Child Care: The Best Practices

Slide 1 of 18: Synopsis

Human Development Video Activity
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
center day care
Paid child care at a place outside the home where qualified, licensed, trained individuals provide instruction and care for newborns through pre-kindergarten.
family day care
Child care that is provided in a paid caregiver's private home for a portion of the day.
An individual's innate personality and behavioral and emotional responses.
zone of proximal development (ZPD)
Vygotsky's term for describing a phase of learning when a child is close to mastering a skill/skills but has not yet acquired the ability to perform the skill/skills without assistance.


A wide shot of a child care center room with many supplies neatly organized, children’s art work on the walls, and a child in the foreground drawing on a chalk board.

Amy Obegi and Sheridan Dewolf, Grossmont College


In this activity, you will learn about the need for and components of high-quality child care in the United States today. This activity contains a number of observational video clips from the Grossmont Child Care Center in El Cajon, California. The footage in these videos will allow you to view high-quality child care in action.


American Academy of Pediatrics. (2005). Quality early education and child care from birth to kindergarten. Pediatrics, 115, 187–191.

Carnegie Corporation of New York. (1994). Starting points: Meeting the needs of our youngest children. New York, NY: Carnegie Corporation.

Children’s Defense Fund. (2005, April). Issue basics: Child care basics. Washington, DC: CDF.

The National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2005). Early Childhood Program Standards. Washington, DC: NAEYC.

Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2004). Employment characteristics of families in 2004. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor.

Further Resources for Child Care: The Best Practices

The NAEYC has published a resource titled “10 Signs of a Great Preschool.” To view this resource, go to This handout lists ways to evaluate whether a classroom curriculum is high-quality and developmentally appropriate.