Over the past 10 years, Mariah, who is 30 years old and lives alone, has experienced some severe mental health problems. When she was younger, Mariah would only leave the house to shop for groceries and to occasionally visit her sister. She was overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety and panic. Over the past few years, however, her symptoms have worsened. Meals and supplies are delivered to her home, and she has only seen her sister once in the last three years. She developed a paralyzing fear of crowds and a fear of getting lost while driving. Two years ago, as she was driving to work, Mariah had a sudden panic attack. Her heart began racing, her chest tightened, she felt like she was going to pass out, and she seemed almost unable to breathe. She felt as if she “was going to die.” She was so frightened by the incident that she returned home, called her boss to quit her job, and has not left the house since.