"} setModel("partnerVerbalSkills", 3.0)
{qq12 == "1"} setModel("partnerMathSkills", 1.0)
{qq12 == "2"} setModel("partnerMathSkills", 1.5)
{qq12 == "3"} setModel("partnerMathSkills", 2.0)
{qq12 == "4"} setModel("partnerMathSkills", 2.5)
{qq12 == "5"} setModel("partnerMathSkills", 3.0)
{qq13 == "1"} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", 1.0)
{qq13 == "2"} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", 1.5)
{qq13 == "3"} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", 2.0)
{qq13 == "4"} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", 2.5)
{qq13 == "5"} setModel("partnerSpatialSkills", 3.0)
{true} setModel("partnerOpennessScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately open)")
{qq1 == 1} setModel("partnerOpennessScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that open)")
{qq1 == 5} setModel("partnerOpennessScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super open)")
{true} setModel("partnerCarefulnessScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately conscientious)")
{qq2 == 1} setModel("partnerCarefulnessScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that conscientious)")
{qq2 == 5} setModel("partnerCarefulnessScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super conscientious)")
{true} setModel("partnerOutgoingScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately extroverted)")
{qq3 == 1} setModel("partnerOutgoingScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is introverted)")
{qq3 == 5} setModel("partnerOutgoingScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is really outgoing or extroverted)")
{true} setModel("partnerAgreeablenessScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately easy to get along with)")
{qq4 == 1} setModel("partnerAgreeablenessScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that easy to get along with)")
{qq4 == 5} setModel("partnerAgreeablenessScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is really easy to get along with)")
{true} setModel("partnerMoodinessScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately moody)")
{qq5 == 1} setModel("partnerMoodinessScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is even-tempered)")
{qq5 == 5} setModel("partnerMoodinessScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is pretty moody)")
{true} setModel("partnerOverallSmartsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately smart) ")
{qq6 == 1} setModel("partnerOverallSmartsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that smart)")
{qq6 == 5} setModel("partnerOverallSmartsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super smart)")
{true} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately physical)")
{qq7 == 1} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that sporty)")
{qq7 == 5} setModel("partnerPhysicalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super sporty)")
{true} setModel("partnerMusicalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is musically average) ")
{qq8 == 1} setModel("partnerMusicalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that into music)")
{qq8 == 5} setModel("partnerMusicalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is really musical)")
{true} setModel("partnerPeopleSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is Ok at dealing with people) ")
{qq9 == 1} setModel("partnerPeopleSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is not that into people)")
{qq9 == 5} setModel("partnerPeopleSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is great at dealing with people)")
{true} setModel("partnerPersonalInsightScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately insightful) ")
{qq10 == 1} setModel("partnerPersonalInsightScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " really doesn_t care for introspection)")
{qq10 == 5} setModel("partnerPersonalInsightScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super insightful about themself)")
{true} setModel("partnerVerbalSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is moderately verbal)")
{qq11 == 1} setModel("partnerVerbalSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " really isn_t into words)")
{qq11 == 5} setModel("partnerVerbalSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super verbal)")
{true} setModel("partnerMathSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " has moderate math skills)")
{qq12 == 1} setModel("partnerMathSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " really isn_t into math)")
{qq12 == 5} setModel("partnerMathSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is a math genius)")
{true} setModel("partnerSpatialSkillsScore", "Moderate (" + model.partnerHeShe + " has moderate spatial skills)")
{qq13 == 1} setModel("partnerSpatialSkillsScore", "Low (" + model.partnerHeShe + " really doesn_t have terrific spatial skills)")
{qq13 == 5} setModel("partnerSpatialSkillsScore", "High (" + model.partnerHeShe + " is super with the maps and other spatial skills)")
{true} setModel("babyMoodiness", model.userMoodiness*0.5 + model.partnerMoodiness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOpenness", model.userOpenness*0.5 + model.partnerOpenness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOutgoing", model.userOutgoing*0.5 + model.partnerOutgoing*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyCarefulness", model.userCarefulness*0.5 + model.partnerCarefulness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyAgreeableness", model.userAgreeableness*0.5 + model.partnerAgreeableness*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyOverallSmarts", model.userOverallSmarts*0.5 + model.partnerOverallSmarts*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPhysicalSkills", model.userPhysicalSkills*0.5 + model.partnerPhysicalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyMusicalSkills", model.userMusicalSkills*0.5 + model.partnerMusicalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPeopleSkills", model.userPeopleSkills*0.5 + model.partnerPeopleSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyPersonalInsight", model.userPersonalInsight*0.5 + model.partnerPersonalInsight*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyVerbalSkills", model.userVerbalSkills*0.5 + model.partnerVerbalSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyMathSkills", model.userMathSkills*0.5 + model.partnerMathSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babySpatialSkills", model.userSpatialSkills*0.5 + model.partnerSpatialSkills*0.5)
{true} setModel("babyTemperament", "easy")
{model.babyMoodiness > 1.5 && model.babyOpenness < 2.5 && model.babyOutgoing < 2.5 && model.babyCarefulness > 1.5} setModel("babyTemperament", "slow to warm")
{model.babyMoodiness > 2.0 && model.babyOutgoing < 1.5 && model.babyCarefulness < 2.0} setModel("babyTemperament", "difficult")

Remember that this isn_t a real evaluation of what your partner is really like. This is just for fun_and to help you see how these intellectual and personality characteristics may (or may not) end up in your offspring.



Here's how your partner scored.

{true} setModel("numerator", model.userWeightValue * 703)
{true} setModel("denominator", model.userHeightValue * model.userHeightValue)
{true} setModel("userBMI", model.numerator / model.denominator)
{true} setModel("numerator", model.partnerWeightValue * 703)
{true} setModel("denominator", model.partnerHeightValue * model.partnerHeightValue)
{true} setModel("partnerBMI", model.numerator / model.denominator)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherWeight", model.userWeightValue)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherHeight", model.userHeightValue)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("MotherBMI", model.userBMI)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("fatherWeight", model.partnerWeightValue)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("fatherHeight", model.partnerHeightValue)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("FatherBMI", model.partnerBMI)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("motherWeight", model.partnerWeightValue)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("motherHeight", model.partnerHeightValue)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("MotherBMI", model.partnerBMI)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("fatherWeight", model.userWeightValue)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("fatherHeight", model.userHeightValue)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("FatherBMI", model.userBMI)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("motherWeight", model.partnerWeightValue)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("motherHeight", model.partnerHeightValue)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("MotherBMI", model.partnerBMI)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("fatherWeight", model.userWeightValue)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("fatherHeight", model.userHeightValue)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("FatherBMI", model.userBMI)
{model.MotherBMI > 25} setModel("MotherBMILevel", "high")
{model.MotherBMI < 25.01 && model.MotherBMI > 18.5} setModel("MotherBMILevel", "normal")
{model.MotherBMI < 18.5} setModel("MotherBMILevel", "low")
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherEthnicity", model.userEthnicity)
{model.Father == "user"} setModel("fatherEthnicity", model.userEthnicity)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("motherEthnicity", model.partnerEthnicity)
{model.Father == "partner"} setModel("fatherEthnicity", model.partnerEthnicity)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("motherEthnicity", model.partnerEthnicity)
{model.Mother == "surrogate"} setModel("motherAgeValue", "25")
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherAgeValue", model.userAgeValue)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("motherAgeValue", model.partnerAgeValue)
{model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherName", model.userName)
{model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("motherName", model.partnerName)
{model.GayMan == "true"} setModel("motherName", model.userName)
{model.r100 < 24} setModel("SEClass", "L")
{model.r100 > 23 && model.r100 < 79} setModel("SEClass", "M")
{model.r100 > 78} setModel("SEClass", "U")
{model.GayMan == "true"} setModel("SEClass", "U")
{model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("SEClass", "U")
{true} setModel("pOpenness", "M")
{model.partnerOpenness == 1.0} setModel("pOpenness", "L")
{model.partnerOpenness > 3} setModel("pOpenness", "H")
{true} setModel("pCarefulness", "M")
{model.partnerCarefulness == 1.0} setModel("pCarefulness", "L")
{model.partnerCarefulness > 3.0} setModel("pCarefulness", "H")
{true} setModel("pOutgoing", "M")
{model.partnerOutgoing == 1.0} setModel("pOutgoing", "L")
{model.partnerOutgoing > 3.0} setModel("pOutgoing", "H")
{true} setModel("pAgreeableness", "M")
{model.partnerAgreeableness == 1.0} setModel("pAgreeableness", "L")
{model.partnerAgreeableness > 3.0} setModel("pAgreeableness", "H")
{true} setModel("pMoodiness", "M")
{model.partnerMoodiness == 1.0} setModel("pMoodiness", "L")
{model.partnerMoodiness > 3.0} setModel("pMoodiness", "H")
{true} setModel("pOverallSmarts", "M")
{model.partnerOverallSmarts == 1.0} setModel("pOverallSmarts", "L")
{model.partnerOverallSmarts > 3.0} setModel("pOverallSmarts", "H")
{true} setModel("pPhysicalSkills", "M")
{model.partnerPhysicalSkills == 1.0} setModel("pPhysicalSkills", "L")
{model.partnerPhysicalSkills > 3.0} setModel("pPhysicalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("pMusicalSkills", "M")
{model.partnerMusicalSkills == 1.0} setModel("pMusicalSkills", "L")
{model.partnerMusicalSkills > 3.0} setModel("pMusicalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("pPeopleSkills", "M")
{model.partnerPeopleSkills == 1.0} setModel("pPeopleSkills", "L")
{model.partnerPeopleSkills > 3.0} setModel("pPeopleSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("pPersonalInsight", "M")
{model.partnerPersonalInsight == 1.0} setModel("pPersonalInsight", "L")
{model.partnerPersonalInsight > 3.0} setModel("pPersonalInsight", "H")
{true} setModel("pVerbalSkills", "M")
{model.partnerVerbalSkills == 1.0} setModel("pVerbalSkills", "L")
{model.partnerVerbalSkills > 3.0} setModel("pVerbalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("pMathSkills", "M")
{model.partnerMathSkills == 1.0} setModel("pMathSkills", "L")
{model.partnerMathSkills > 3.0} setModel("pMathSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("pSpatialSkills", "M")
{model.partnerSpatialSkills == 1.0} setModel("pSpatialSkills", "L")
{model.partnerSpatialSkills > 3.0} setModel("pSpatialSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("rjob2", Math.floor(Math.random()*2 + 1))
{true} setModel("rjob3", Math.floor(Math.random()*3 + 1))
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a musician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H" && model.pPeopleSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an actor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales representative")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a session musician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H" && model.pPeopleSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a theater director")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a struggling musician working in a retail store")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H" && model.pPeopleSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a struggling actor working in a retail store")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a manager at a local hospital")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a record producer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H" && model.pPhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a professional dancer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a singer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H" && model.pPhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a professor of dance")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a struggling singer waiting tables")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H" && model.pPhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a struggling dancer waiting tables")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob3 == 1 && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a compensation and benefits manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a recording engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H" && model.pPhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a professional athlete")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob3 == 1 && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a retail sales supervisor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sound technician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H" && model.pPhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a personal trainer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob3 == 1 && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a retail salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a struggling musician working in a retail store")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMusicalSkills == "H" && model.pPhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a struggling personal trainer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a human resource manager")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a caseworker")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a pharmacist")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a therapist")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a pharmacy technician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a hairdresser")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a designer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a human resource manager")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a pediatrician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an author")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a special education teacher")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an editor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a struggling writer working at a retail store")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a psychiatrist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pPeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pPeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a personal care assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pPeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a family practitioner")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a home health aide")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an elementary school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a medical secretary")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a university administrator")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a high school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a teacher's assistant")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a nurse anesthetist")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a nursing assistant")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a high school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a teacher's assistant")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an elementary school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a university administrator")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a physician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a mechanic")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an elementary school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a taxi driver")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a healthcare support aide")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob2 == 1 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a financial manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob2 == 1 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer information manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a high school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob2 == 1 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a librarian")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a family practitioner")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a police officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a home health aide")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a petroleum engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an engineer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a medical secretary")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a high school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a healthcare support aide")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a financial manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an accountant")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a bank teller")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a public relations manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an author")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a medical secretary")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an editor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a struggling writer waiting tables")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a surgeon")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a tech support person")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a middle school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a bus driver")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a purchasing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an insurance sales agent")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a physician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a designer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an animal care worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a psychiatrist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pPeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a health technician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pPeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a healthcare support aide")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pPeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a fisherman")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a plumber")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a butcher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an author")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an author")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a struggling writer waiting tables")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an insurance sales agent")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a manicurist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a dentist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a licensed vocational nurse")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a home health aide")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an architect")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an advertising executive")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an inspector")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an office clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a law school professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a middle school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a substitute teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an industrial organizational psychologist")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a correctional officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an office clerk")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a podiatrist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a delivery service driver")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a licensed vocational nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a food and prep server")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a food and prep server")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a market research analyst")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a farm hand")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a pharmacist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an electrician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a baker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a software developer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a product assembler")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an anesthesiologist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an accountant")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a shipping clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a geoscientist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a market research analyst")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer information manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer help desk operator")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a janitor")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "Computer Information Manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a correctional officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a building and groundskeeper")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a firefighter")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && modelp.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a security guard")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a middle school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "M"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a surgeon")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a middle school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an oral surgeon")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a clinical lab technician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an elementary school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an orthodontist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a welder")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a construction worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a political scientist")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a plant operator")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a physician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a designer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a plant operator")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an insurance sales agent")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "H" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an air traffic controller")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a construction worker")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a middle school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer and information scientist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a firefighter")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a financial analyst")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a bookkeeper")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a police officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a janitor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a chemical engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a janitor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an aerospace engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an actuary")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a bookkeeper")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a police officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a laundry worker")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a financial analyst")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a market research analyst")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a construction worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a correctional officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "M" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a security guard")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a physicist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an author")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "Carpenter")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an editor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a woodworker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a cook")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.pVerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a struggling writer working as a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an engineer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "Cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a mathematician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a maintenance technician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a stock clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "H" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a marine engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an industrial mechanic")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a postal service worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a library technician")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a security guard")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer hardware engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a management analyst")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a farmer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pMathSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a physician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a heavy equipment operator")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a correctional officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a library technician")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "M" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a computer hardware engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a construction worker")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "an editor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a mover")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "H" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L" && model.pSpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a postal service worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "M" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a postal service worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.pOpenness == "L" && model.pCarefulness == "L" && model.pOutgoing == "L" && model.pAgreeableness == "L"} setModel("partnerOccupation", "a dishwasher")
model.partnerSex == "Female"
model.partnerSex == "Male"

Here's how your partner scored

Table : Cognitive and Personality Scores
Personality & Cognitive Area Your Partner's Score
Openness {model.partnerOpennessScore}
Carefulness {model.partnerCarefulnessScore}
Outgoingness {model.partnerOutgoingScore}
Agreeableness {model.partnerAgreeablenessScore}
Moodiness {model.partnerMoodinessScore}
Overall Smarts {model.partnerOverallSmartsScore}
Physical Skills {model.partnerPhysicalSkillsScore}
Musical Skills {model.partnerMusicalSkillsScore}
People Skills {model.partnerPeopleSkillsScore}
Personal Insight {model.partnerPersonalInsightScore}
Verbal Skills {model.partnerVerbalSkillsScore}
Math Skills {model.partnerMathSkillsScore}
Spatial Skills {model.partnerSpatialSkillsScore}

Now that you_ve figured out who you are_and selected a partner for your future child, you_re almost ready to start your parenting journey.

model.userSingleMale != "true" && model.userSingleFemale != "true" && model.Gay == "false"

Now that you_ve found out about your partner, it is time to find out more about the person who will be contributing their genes to your future child.

model.Gay == "true"


model.userSingleMale == "false" && model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.Gay == "false"

How would you like to set up the biological parent or donor for your future child?

Create my own donor or biological parent


Pick a donor or biological parent from a set of pre-programmed profiles

model.Gay == "true" || model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"

Here's how your donor scored.

{true} setModel("Openness", "M")
{model.donorOpenness == 1.0} setModel("Openness", "L")
{model.donorOpenness > 3.0} setModel("Openness", "H")
{true} setModel("Carefulness", "M")
{model.donorCarefulness == 1.0} setModel("Carefulness", "L")
{model.donorCarefulness > 3.0} setModel("Carefulness", "H")
{true} setModel("Outgoing", "M")
{model.donorOutgoing == 1.0} setModel("Outgoing", "L")
{model.donorOutgoing > 3.0} setModel("Outgoing", "H")
{true} setModel("Agreeableness", "M")
{model.donorAgreeableness == 1.0} setModel("Agreeableness", "L")
{model.donorAgreeableness > 3.0} setModel("Agreeableness", "H")
{true} setModel("Moodiness", "M")
{model.donorMoodiness == 1.0} setModel("Moodiness", "L")
{model.donorMoodiness > 3.0} setModel("Moodiness", "H")
{true} setModel("OverallSmarts", "M")
{model.donorOverallSmarts == 1.0} setModel("OverallSmarts", "L")
{model.donorOverallSmarts > 3.0} setModel("OverallSmarts", "H")
{true} setModel("PhysicalSkills", "M")
{model.donorPhysicalSkills == 1.0} setModel("PhysicalSkills", "L")
{model.donorPhysicalSkills > 3.0} setModel("PhysicalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("MusicalSkills", "M")
{model.donorMusicalSkills == 1.0} setModel("MusicalSkills", "L")
{model.donorMusicalSkills > 3.0} setModel("MusicalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("PeopleSkills", "M")
{model.donorPeopleSkills == 1.0} setModel("PeopleSkills", "L")
{model.donorPeopleSkills > 3.0} setModel("PeopleSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("PersonalInsight", "M")
{model.donorPersonalInsight == 1.0} setModel("PersonalInsight", "L")
{model.donorPersonalInsight > 3.0} setModel("PersonalInsight", "H")
{true} setModel("Religious", "M")
{model.donorReligious == 1.0} setModel("Religious", "L")
{model.donorReligious > 3.0} setModel("Religious", "H")
{true} setModel("VerbalSkills", "M")
{model.donorVerbalSkills == 1.0} setModel("VerbalSkills", "L")
{model.donorVerbalSkills > 3.0} setModel("VerbalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("MathSkills", "M")
{model.donorMathSkills == 1.0} setModel("MathSkills", "L")
{model.donorMathSkills > 3.0} setModel("MathSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("SpatialSkills", "M")
{model.donorSpatialSkills == 1.0} setModel("SpatialSkills", "L")
{model.donorSpatialSkills > 3.0} setModel("SpatialSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("dOpenness", "M")
{model.donorOpenness == 1.0} setModel("dOpenness", "L")
{model.donorOpenness > 3} setModel("dOpenness", "H")
{true} setModel("dCarefulness", "M")
{model.donorCarefulness == 1.0} setModel("dCarefulness", "L")
{model.donorCarefulness > 3.0} setModel("dCarefulness", "H")
{true} setModel("dOutgoing", "M")
{model.donorOutgoing == 1.0} setModel("dOutgoing", "L")
{model.donorOutgoing > 3.0} setModel("dOutgoing", "H")
{true} setModel("dAgreeableness", "M")
{model.donorAgreeableness == 1.0} setModel("dAgreeableness", "L")
{model.donorAgreeableness > 3.0} setModel("dAgreeableness", "H")
{true} setModel("dMoodiness", "M")
{model.donorMoodiness == 1.0} setModel("dMoodiness", "L")
{model.donorMoodiness > 3.0} setModel("dMoodiness", "H")
{true} setModel("dOverallSmarts", "M")
{model.donorOverallSmarts == 1.0} setModel("dOverallSmarts", "L")
{model.donorOverallSmarts > 3.0} setModel("dOverallSmarts", "H")
{true} setModel("dPhysicalSkills", "M")
{model.donorPhysicalSkills == 1.0} setModel("dPhysicalSkills", "L")
{model.donorPhysicalSkills > 3.0} setModel("dPhysicalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("dMusicalSkills", "M")
{model.donorMusicalSkills == 1.0} setModel("dMusicalSkills", "L")
{model.donorMusicalSkills > 3.0} setModel("dMusicalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("dPeopleSkills", "M")
{model.donorPeopleSkills == 1.0} setModel("dPeopleSkills", "L")
{model.donorPeopleSkills > 3.0} setModel("dPeopleSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("dPersonalInsight", "M")
{model.donorPersonalInsight == 1.0} setModel("dPersonalInsight", "L")
{model.donorPersonalInsight > 3.0} setModel("dPersonalInsight", "H")
{true} setModel("dVerbalSkills", "M")
{model.donorVerbalSkills == 1.0} setModel("dVerbalSkills", "L")
{model.donorVerbalSkills > 3.0} setModel("dVerbalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("dMathSkills", "M")
{model.donorMathSkills == 1.0} setModel("dMathSkills", "L")
{model.donorMathSkills > 3.0} setModel("dMathSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("dSpatialSkills", "M")
{model.donorSpatialSkills == 1.0} setModel("dSpatialSkills", "L")
{model.donorSpatialSkills > 3.0} setModel("dSpatialSkills", "H")
{model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("endParagraph", "Now that you_ve figured out who you are and selected a donor, you_re ready to start your parenting journey.")
{model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false"} setModel("endParagraph", "Now that you_ve figured out who you are and selected a partner, you_re ready to start your parenting journey.")
{model.Gay == "true" && model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false" && model.userSexValue == "Female"} setModel("endParagraph", "Now that you_ve figured out who you are and selected a partner, you_re ready to choose the donor who will contribute his genes to your future child.")
{model.Gay == "true" && model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false" && model.userSexValue == "Male"} setModel("endParagraph", "Now that you_ve figured out who you are and selected a partner, you_re ready to choose the donor who will contribute her genes to your future child.")
model.donorSex == "Female"
model.donorSex == "Male"

Here's how your donor scored

Table : Cognitive and Personality Scores
Personality & Cognitive Area Your Donor's Score
Openness {model.donorOpennessScore}
Carefulness {model.donorCarefulnessScore}
Outgoingness {model.donorOutgoingScore}
Agreeableness {model.donorAgreeablenessScore}
Moodiness {model.donorMoodinessScore}
Overall Smarts {model.donorOverallSmartsScore}
Physical Skills {model.donorPhysicalSkillsScore}
Musical Skills {model.donorMusicalSkillsScore}
People Skills {model.donorPeopleSkillsScore}
Personal Insight {model.donorPersonalInsightScore}
Verbal Skills {model.donorVerbalSkillsScore}
Math Skills {model.donorMathSkillsScore}
Spatial Skills {model.donorSpatialSkillsScore}

Now that you_ve figured out who you are_and selected a partner for your future child, you_re almost ready to start your parenting journey.

model.userSingleMale == "false" && model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.Gay == "false"

Now that you_ve found out about your partner, it is time to find out more about the person who will be contributing their genes to your future child.

model.Gay == "true"


model.userSingleMale == "false" && model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.Gay == "false"

How would you like to set up the biological parent or donor for your future child?

Create my own donor or biological parent


Pick a donor or biological parent from a set of pre-programmed profiles

model.Gay == "true" || model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"

Ready, Set, Go!

{true} setModel("Openness", "M")
{model.userOpenness == 1.0} setModel("Openness", "L")
{model.userOpenness > 3.0} setModel("Openness", "H")
{true} setModel("Carefulness", "M")
{model.userCarefulness == 1.0} setModel("Carefulness", "L")
{model.userCarefulness > 3.0} setModel("Carefulness", "H")
{true} setModel("Outgoing", "M")
{model.userOutgoing == 1.0} setModel("Outgoing", "L")
{model.userOutgoing > 3.0} setModel("Outgoing", "H")
{true} setModel("Agreeableness", "M")
{model.userAgreeableness == 1.0} setModel("Agreeableness", "L")
{model.userAgreeableness > 3.0} setModel("Agreeableness", "H")
{true} setModel("Moodiness", "M")
{model.userMoodiness == 1.0} setModel("Moodiness", "L")
{model.userMoodiness > 3.0} setModel("Moodiness", "H")
{true} setModel("OverallSmarts", "M")
{model.userOverallSmarts == 1.0} setModel("OverallSmarts", "L")
{model.userOverallSmarts > 3.0} setModel("OverallSmarts", "H")
{true} setModel("PhysicalSkills", "M")
{model.userPhysicalSkills == 1.0} setModel("PhysicalSkills", "L")
{model.userPhysicalSkills > 3.0} setModel("PhysicalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("MusicalSkills", "M")
{model.userMusicalSkills == 1.0} setModel("MusicalSkills", "L")
{model.userMusicalSkills > 3.0} setModel("MusicalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("PeopleSkills", "M")
{model.userPeopleSkills == 1.0} setModel("PeopleSkills", "L")
{model.userPeopleSkills > 3.0} setModel("PeopleSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("PersonalInsight", "M")
{model.userPersonalInsight == 1.0} setModel("PersonalInsight", "L")
{model.userPersonalInsight > 3.0} setModel("PersonalInsight", "H")
{true} setModel("Religious", "M")
{model.userReligious == 1.0} setModel("Religious", "L")
{model.userReligious > 3.0} setModel("Religious", "H")
{model.Mother == "user" && model.userReligious > 3.0} setModel("motherReligious", "true")
{true} setModel("VerbalSkills", "M")
{model.userVerbalSkills == 1.0} setModel("VerbalSkills", "L")
{model.userVerbalSkills > 3.0} setModel("VerbalSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("MathSkills", "M")
{model.userMathSkills == 1.0} setModel("MathSkills", "L")
{model.userMathSkills > 3.0} setModel("MathSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("SpatialSkills", "M")
{model.userSpatialSkills == 1.0} setModel("SpatialSkills", "L")
{model.userSpatialSkills > 3.0} setModel("SpatialSkills", "H")
{true} setModel("rjob2", Math.floor(Math.random()*2 + 1))
{true} setModel("rjob3", Math.floor(Math.random()*3 + 1))
{true} setModel("userStudent", "false")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.userAgeValue < 25 && model.r100 < 25 && (model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false")} setModel("userStudent", "true")
{model.SEClass != "L" && model.userAgeValue < 25 && (model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false")} setModel("userStudent", "true")
{true} setModel("r100", Math.floor(Math.random()*100))
{true} setModel("partnerStudent", "false")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.partnerAgeValue < 25 && model.r100 < 25} setModel("partnerStudent", "true")
{model.SEClass != "L" && model.partnerAgeValue < 25} setModel("partnerStudent", "true")
{model.partnerStudent == "true" && model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("mother_school_work", "school")
{model.partnerStudent == "true"} setModel("gay2_school_work", "school")
{true} setModel("mother_school_work", "work")
{true} setModel("nonmother_school_work_home", "work")
{true} setModel("user_school_work", "work")
{true} setModel("partner_school_work", "work")
{true} setModel("gay1_school_work", "work")
{true} setModel("gay2_school_work", "work")
{model.userStudent == "true"} setModel("gay1_school_work", "school")
{model.partnerStudent == "true"} setModel("gay2_school_work", "school")
{model.userStudent == "true"} setModel("user_school_work", "school")
{model.partnerStudent == "true"} setModel("partner_school_work", "school")
{model.userStudent == "true" && model.Mother == "user"} setModel("mother_school_work", "school")
{model.partnerStudent == "true" && model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("mother_school_work", "school")
{model.userStudent == "true" && model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("nonmother_school_work_home", "school")
{model.partnerStudent == "true" && model.Mother == "user"} setModel("nonmother_school_work_home", "school")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a musician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.VerbalSkills == "H" && model.PeopleSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an actor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales representative")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a session musician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.VerbalSkills == "H" && model.PeopleSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a theater director")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a struggling musician working in a retail store")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.VerbalSkills == "H" && model.PeopleSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a struggling actor working in a retail store")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a manager at a local hospital")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a record producer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H" && model.PhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a professional dancer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a singer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H" && model.PhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a professor of dance")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a struggling singer waiting tables")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H" && model.PhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a struggling dancer waiting tables")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob3 == 1 && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a compensation and benefits manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a recording engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H" && model.PhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a professional athlete")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob3 == 1 && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a retail sales supervisor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sound technician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H" && model.PhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a personal trainer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob3 == 1 && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a retail salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob3 == 2 && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a struggling musician working in a retail store")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob3 == 3 && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MusicalSkills == "H" && model.PhysicalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a struggling personal trainer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a human resource manager")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a caseworker")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a pharmacist")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a therapist")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a pharmacy technician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a hairdresser")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a designer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a human resource manager")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a pediatrician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an author")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a special education teacher")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an editor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a struggling writer working at a retail store")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a psychiatrist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.PeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.PeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a personal care assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.PeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a family practitioner")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a home health aide")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an elementary school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a medical secretary")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a university administrator")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a high school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a teacher's assistant")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a nurse anesthetist")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a nursing assistant")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a high school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a teacher's assistant")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an elementary school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a university administrator")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a physician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a mechanic")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an elementary school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a taxi driver")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a healthcare support aide")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob2 == 1 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a financial manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob2 == 1 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a financial specialist")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a high school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob2 == 1 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a librarian")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.rjob2 == 2 && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a family practitioner")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a police officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a home health aide")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a petroleum engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an engineer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a medical secretary")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a high school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a healthcare support aide")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a financial manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an accountant")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a bank teller")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a public relations manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an author")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a medical secretary")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an editor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a struggling writer waiting tables")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a surgeon")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a tech support person")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a middle school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a bus driver")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a purchasing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an insurance sales agent")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a physician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a designer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an animal care worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a psychiatrist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.PeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a health technician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.PeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a healthcare support aide")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.PeopleSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a fisherman")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a plumber")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a butcher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an author")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an author")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a struggling writer waiting tables")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an insurance sales agent")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a manicurist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a dentist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a licensed vocational nurse")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a home health aide")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an architect")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an advertising executive")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an inspector")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an office clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a law school professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a middle school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a substitute teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an industrial organizational psychologist")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a correctional officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an office clerk")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a podiatrist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a delivery service driver")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a licensed vocational nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a food and prep server")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a food and prep server")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a market research analyst")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a farm hand")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a pharmacist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an electrician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a baker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a software developer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a product assembler")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an anesthesiologist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an accountant")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a shipping clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a geoscientist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a market research analyst")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer information manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer help desk operator")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a janitor")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer information manager")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a correctional officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a building and groundskeeper")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a firefighter")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a security guard")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a middle school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "M"} setModel("userOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a surgeon")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a middle school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an oral surgeon")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a clinical lab technician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an elementary school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an orthodontist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a welder")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a construction worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a political scientist")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a plant operator")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a salesperson")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a physician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a designer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a plant operator")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a wait person")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a sales manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an insurance sales agent")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "H" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an air traffic controller")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a construction worker")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a middle school teacher")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a stock worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer and information scientist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a firefighter")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a financial analyst")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a bookkeeper")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a police officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a janitor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a chemical engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a janitor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an aerospace engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer programmer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an actuary")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a bookkeeper")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a police officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a laundry worker")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a financial analyst")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a marketing manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a market research analyst")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a telemarketer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a construction worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a correctional officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "M" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a security guard")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a physicist")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a college professor")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an author")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a carpenter")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a registered nurse")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "an editor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a woodworker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a cook")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.VerbalSkills == "H"} setModel("userOccupation", "a struggling writer working as a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an engineer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a social worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a data entry clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a mathematician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a maintenance technician")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a customer service representative")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a stock clerk")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "H" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a preschool teacher")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a marine engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an industrial mechanic")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a postal service worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a library technician")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a security guard")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer hardware engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a management analyst")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an administrative assistant")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a farmer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.MathSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a fast food cook")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a physician")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a general manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a heavy equipment operator")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a correctional officer")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a library technician")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "M" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a computer hardware engineer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an advertising manager")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a construction worker")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "an editor")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a mover")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "H" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L" && model.SpatialSkills == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a postal service worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "M" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a laborer")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a lawyer")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a postal service worker")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.Openness == "L" && model.Carefulness == "L" && model.Outgoing == "L" && model.Agreeableness == "L"} setModel("userOccupation", "a dishwasher")
{true} setModel("user_job", model.userOccupation)
{model.userAgeValue < 25 && model.userStudent == "true" && (model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false")} setModel("user_job", "a student")
{true} setModel("partner_job", model.partnerOccupation)
{model.partnerAgeValue < 25 && model.partnerStudent == "true"} setModel("partner_job", "a student")
{model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("endParagraph", "Now that you_ve figured out who you are and selected a " + model.partner_donor + ", you_re ready to start your parenting journey.")
{model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false" && model.Gay == "false"} setModel("endParagraph", "Now that you_ve figured out who you are and selected a partner, you_re ready to start your parenting journey.")
{model.Gay == "true" && model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false" && model.userSexValue == "Female"} setModel("endParagraph", "Now that you_ve figured out who you are and selected a partner, you_re ready to choose the donor who will contribute his genes to your future child.")
{model.Gay == "true" && model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false" && model.userSexValue == "Male"} setModel("endParagraph", "Now that you_ve figured out who you are and selected a partner, you_re ready to choose the donor who will contribute her genes to your future child.")
{model.Gay == "true" && (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true") && model.userSexValue == "Female"} setModel("endParagraph", "Now that you_ve figured out who you are, you_re ready to choose the donor who will contribute his genes to your future child.")
{model.Gay == "true" && (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true") && model.userSexValue == "Male"} setModel("endParagraph", "Now that you_ve figured out who you are, you_re ready to choose the donor who will contribute her genes to your future child.")
{model.user_job != model.partner_job && (model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false")} setModel("endParagraph1", "You begin the simulation as " + model.user_job + " and " + model.partnerName + " is " + model.partner_job + ". Remember that you_ll find some of your demographic data and your partner's saved in your Memory Book. As you grow up, along with your child, you can always look back on this entry in your Memory Book to see where it all began. ")
{model.user_job == model.partner_job && (model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false")} setModel("endParagraph1", "You and " + model.partnerName + " both begin the simulation as " + model.user_job + ". Remember that you_ll find some of your demographic data and your partner's saved in your Memory Book. As you grow up, along with your child, you can always look back on this entry in your Memory Book to see where it all began.")
{model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("endParagraph1", "You begin the simulation as " + model.user_job + ". Remember that you_ll find some of your demographic data saved in your Memory Book. As you grow up, along with your child, you can always look back on this entry in your Memory Book to see where it all began.")
{true} setModel("motherStudent", "false")
{model.userStudent == "true" && model.Mother == "user"} setModel("motherStudent", "true")
{model.partnerStudent == "true" && model.Mother == "partner"} setModel("motherStudent", "true")

Ready, Set, Go!

So now you_ve figured out your identity and that of your partner. Now we_ll give you a bit more information about who you are_because you_re certainly more than your genes. You_re also part of a social world. We_ve assigned you a job and an educational level_they_ve been assigned to you by chance, based on how common these educational statuses and jobs are in the United States. So you may find that a friend or a classmate who is also taking this class has a totally different educational level or job situation. Or you may find that you match.

model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false"

So now you_ve figured out your identity. Now we_ll give you a bit more information about who you are_because you_re certainly more than your genes. You_re also part of a social world. We_ve assigned you a job and an educational level _they_ve been assigned to you by chance, based on how common these educational statuses and jobs are in the United States. So you may find that a friend or a classmate who is also taking this class has a totally different educational level or job situation. Or you may find that you match.

model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"

