Critical Thinking Exercise


You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Critical Thinking Exercise

Meditation and mindfulness seem to have become more popular recently, though these practices have been around for thousands of years. Meditation is often described as a method to induce an altered state of focused attention and raised awareness. The benefits from meditation range from reducing stress and anxiety to improving memory and concentration. A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Health Psychology found that short, guided mindfulness meditations using a smartphone app were effective in reducing physical and psychological symptoms related to work stress and well-being (Bostock, Crosswell, Prather, and Steptoe, 2018). Many researchers are interested in why we have such positive effects from meditation, as well as what is happening in our brains and bodies when we meditate. As you begin this activity, reflect on your own beliefs about meditation.

1 of 5

Do you meditate or practice mindfulness? If so, what techniques do you use and why? What are your perceived benefits from these practices? If you don’t meditate, why not? Explain your answer.
Your answer has been provisionally accepted. You'll get full credit for now, but your instructor may update your grade later after evaluating it.

2 of 5

Your textbook provides an overview of the positive effects that meditation can have on a person. Summarize these findings. What are the potential negative effects of meditation?
Your answer has been provisionally accepted. You'll get full credit for now, but your instructor may update your grade later after evaluating it.

3 of 5

Conduct research on various meditation techniques, and pick one to try for 4 to 5 days. Explain what technique you chose and your perceptions of the practice. Did you experience any effects from the meditation practice? Explain your answer.
Your answer has been provisionally accepted. You'll get full credit for now, but your instructor may update your grade later after evaluating it.

4 of 5

is a meditation technique that is used to focus on and accept the present moment.
According to Ivan Pavlov, classical conditioning is a process of learning through

5 of 5

All of the following are examples of focused attention techniques of meditation EXCEPT:
All of the following are examples of focused attention techniques of meditation EXCEPT: