Question 7.185

8. Cocaine and Heart Attacks. The American Medical Association reported: “During the first hour after using cocaine, the user's risk of heart attack increases nearly 24 times. The average age of people in the study who suffered heart attacks soon after using cocaine was only 44. That's about 17 years younger than the average heart attack patient. Of the 38 cocaine users who had heart attacks, 29 had no prior symptoms of heart disease.”9 Assume that the standard deviation of the age of people who suffered heart attacks soon after using cocaine was 10 years and we take a sample of size 38.

  1. Find the 99.5th percentile of the mean age at heart attack after using cocaine.
  2. Find the 0.5th percentile of the mean age at heart attack after using cocaine.
  3. Between which two sample mean ages that are symmetric about the population mean lie 99% of mean ages of all people who suffered heart attacks soon after using cocaine?
  4. By hand, sketch a plot of how this sampling distribution would look