As noted in the motivation and emotion chapter of your textbook, humans are naturally motivated to belong and to achieve, though we may vary in the importance we place on these needs or how much is needed for these needs to be met. Achievement motivation is our desire to outperform others or to excel at something. The focus of one’s achievement motivation may depend on the culture in which one is raised. The focus of one’s achievement motivation is on personal success in individualistic cultures, but in collectivistic cultures, a social focus exists.
One way that achievement motivation has been measured is through the use of the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), which was originally developed by Morgan and Murray in the 1930s. The TAT consists of a series of ambiguous scenic pictures for which an individual is asked to describe the scene. These descriptions are believed to reveal aspects of an individual’s personality. However, it was McClelland who determined how to use the TAT responses to assess achievement motivation.