Brain Development: Middle Adulthood

Slide 1 of 11: Synopsis

Human Development Video Activity
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Long, slender nerve fiber that extends from the neuron's cell body. Axons create the transmission lines of the nervous system as they rapidly conduct electrical impulses from one neuron cell body to the dendrites of adjacent neurons.
Long, slender nerve fiber that extends from the neuron's cell body. Axons create the transmission lines of the nervous system as they rapidly conduct electrical impulses from one neuron cell body to the dendrites of adjacent neurons.
cerebral cortex
The folded outer layers of the brain covering the cerebrum that are critically involved in many complex functions, such as memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language, and consciousness.
A nerve cell that receives and communicates information throughout the body as part of the central nervous system.
A nerve cell that receives and communicates information throughout the body as part of the central nervous system.
The state of being old or growing old. Biological aging.
The microscopic gap across which the axon of a neuron can transfer an electrical impulse to the dendrites of an adjacent neuron.
The microscopic gap across which the axon of a neuron can transfer an electrical impulse to the dendrites of an adjacent neuron.


Man in middle adulthood is a teacher who is helping a student.

S. Stavros Valenti, Hofstra University


In this activity, you will observe changes that take place in the brain during adulthood and throughout the middle adult years. Animations will provide excellent visual aids to demonstrate the loss of brain volume and the thinning of gray matter and white matter that occur throughout middle adulthood. The activity also discusses how people experience improvements in aspects of their lives during the middle adult years.


Kolb, B., & Whishaw, I. Q. (2001). An introduction to brain and behavior. New York: Worth Publishers.

Spear, L. (2000). The adolescent brain and age-related behavioral manifestations. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 24, 412-463.