For Exercises 65–71, do the following.

  1. List the elements and the variables.
  2. Identify the qualitative variables and the quantitative variables.
  3. For each quantitative variable, indicate whether it is discrete or continuous.
  4. For each variable, identify the level of measurement.
  5. Provide the observation for the indicated element.

Question 1.74

66. Top Five Employers in Santa Monica, CA. Refer to the following table. Do (a)–(d), and then provide the observation for the city of Santa Monica.

Company Employees Industry
City of Santa Monica 1892 Government
St. John's Health Center 1755 Health services
The Macerich Company 1605 Real estate
Fremont General Corp 1600 Insurance
Entravision Corp 1206 Media company
Table 1.13: Source: Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce.