For Exercises 15–24, use the data and the regression equations that you calculated in the Section 13.1 exercises.

Question 13.97

19. Volume and Weight. Refer to the data from Exercise 15.

  1. Construct a 95% prediction interval for the weight of a randomly selected package that has a volume of 4 cubic meters.
  2. Compare the intervals from Exercise 15(b) and Exercise 19(a). Which interval is wider, and why?


(a) Lower bound: 5.1009 kilograms (Minitab: 5.1009); Upper bound: 15.6991 kilograms (Minitab: 15.6998) (b) The interval in (a) is wider. Individual values are more variable than their mean. The interval in Exercise 15(b) is a 95% confidence interval for the mean value of for the given value cubic meters and the interval in (a) is a prediction interval for a randomly chosen value of for the given value cubic meters.