Critical Thinking Exercise

What Is Your Personality Type?

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Critical Thinking Exercise
What Is Your Personality Type?

As discussed in your textbook, the notion of Type A behavior was first reported about 40 years ago by cardiologists Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman. Friedman and Rosenman observed that many of their cardiac patients shared traits that are now known as the Type A behavior pattern. These individuals demonstrated an exaggerated sense of time urgency, a general sense of hostility, and an intense ambition and competitiveness, combined with a noted difficulty with relaxation. Although the characteristics of the Type A behavior pattern were believed to predict heart disease, follow-up research revealed that it was only one aspect of this behavior pattern that was predictive of health problems—specifically, hostility.

1 of 8

Explain why hostility predisposes people to health problems, including heart disease.
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2 of 8

What is the Type B behavior pattern, and what are some characteristics associated with this pattern?
Your answer has been provisionally accepted. You'll get full credit for now, but your instructor may update your grade later after evaluating it.

3 of 8

Search online for a description of the Type C and Type D personality/behavior patterns. Summarize these personality styles/behavior patterns, including how they contribute to health and well-being. Include the URL for the website that you used to locate this information.
Your answer has been provisionally accepted. You'll get full credit for now, but your instructor may update your grade later after evaluating it.

4 of 8

Based on research presented in the textbook, what strategies can you use to reduce negative responses to stress?
Your answer has been provisionally accepted. You'll get full credit for now, but your instructor may update your grade later after evaluating it.

5 of 8

Because of their attitudes and behavior, hostile men and women tend to
Because of their attitudes and behavior, hostile men and women tend to

6 of 8

People who are described as relaxed and laid-back tend to be classified as displaying
People who are described as relaxed and laid-back tend to be classified as displaying

7 of 8

Individuals with the Type blank
behavior pattern are at heightened risk for heart disease.
Individuals with the Type blank
behavior pattern are at heightened risk for heart disease.

8 of 8

According to your textbook, how might personality factors indirectly lead to disease?
Suggested Answer: Research shows that personality factors may indirectly lead to disease via poor health habits. For instance, low conscientiousness, high sensation seeking, and high extraversion predict poor health habits. These habits, in turn, are associated with higher rates of illness.