The LaunchPad for Discovering Statistics, Third Edition includes:

In LaunchPad

Assets integrated into image


In a game-like format, LearningCurve adaptive and formative quizzing offers:



Statboard Videos

These brief, stepped-out whiteboard videos illustrate over 60 additional examples of difficult topics, and were created by a select group of statistics educators.


Statistics Videos

Easily assignable and assessable, these videos clarify the most important and most potentially difficult statistical concepts and practices. The collection includes:


These multimedia tutorials explore important concepts and procedures in a presentation that combines video, audio, and interactive features. The newly revised format includes built-in assignable assessments.


Statistical Applets

Now in HTML5 to be compatible across platforms, and including assignable assessment, Applet-based activities give students hands-on opportunities to familiarize themselves with important statistical concepts and procedures. The interactive setting allows them to manipulate variables and see the results graphically. Icons at specific points in the textbook indicate when there is a corresponding Applet online.



Stepped Tutorials

These new exercise tutorials (2–3 per chapter) are easily assignable and assessable. The tutorials are centered on algorithmically generated quizzing with step-by-step feedback to help students work their way toward the correct solution.



W. H. Freeman's online statistical software, powered by R, allows users to perform all of the statistical operations and graphing needed for an introductory statistics course and more. It saves users time by automatically loading data from W. H. Freeman's statistics textbooks, and it provides the flexibility to edit and import additional data. Help videos that show how to use CrunchIt! effectively are also available.



JMP Student Edition (developed by SAS) is easy to learn and contains all the capabilities required for introductory statistics. JMP is the commercial data analysis software of choice for scientists, engineers, and analysts at leading companies throughout the globe. Register inside LaunchPad at no additional cost.

Video Tech Manuals

These brief videos provide students with basic instruction for working with a variety of statistical software programs and technology. Video manuals are available for CrunchIT! and JMP, as well as Excel, SPSS, TI-83/84 calculators, Minitab, R, and RCmdr.


EESEE Case Studies

This newly updated series of cases, developed at The Ohio State University for the Electronic Encyclopedia of Statistical Examples and Exercises, involves students in applications of statistical practices in a variety of professional settings.


With this innovative digital tool, instructors can provide a secure solutions file for any set of exercises from the text. Solutions are easy to generate and can be exported in .pdf format for convenient downloading, posting, and printing.
