Preparing to Die

Slide 1 of 16: Synopsis

Human Development Video Activity
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
adolescent egocentrism
The tendency for adolescents to demonstrate self-centered thoughts, beliefs, and feelings and to think that their perspectives are more significant and valid than other points of view.
good death
A death in which pain is managed, the patient feels in control, is surrounded by loved ones, is able to tie up loose ends, and is able to say goodbye to those he/she loves.
A type of care provided by an institution or agency whose aim is to ease the suffering of the dying process. Hospice addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the terminally ill while offering support to family and friends.
invincibility fable
A false belief that is cultivated by adolescent egocentrism. Many adolescents believe themselves invincible and that bad things will not happen to them in the way that they do to other people.
living will
A written, legal document in which a person outlines the medical treatments and interventions that they do or do not want if they become too ill to explain their medical wishes.
palliative care
A philosophy and approach to medical care that is designed not to treat or cure an illness but to relieve suffering and improve quality of life for the terminally ill.
physician-assisted suicide
A medical doctor participates in the intentional termination of life by providing, but not administering, a lethal dose of medication to a mentally competent patient at his/her request.
voluntary euthanasia
The practice of ending a mentally competent patient's life at his/her request.


Catherine Robertson, Grossmont College
Michelle Ryder, Daniel Webster College


This activity explores the process of dying: how different age groups perceive dying, the kinds of care that are available to terminally-ill patients, and the types of support that are necessary and helpful to patients facing their own deaths. People with terminal illnesses go through a process that allows them to prepare for their deaths and to come to terms with the inevitability of their own passing. In video clips, patients share their personal experiences, and experts discuss how the process of dying has changed over time for both patients with terminal illnesses and those who care for them.


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Caring Connections: Caring for Someone: Caring for a Child with a Serious Illness. Retrieved from:

deVries, B., Bluck, S., & Birren, J. (1993). The understanding of death and dying in a life-span perspective. Gerontologist, 33(3), 366-372.

Kastenbaum, R. (1996). A world without death: First and second thoughts. Mortality, 123(1), 113-123.

Kessler, D. (2000). The needs of the dying: A guide for bringing hope, comfort and love to life’s final chapter. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Kübler-Ross, E. (1969). On death and dying. New York: Macmillan.

Kübler-Ross, E. (1975). Death: The final stage of growth. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Lynn, J., & Harrold, J. (2001). Handbook for mortals: Guidance for people facing serious illness. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nuland, S. (1995). How we die: Reflections on life’s final chapter. New York: Vintage Press.