Adolescence Around the World: Rites of Passage

Slide 1 of 11: Synopsis

Human Development Video Activity
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
This developmental stage that occurs generally from age 11 to 18 is the transition from childhood to adulthood. In addition to the onset of reproductive capabilities, this period is marked by dramatic physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes.
In terms of an object, the concept that an object remains the same even if certain characteristics about it change. In terms of a person, the consistent collection of physical and mental characteristics that define an individual as unique.
rite of passage
A ritual or ceremony that marks a person’s transition from one social status to another.
The development or evolution from one life stage, status, or role to another.
rites of passage
Rituals or ceremonies that mark a person's transition from one social status to another.
A boy at his bar mitzvah


S. Stavros Valenti, Hofstra University
Pauline Davey Zeece, University of Nebraska – Lincoln


This activity explores the journey from childhood to adulthood, a journey that is often accompanied by various rites of passage. This activity presents a comparison of adolescent initiation customs of industrialized societies and those of developing societies, specifically the African Chokwe society.


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