image Chapter 5 Case Study: The Gardasil Vaccine. Open the data set Gardasil. We shall explore some probabilities about the patient completion of the vaccination regime and the age group of the patient (“0” = 11–17 years old; “1” = 18–26 years old), using the tools and techniques we have learned in this section. Use technology to do Exercises 128–131. Define the following events:

  • : Completed treatment
  • : Patient is 11–17 years old
  • : Patient is 18–26 years old

Question 5.342


129. Use the contingency table to calculate the following probabilities:

  1. Completed the treatment
  2. Patient is 11–17 years old.
  3. Patient is 18–26 years old.
  4. Completed the treatment, and the patient is 11–17 years old
  5. Completed the treatment, and the patient is 18–26 years old
  6. Completed the treatment, given that patient is 11–17 years old
  7. Completed the treatment, given that patient is 18–26 years old


(a) 0.3319 (b) 0.4961 (c) 0.5039 (d) 0.1748 (e) 0.1571 (f) 0.3524 (g) 0.3118