Who Am I?

Slide 1 of 11: Synopsis

Human Development Video Activity
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
An identity phase in which an individual makes a commitment to an identity, set of values, or set of beliefs without significant personal exploration. Foreclosure may be the result of a person adopting a ready-made identity provided by others, such as parents, without seriously considering alternatives.
identity achievement
An identity phase in which an individual has struggled with and explored questions of identity and purpose and has formed a direction for the future. This commitment does not mean an end to exploration. In fact, exploration and commitment are in regular interplay during identity achievement.
The consistent collection of physical and mental characteristics that define an individual as unique.
identity diffusion
An identity phase in which an individual has not yet begun to examine life and values in effort to determine a personal identity. Because of this lack of exploration and commitment, diffused individuals may demonstrate apathy and lack of direction.
identity versus role confusion
The fifth stage in Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development that generally occurs between the ages of 12 and 18 that is characterized by the effort to move away from confusion about who you are and what is important to you toward a more developed sense of who you are and of your place in your community and society.
An identity phase in which an individual explores and maybe even tries on identities but has not yet committed to any particular one.


Three graduates in their caps and gowns holding their diplomas

Thomas E. Ludwig, Hope College
Raechel Soicher, American River College


After examining some of the theoretical foundations of identity development, your exploration will continue when you observe several teenagers who are also on their journey of identity development.


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