Deepwater Horizon Cleanup Costs. The following table represents the amount of money disbursed by BP to a random sample of six Florida counties, for cleanup of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, in millions of dollars.10 Use the following information for Exercises 47–49.


County Cleanup costs
($ millions)
Broward 0.85
Escambia 0.70
Franklin 0.50
Pinellas 1.15
Santa Rosa 0.50
Walton 1.35

Question 9.245


image 49.What if we changed to some larger value (though still smaller than )? Otherwise, everything else remains unchanged. Describe how this change would affect the following, if at all:

  1. The -value
  2. The conclusion from Exercise 47
  3. The conclusion from Exercise 48(a)
  4. The strength of the evidence against the null hypothesis


(a) Decrease (b) Stay the same (c) Increase (d) Depends on new value of (e) Stay the same (f) Depends on new value of