Concept Practice
The "Big Five" Personality Traits

Chapter 110. The "Big Five" Personality Traits

personality tendency to be compassionate and cooperative toward others
personality tendency to act in careful, responsible ways and to value achievement
emotional stability
personality tendency toward calm, predictable behavior and positive emotions, along with good stress management
personality tendency to prefer social interaction and a high level of activity
five-factor model of personality
an important theory of personality based on the “Big Five” factors that emerged from research on personality traits
segment of a DNA molecule that can synthesize a protein; located on chromosomes
personality tendency toward negative emotionality (such as anger, anxiety, depression), emotional instability, along with an inability to cope with stress
personality tendency to appreciate new imaginative ideas and creative actions
the enduring characteristics of an individual that distinguish him/her from other people
characteristic of a person’s behavior across situations; used to describe personality
trait perspective
an approach to studying personality that focuses on the enduring characteristics of each individual that remain stable across different situations
The Big Five Personality Traits
The image lists the Big Five personality factors: openness, agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.
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Learning Objectives:

Describe the five-factor model of personality.

Identify the characteristics associated with each of the "Big Five" personality factors.



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There is a five-pointed star, with each point in a different color, and with each point labeled with one of the Big Five personality traits: Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness, Neuroticism

1. After decades of work within the trait perspective on personality, researchers have identified five major factors, or dimensions, of personality: conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion. This view of personality is known as the five-factor model of personality.



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The image lists the Big Five personality factors vertically, with the socially-positive and socially-negative traits listed for each factor. Extraversion: This trait ranges from being outgoing, fun-loving, and energetic on the socially-positive end, to solitary, sober, and reserved on the socially-negative end. Openness: This trait ranges from being curious, imaginative, and independent on the socially-positive end, to close-minded, practical, and conforming on the socially-negative end. Conscientiousness: This trait ranges from being efficient, organized, and careful on the socially-positive end, to impulsive, disorganized, and careless on the socially-negative end. Agreeableness: This trait ranges from being friendly, trusting, and compassionate on the socially-positive end, to antagonistic, suspicious, and uncooperative on the socially-negative end. Neuroticism This trait ranges from being calm, confident, and secure on the socially-positive end, to neurotic, anxious, and insecure on the socially-negative end.

2. Each of the "Big Five" personality factors represents a continuum anchored by "socially positive" personality traits at one end and "socially negative" traits at the other. Four of the factors have a name that reflects the socially desirable end of its continuum. However, the neuroticism factor focuses on the socially undesirable traits in that factor, which is why some psychologists prefer to call this factor emotional stability instead.



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The image lists the Big Five personality factors vertically: extraversion, openness, consciousness, agreeableness, and neuroticism.  For each factor there is a vertical line with an anchor on the left for low and an anchor on the right for high.  Each factor has a pointer designating the position of a persons personality on each of the dimensions.

3. Locating an individual’s position on each of these five dimensions currently offers the most comprehensive picture of that individual's personality.



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an illustration showing a number of individuals from very different cultures
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4. Research suggests that an individual’s position on the "Big Five" factors may change a bit during childhood and adolescence, but is generally stable during the adult years. If there is any movement on one or more of the factors during adulthood, it tends to be in the positive, or socially desirable, direction. Remarkably, the five-factor model appears to apply fairly well in all cultures that have been studied—which suggests that the basic components of personality may be built into the human genetic heritage.


Practice 1: Exploring the Big Five Factors

Roll over each term to see a brief description of that personality factor.

The practice includes an image of a 5 pointed star.  At each point is a factor from the Big Five personality factors.  Starting at the top and going clockwise, these include the following: conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, openness, and neuroticism.







tendency to show self-discipline, act carefully, value achievement, and prefer planned rather than spontaneous behavior

tendency to seek social interaction and adventure, and to maintain a high level of physical activity

tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic toward others

tendency to be attracted to new ideas and new ways of doing things; appreciation for art, imagination, and creativity

tendency toward negative emotionality and emotional instability, along with an inability to cope with stress


Practice 2: Characteristic Personality Traits

For each of the "Big Five" factors, roll over the LOW and HIGH end of the continuum to see the difference in characteristic personality traits.











Characteristic personality traits:

Persons low on the extraversion factor are more reserved, perhaps even shy and withdrawn. They don't talk much in groups.

Persons high on the extraversion factor are sociable, fun loving, and affectionate. They have a lot of energy and like to draw attention to themselves.

Persons low on the openness factor are practical and prefer a familiar routine. They don't like to try new things, and they tend to conform to other people's behavior.

Persons high on the openness factor are creative, imaginative, and independent. They prefer variety, and are intellectually curious.

Persons low on the conscientiousness factor are careless, impulsive, and disorganized. More positively, they are colorful, "zany," and spontaneous.

Persons high on the conscientiousness factor are careful, well-organized, and show self-discipline and ambition.

Persons low on the agreeableness factor are uncooperative and suspicious, and don't get along well with other people.

Persons high on the agreeableness factor are helpful and cooperative. They are also compassionate and concerned about others.

Persons low on the neuroticism factor are calm, stable individuals, with generally positive emotions and effective ways of managing stress.

Persons high on the neuroticism factor are anxious, insecure, and moody. Their emotions tend to be more negative. This factor is sometimes called emotional stability, with the "high" and "low" characteristics reversed.


Quiz 1

Drag each of the terms for "Big Five" factor names to the gray area near the appropriate set of personality traits. When all the terms have been placed, select the CHECK ANSWER button.

Select the NEXT button and move to Quiz 2.
Perhaps you should go back to review the five-factor model of personality.

efficient, organized, careful

friendly, trusting, compassionate

calm, confident, secure

curious, imaginative, independent

outgoing, fun loving, energetic

impulsive, disorganized, careless

antagonistic, suspicious, uncooperative

neurotic, anxious, insecure

closed minded, practical, conforming

solitary, sober, reserved


Quiz 2

Match the names of the personality factors with the examples by dragging each colored circle to the appropriate gray circle. When all the circles have been placed, select the CHECK ANSWER button.

Select the NEXT button and move to the Conclusion.
Perhaps you should go back to review the five-factor model of personality.
Moishe is very organized and follows a daily study schedule. He pays attention to details, and likes to get things done right.
Mike has a soft heart and shows a lot of compassion for others. He's a great team player, and makes others feel comfortable.
Megan gets irritated and stressed out easily. She has frequent mood swings, and worries about everything
Martina is full of ideas and has a vivid imagination. She is creative, and likes to try new things.
Muhammad talks a lot and likes to be the center of attention. He spends a lot of time with his friends.
 The image lists the Big Five personality factors: openness, agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.
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