{true} player.setChildAge( "8y" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 8)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 8)
{true} setModel("EC12_cogdev_gifted_tally", 0)
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("EC12_cogdev_gifted_tally", model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_tally + 1)
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("EC12_cogdev_gifted_tally", model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_tally + 1)
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("EC12_cogdev_gifted_tally", model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_tally + 1)
{true} setModel("EC12_cogdev_achieved_tally", 0)
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_cogdev_achieved_tally", model.EC12_cogdev_achieved_tally + 1)
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_cogdev_achieved_tally", model.EC12_cogdev_achieved_tally + 1)
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_cogdev_achieved_tally", model.EC12_cogdev_achieved_tally + 1)
{true} setModel("EC12_cogdev_gifted_list", "")
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("EC12_cogdev_gifted_list", "language")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Gifted" && model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_list == ""} setModel("EC12_cogdev_gifted_list", "reading")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Gifted" && model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_list != "" && model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve != "Gifted"} setModel("EC12_cogdev_gifted_list", model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_list + " and reading")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Gifted" && model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_list != "" && model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("EC12_cogdev_gifted_list", model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_list + ", reading")
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Gifted" && model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_list == ""} setModel("EC12_cogdev_gifted_list", "math")
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Gifted" && model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_list != ""} setModel("EC12_cogdev_gifted_list", model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_list + " and math")
{true} setModel("EC12_cogdev_emergent_at_risk_list", "")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" || model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("EC12_cogdev_emergent_at_risk_list", "reading")
{model.EC12_cogdev_emergent_at_risk_list != "" && (model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" || model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "At Risk")} setModel("EC12_cogdev_emergent_at_risk_list", model.EC12_cogdev_emergent_at_risk_list + "and math")
{model.EC12_cogdev_emergent_at_risk_list == "" && (model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" || model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "At Risk")} setModel("EC12_cogdev_emergent_at_risk_list", model.EC12_cogdev_emergent_at_risk_list + "math")
{true} setModel("MC4_start1", "false")
{true} setModel("MC4_start2", "false")
{true} setModel("MC4_start3", "false")
{true} setModel("MC4_start4", "false")
{true} setModel("MC4_start5", "false")
{(model.stress > 4 || model.SEClass == "L") && (model.EC12_internalizing == "true" && model.MC3_learning_disorder == "true")} setModel("MC4_start", "Second grade has started and " + model.babyName + " doesn’t seem happy about going to school. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " has already asked to stay home from school twice. You weren’t super surprised because you know that " + model.baby_he_she +"’s been a little low. But you’d hoped for something better.")
{(model.stress > 4 || model.SEClass == "L") && (model.EC12_internalizing == "true" && model.MC3_learning_disorder == "true")} setModel("MC4_start1", "true")
{model.EC12_externalizing == "true" || model.ADHD == "true"} setModel("MC4_start", "Second grade has started and things aren’t going well with " + model.babyName + ". You’ve already had to go in to meet with " + model.baby_his_her + " teacher, " + model.teacherName_gr2 + ", twice. You aren’t extremely surprised because first grade wasn’t the easiest. But you’d hoped for something better.")
{model.EC12_externalizing == "true" || model.ADHD == "true"} setModel("MC4_start2", "true")
{(model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_tally == 2 || model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_tally == 3 || model.MC3_general_IQ_range == "above average") && model.model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_list != ""} setModel("MC4_start", "Second grade has started and " + model.babyName + " is complaining that school is too easy. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " seems ahead of " + model.baby_his_her + " peers in " + model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_list +". You knew " + model.baby_he_she + " was doing extremely well at the end of first grade. But you had thought school work would be a bit more of a challenge this year. ")
{(model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_tally == 2 || model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_tally == 3 || model.MC3_general_IQ_range == "above average") && model.EC12_cogdev_gifted_list != ""} setModel("MC4_start3", "true")
{model.MC4_start1 == "false" && model.MC4_start2 == "false" && model.MC4_start3 == "false" && model.SEClass != "H"} setModel("MC4_start", "Second grade has started and " + model.babyName + " seems very happy. But one of your friends just started their child at a new charter school and you wonder whether you should look at other school options, just to make sure you are making the best choice for your child.")
{model.MC4_start1 == "false" && model.MC4_start2 == "false" && model.MC4_start3 == "false" && model.SEClass != "H"} setModel("MC4_start4", "true")
{model.MC4_start1 == "false" && model.MC4_start2 == "false" && model.MC4_start3 == "false" && model.SEClass == "H"} setModel("MC4_start", "Second grade has started and " + model.babyName + " seems very happy. But one of your friends just started their child at a private school and you wonder whether you should look at other school options, just to make sure you are making the best choice for your child.")
{model.MC4_start1 == "false" && model.MC4_start2 == "false" && model.MC4_start3 == "false" && model.SEClass != "H"} setModel("MC4_start5", "true")
{true} setModel("MC4_QA", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QB", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QC", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QD", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QE", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QF", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QG", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QH", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QA_schoolname", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QB_schoolname", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QC_schoolname", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QD_schoolname", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QE_schoolname", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QF_schoolname", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QG_schoolname", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_QH_schoolname", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_ans_cnt", 0)
{true} setModel("Marshall_Elementary", "")
{true} setModel("MC4_Marshall_option", "false")
{true} setModel("r6to8", model.r3 + 6)
{model.r100 < 21 && model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("Marshall_Elementary", model.Marshall_Elementary + "Your child’s school has been classified as failing for " + model.r6to8 + " years under the NCLB law.")
{model.r100 < 21 && model.r2 == 0 && model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("Marshall_Elementary", model.Marshall_Elementary + " You do qualify to transfer your child to another school according to your local school department. So now you can transfer to Washington Elementary School, a school in another neighborhood that has a better ranking.")
{model.r100 < 21 && model.r2 == 0 && model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("MC4_Marshall_option", "true")
{model.r100 < 21 && model.r2 == 1 && model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("Marshall_Elementary", model.Marshall_Elementary + " While your child’s school has been classified as failing for a long time, under the waiver in your state, you can’t transfer your child to another school.")
{model.r100 < 21 && model.r2 == 1 && model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("MC4_Marshall_option", "false")
{model.r100 > 20} setModel("Marshall_Elementary", model.Marshall_Elementary + " Since your child’s school isn’t failing, and according to your district’s policies, you can’t transfer " + model.baby_him_her + " to another district’s schools at this time.")
{model.r100 > 20} setModel("MC4_Marshall_option", "false")
{model.MC4_Marshall_option == "true"} setModel("MC4_QA", "Transfer your child to Marshall Elementary School? ")
{model.MC4_Marshall_option == "true"} setModel("MC4_QA_schoolname", "Marshall Elementary School")
{model.MC4_Marshall_option == "true"} setModel("MC4_ans_cnt", model.MC4_ans_cnt + 1)
{true} setModel("MC4_SusanBAnthony_option", "false")
{true} setModel("Susan_B_Anthony", " In some large school districts, there are special schools set aside for children who qualify as gifted and talented.")
{model.r100 < 21} setModel("Susan_B_Anthony", model.Susan_B_Anthony + " You are lucky enough that there is a gifted and talented school in your district.")
{model.r100 < 21 && model.MC3_gifted == "true"} setModel("Susan_B_Anthony", model.Susan_B_Anthony + " Since " + model.babyName + " qualifies as gifted, you can enroll " + model.baby_him_her + " there!")
{model.r100 < 21 && model.MC3_gifted == "true"} setModel("MC4_SusanBAnthony_option", "true")
{model.r100 < 21 && model.MC3_gifted == "false"} setModel("Susan_B_Anthony", model.Susan_B_Anthony + " Unfortunately though " + model.babyName + " didn’t qualify as gifted, so this isn’t an option for you.")
{model.r100 > 20} setModel("Susan_B_Anthony", model.Susan_B_Anthony + " But there isn’t a dedicated gifted and talented school in your district, so this won’t be an option for you.")
{true} setModel("Susan_B_Anthony_FB", "You are one of the few parents who have a gifted child and a gifted and talented school in your district. Parents tend to appreciate the special peer group a gifted and talented school grants their child—and the extra enrichment opportunities, which could range from special science labs to art studios, and teachers who are able to give curious kids the extra depth they may need to feed their curiosity.")
{model.MC4_SusanBAnthony_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA_schoolname", "Susan B. Anthony Elementary School for the Gifted and Talented")
{model.MC4_SusanBAnthony_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA", "Transfer your child into the local gifted and talented school.")
{model.MC4_SusanBAnthony_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Susan B. Anthony Elementary School for the Gifted and Talented"} setModel("MC4_QB_schoolname", "Susan B. Anthony Elementary School for the Gifted and Talented")
{model.MC4_SusanBAnthony_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Susan B. Anthony Elementary School for the Gifted and Talented"} setModel("MC4_QB", "Transfer your child into the local gifted and talented school.")
{model.MC4_SusanBAnthony_option == "true"} setModel("MC4_ans_cnt", model.MC4_ans_cnt + 1)
{true} setModel("MC4_Peace_option", "false")
{true} setModel("Our_Lady", " Catholic schools are one of the most popular types of private education in the United States. While most research seems to indicate that on the whole, children who end up in Catholic schools tend to have higher high school graduation rates and higher standardized test scores than their peers at public schools, this is not always the case for every Catholic school or every child. And a substantial part of the higher test scores for children in Catholic and some private schools may stem from the higher parental expectations for these children. If parents are paying extra for tuition, they are probably going to have very explicit and rigorous expectations for their children. Some local public schools are excellent and some Catholic schools may not be the best fit for every child. In addition, many private schools are not able to accommodate students with special needs or learning disabilities—although school districts may be able to provide special services, like speech therapy, separately to students in private school. However, unless a local municipality has a voucher program which enables parents to use state money to pay for private schools, private schools can be expensive. Some, including some parish-run Catholic schools, tend to be affordable. Others can be extremely expensive—even costing up to $40,000 a year just for tuition (not including transportation, books or other costs). Your local Catholic school has a spot available for " + model.babyName + ".")
{model.SEClass == "L" || (model.SEClass == "M" && (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"))} setModel("Our_Lady", model.Our_Lady + " Your budget doesn’t have enough wiggle room for you to pay for Our Lady of Peace at this time, even if you did decide it was the best fit for " + model.babyName + ".")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.num_of_parents_working == 1 && model.userSingleFemale != "true" && model.userSingleMale != "true"} setModel("Our_Lady", model.Our_Lady + " If you both work, you will be able to afford Our Lady Of Peace.")
{(model.SEClass == "M" && model.num_of_parents_working == 2) || model.SEClass == "U"} setModel("Our_Lady", model.Our_Lady + " It looks like you’ll be able to squeeze the tuition for Our Lady of Peace into your budget.")
{(model.SEClass == "M" && model.num_of_parents_working == 2) || model.SEClass == "U"} setModel("MC4_Peace_option", "true")
{model.MC4_Peace_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA_schoolname", "Our Lady Queen of Peace School")
{model.MC4_Peace_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA", " Transfer your child into Our Lady of Peace.")
{model.MC4_Peace_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Our Lady Queen of Peace School"} setModel("MC4_QB_schoolname", "Our Lady Queen of Peace School")
{model.MC4_Peace_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Our Lady Queen of Peace School"} setModel("MC4_QB", " Transfer your child into Our Lady of Peace.")
{model.MC4_Peace_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Our Lady Queen of Peace School"} setModel("MC4_QC_schoolname", "Our Lady Queen of Peace School")
{model.MC4_Peace_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Our Lady Queen of Peace School"} setModel("MC4_QC", " Transfer your child into Our Lady of Peace.")
{model.MC4_Peace_option == "true"} setModel("MC4_ans_cnt", model.MC4_ans_cnt + 1)
{true} setModel("MC4_Hillside_option", "false")
{true} setModel("Hillside_Christian", "Christian schools are one of the most popular types of private education in the United States. Private schools are sometimes a better fit for some children and in some studies, the test scores and graduation rates for children who attend Christian schools are higher than those who go to traditional public schools. Remember, unless a local municipality has a voucher program which enables parents to use state money to pay for private schools, private schools can be expensive. Some can be affordable—including Hillside, which is on the lower end of the private school range. Hillside Christian has a spot available for " + model.babyName + ".")
{model.SEClass == "L" || (model.SEClass == "M" && (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"))} setModel("Hillside_Christian", model.Hillside_Christian + " Your budget doesn’t have enough wiggle room for you to pay for Hillside at this time, even if you did decide it was the best fit for " + model.babyName + ".")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.num_of_parents_working == 1 && model.userSingleFemale != "true" && model.userSingleMale != "true"} setModel("Hillside_Christian", model.Hillside_Christian + " If you both work, you will be able to afford Hillside.")
{(model.SEClass == "M" && model.num_of_parents_working == 2) || model.SEClass == "U"} setModel("Hillside_Christian", model.Hillside_Christian + " It looks like you’ll be able to squeeze the tuition for Hillside into your budget.")
{(model.SEClass == "M" && model.num_of_parents_working == 2) || model.SEClass == "U"} setModel("MC4_Hillside_option", "true")
{model.MC4_Hillside_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA_schoolname", "Hillside Christian School")
{model.MC4_Hillside_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA", "Transfer your child into Hillside Christian.")
{model.MC4_Hillside_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Hillside Christian School"} setModel("MC4_QB_schoolname", "Hillside Christian School")
{model.MC4_Hillside_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Hillside Christian School"} setModel("MC4_QB", "Transfer your child into Hillside Christian.")
{model.MC4_Hillside_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Hillside Christian School"} setModel("MC4_QC_schoolname", "Hillside Christian School")
{model.MC4_Hillside_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Hillside Christian School"} setModel("MC4_QC", "Transfer your child into Hillside Christian.")
{model.MC4_Hillside_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD == "" && model.MC4_QC_schoolname != "Hillside Christian School"} setModel("MC4_QD_schoolname", "Hillside Christian School")
{model.MC4_Hillside_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD == "" && model.MC4_QC_schoolname != "Hillside Christian School"} setModel("MC4_QD", "Transfer your child into Hillside Christian.")
{model.MC4_Hillside_option == "true"} setModel("MC4_ans_cnt", model.MC4_ans_cnt + 1)
{true} setModel("MC4_Valleyview_option", "false")
{true} setModel("Valleyview_Day", " Valleyview Day School is a private, non-religious private school. It has small class sizes, a beautiful playground and all the teachers have advanced degrees. It comes with one catch, however—a sizeable tuition. They have scholarships available for a few students, though.")
{model.SEClass == "L" || (model.SEClass == "M" && (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"))} setModel("Valleyview_Day", model.Valleyview_Day + " Your budget doesn’t have enough wiggle room for you to pay for Valleyview at this time, even if you did decide it was the best fit for " + model.babyName + ".")
{model.SEClass == "L" || (model.SEClass == "M" && model.r100 < 21)} setModel("Valleyview_Day", model.Valleyview_Day + " But " + model.baby_he_she + " does qualify for a scholarship program that will make it almost free for you.")
{model.SEClass == "L" || (model.SEClass == "M" && model.r100 < 21)} setModel("MC4_Valleyview_option", "true")
{model.SEClass == "M" && model.num_of_parents_working == 1 && model.userSingleFemale != "true" && model.userSingleMale != "true"} setModel("Valleyview_Day", model.Valleyview_Day + " If you both work, you will be able to afford Valleyview.")
{(model.SEClass == "M" && model.num_of_parents_working == 2) || model.SEClass == "U"} setModel("Valleyview_Day", model.Valleyview_Day + " It looks like you’ll be able to squeeze the tuition for Valleyview into your budget.")
{(model.SEClass == "M" && model.num_of_parents_working == 2) || model.SEClass == "U"} setModel("MC4_Valleyview_option", "true")
{model.MC4_Valleyview_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA_schoolname", "Valleyview Day School")
{model.MC4_Valleyview_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA", "Transfer your child into Valleyview Day School.")
{model.MC4_Valleyview_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Valleyview Day School"} setModel("MC4_QB_schoolname", "Valleyview Day School")
{model.MC4_Valleyview_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Valleyview Day School"} setModel("MC4_QB", "Transfer your child into Valleyview Day School.")
{model.MC4_Valleyview_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Valleyview Day School"} setModel("MC4_QC_schoolname", "Valleyview Day School")
{model.MC4_Valleyview_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Valleyview Day School"} setModel("MC4_QC", "Transfer your child into Valleyview Day School.")
{model.MC4_Valleyview_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD == "" && model.MC4_QC_schoolname != "Valleyview Day School"} setModel("MC4_QD_schoolname", "Valleyview Day School")
{model.MC4_Valleyview_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD == "" && model.MC4_QC_schoolname != "Valleyview Day School"} setModel("MC4_QD", "Transfer your child into Valleyview Day School.")
{model.MC4_Valleyview_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE == "" && model.MC4_QD_schoolname != "Valleyview Day School"} setModel("MC4_QE_schoolname", "Valleyview Day School")
{model.MC4_Valleyview_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE == "" && model.MC4_QD_schoolname != "Valleyview Day School"} setModel("MC4_QE", "Transfer your child into Valleyview Day School.")
{model.MC4_Valleyview_option == "true"} setModel("MC4_ans_cnt", model.MC4_ans_cnt + 1)
{true} setModel("MC4_Kidslead_option", "false")
{true} setModel("Kids_Lead", " Some states and school districts have charter schools, which are public schools (so, free to students who enroll), but are independent from the traditional public school structure. As with private schools, the research on charter schools is mixed—some seem to be better for children than traditional public or private schools while others are not.")
{model.r100 < 31} setModel("Kids_Lead", model.Kids_Lead + " Your district does have a charter school with a slot open for " + model.babyName + " and you’ve heard great things about the innovative teaching and motivated kids at Kids’ Lead Public Charter School.")
{model.r100 < 31} setModel("MC4_Kidslead_option", "true")
{model.r100 > 30} setModel("Kids_Lead", model.Kids_Lead + " Unfortunately, you are not in the district where Kids’ Lead Public Charter School is located.")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA_schoolname", "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA", "Transfer your child into Kids’ Lead School.")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School"} setModel("MC4_QB_schoolname", "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School"} setModel("MC4_QB", "Transfer your child into Kids’ Lead School.")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School"} setModel("MC4_QC_schoolname", "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School"} setModel("MC4_QC", "Transfer your child into Kids’ Lead School.")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD == "" && model.MC4_QC_schoolname != "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School"} setModel("MC4_QD_schoolname", "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD == "" && model.MC4_QC_schoolname != "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School"} setModel("MC4_QD", "Transfer your child into Kids’ Lead School.")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE == "" && model.MC4_QD_schoolname != "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School"} setModel("MC4_QE_schoolname", "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE == "" && model.MC4_QD_schoolname != "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School"} setModel("MC4_QE", "Transfer your child into Kids’ Lead School.")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF == "" && MC4_QE_schoolname != "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School"} setModel("MC4_QF_schoolname", "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF == "" && MC4_QE_schoolname != "Kids’ Lead Public Charter School"} setModel("MC4_QF", "Transfer your child into Kids’ Lead School.")
{model.MC4_Kidslead_option == "true"} setModel("MC4_ans_cnt", model.MC4_ans_cnt + 1)
{true} setModel("MC4_Homeschool_option", "false")
{true} setModel("Homeschooling", "More and more parents are choosing to forgo traditional schooling altogether and teach their children at home. In most districts, students still need to submit a learning plan to their local school district in order to be exempt from traditional schooling. Many homeschooled students still take advantage of parts of traditional schools, like joining sports teams or learning a foreign language with their public school peers. ")
{model.SEClass == "L" || (model.SEClass == "M" && model.num_of_parents_working == 2) || (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true")} setModel("Homeschooling", model.Homeschooling + " Unfortunately, homeschooling is a major time commitment for the parents and usually requires that at least one parent stays home during the day to coordinate the child’s learning. Because of work, homeschooling isn’t an option for you right now.")
{(model.SEClass == "M" || model.SEClass == "U") && model.num_of_parents_working == 1 && model.userSingleFemale != "true" && model.userSingleMale != "true"} setModel("Homeschooling", model.Homeschooling + " Homeschooling is a major time commitment for parents and usually requires that one parent stays home during the day to coordinate the child’s learning. Since one parent isn't working right now, homeschooling might work for you. But it is a lot of extra time and planning. Are you game?")
{(model.SEClass == "M" || model.SEClass == "U") && model.num_of_parents_working == 1 && model.userSingleFemale != "true" && model.userSingleMale != "true"} setModel("MC4_Homeschool_option", "true")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.num_of_parents_working == 2} setModel("Homeschooling", model.Homeschooling + " Homeschooling is a major time commitment for parents and usually requires that one parent stays home during the day to coordinate the child’s learning. Are you or your partner willing to stop working to start homeschooling? Are you game?")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.num_of_parents_working == 2} setModel("MC4_Homeschool_option", "true")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA_schoolname", "Homeschooling")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA", "Try homeschooling.")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QB_schoolname", "Homeschooling")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QB", "Try homeschooling.")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QC_schoolname", "Homeschooling")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QC", "Try homeschooling.")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD == "" && model.MC4_QC_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QD_schoolname", "Homeschooling")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD == "" && model.MC4_QC_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QD", "Try homeschooling.")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE == "" && model.MC4_QD_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QE_schoolname", "Homeschooling")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE == "" && model.MC4_QD_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QE", "Try homeschooling.")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF == "" && model.MC4_QE_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QF_schoolname", "Homeschooling")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF == "" && model.MC4_QE_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QF", "Try homeschooling.")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF != "" && model.MC4_QG == "" && model.MC4_QF_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QG_schoolname", "Homeschooling")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF != "" && model.MC4_QG == "" && model.MC4_QF_schoolname != "Homeschooling"} setModel("MC4_QG", "Try homeschooling.")
{model.MC4_Homeschool_option == "true"} setModel("MC4_ans_cnt", model.MC4_ans_cnt + 1)
{true} setModel("MC4_Eisenhower_option", "false")
{true} setModel("Eisenhower_Elementary", " Are you willing to get the moving truck ready? One option in choosing a school is to move to a new neighborhood. More than a quarter of parents report that they’ve moved to get their kids into a different school district. You’ve heard great things about Eisenhower Elementary. It is safe, the class sizes aren’t usually more than 22 and they’ve just started an organic garden for the kids’ lunch program. However, the housing around Eisenhower is a bit pricey. ")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.r100 < 51} setModel("Eisenhower_Elementary", model.Eisenhower_Elementary + "You have been looking for something affordable, and you don’t seem to be able to find it. ")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.r100 > 50} setModel("Eisenhower_Elementary", model.Eisenhower_Elementary + "You have been looking for something affordable, and even though the new apartment is small, it is clean and you think it might work. Do you take the plunge and move for " + model.babyName + "? ")
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.r100 > 50} setModel("MC4_Eisenhower_option", "true")
{model.SEClass != "L"} setModel("Eisenhower_Elementary", model.Eisenhower_Elementary + "Moving can bring its own stresses, including having to re-start somewhere new. But are you willing to do it? Are you going to take the plunge and pull out the moving boxes for " + model.babyName + "? ")
{model.SEClass != "L"} setModel("MC4_Eisenhower_option", "true")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA_schoolname", "Eisenhower Elementary")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA == ""} setModel("MC4_QA", "Move to a new school district.")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QB_schoolname", "Eisenhower Elementary")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB == "" && model.MC4_QA_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QB", "Move to a new school district.")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QC_schoolname", "Eisenhower Elementary")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC == "" && model.MC4_QB_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QC", "Move to a new school district.")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD == "" && model.MC4_QC_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QD_schoolname", "Eisenhower Elementary")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD == "" && model.MC4_QC_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QD", "Move to a new school district.")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE == "" && model.MC4_QD_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QE_schoolname", "Eisenhower Elementary")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE == "" && model.MC4_QD_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QE", "Move to a new school district.")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF == "" && model.MC4_QE_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QF_schoolname", "Eisenhower Elementary")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF == "" && model.MC4_QE_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QF", "Move to a new school district.")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF != "" && model.MC4_QG == "" && model.MC4_QF_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QG_schoolname", "Eisenhower Elementary")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF != "" && model.MC4_QG == "" && model.MC4_QF_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QG", "Move to a new school district.")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF != "" && model.MC4_QG != "" && model.MC4_QH == "" && model.MC4_QG_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QH_schoolname", "Eisenhower Elementary")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true" && model.MC4_QA != "" && model.MC4_QB != "" && model.MC4_QC != "" && model.MC4_QD != "" && model.MC4_QE != "" && model.MC4_QF != "" && model.MC4_QG != "" && model.MC4_QH == "" && model.MC4_QG_schoolname != "Eisenhower Elementary"} setModel("MC4_QH", "Move to a new school district.")
{model.MC4_Eisenhower_option == "true"} setModel("MC4_ans_cnt", model.MC4_ans_cnt + 1)
{model.babyName} went to Kindergarten through Second Grade at {model.nEC9_neighborhood_school} because it was the neighborhood school. But now you are curious to see what your other options may be.