Use technology for Exercises 75–78. Open the Crash data set, which contains information about the severity of injuries sustained by crash dummies when the National Transportation Safety Board crashed automobiles into a wall at 35 miles per hour.

Question 13.77


77. The variable lleg_inj contains a measure of the severity of the injury sustained by the dummies' left legs. The variable weight contains the weight of the vehicles.

  1. Would you expect a linear relationship to exist between the severity of left leg injuries and the weight of the vehicles?
  2. Construct a scatterplot of the lleg_inj against weight. Describe the relationship between the variables.
  3. If we were to perform a regression analysis using these two variables, is it clear which of the two variables we should label as the predictor and which we should label as the response? Explain.


(a) No (b) No apparent relationship between the variables (c) The weight of vehicles is the predictor variable and the severity of the leg injuries should be the response variable.