Correlation in Accounting. A company's current ratio measures its ability to pay its short-term obligations. Use the data in the table, which contains a random sample of large technology companies in 2010, for Exercises 50–56. Total assets and total liabilities are in billions of dollars.


Company Current
earnings ratio
Assets Liabilities
Microsoft 1.82 12.51 77.9 38.3
Intel 2.79 18.44 53.1 11.4
Dell 1.28 10.95 33.7 28.0
Apple 1.88 24.57 53.9 26.0
Google 10.62 18.87 40.5 4.5
Table 4.30: Source: Lexis Nexis.

Question 4.53


53. Calculate and interpret the correlation coefficient between current ratio and price-earnings ratio.


; This value of is very close to the value . We would therefore say that there is no linear relationship between price–earnings ratio and current ratio.