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About the Authors
Brief Contents
To the Instructor
To the Student: Learning from Discovering Psychology
Prologue: The First Exam
1.1 INTRODUCTION: What Is Psychology?
1.2 Contemporary Psychology
1.3 The Scientific Method
1.4 Descriptive Research
1.5 Experimental Research
1.6 Ethics in Psychological Research
1.7 Closing Thoughts
1.8 Chapter 1 Review: Key People and Key Terms
1.9 CONCEPT MAP: Introduction and Research Methods
Prologue: Asha's Story
2.1 INTRODUCTION: Neuroscience and Behavior
2.2 The Neuron: The Basic Unit of Communication
2.3 The Nervous System and the Endocrine System
2.4 A Guided Tour of the Brain
2.5 Specialization in the Cerebral Hemispheres
2.6 Closing Thoughts
2.7 Chapter 2 Review: Key People and Key Terms
2.8 CONCEPT MAP: Neuroscience and Behavior
Prologue: Learning to See
3.1 INTRODUCTION: What Are Sensation and Perception?
3.2 Vision: From Light to Sight
3.3 Hearing: From Vibration to Sound
3.4 The Chemical and Body Senses: Smell, Taste, Touch, and Position
3.5 Perception
3.6 Perceptual Illusions
3.7 The Effects of Experience of Perceptual Interpretations
3.8 Closing Thoughts
3.9 Chapter 3 Review: Key People and Key Terms
3.10 CONCEPT MAP: Neuroscience and Behavior
Prologue: A Knife in the Dark
4.1 INTRODUCTION: Consciousness
4.2 Biological and Environmental "Clocks" That Regulate Consciousness
4.3 Sleep
4.4 Dreams and Mental Activity During Sleep
4.5 Sleep Disorders
4.6 Hypnosis
4.7 Meditation
4.8 Psychoactive Drugs
4.9 Closing Thoughts
4.10 Chapter 4 Review: Key People and Key Terms
4.11 CONCEPT MAP: Conciousness and Its Variations
Prologue: The Killer Attic
5.1 INTRODUCTION: What Is Learning?
5.2 Classical Conditioning: Associating Stimuli
5.3 Contemporary Views of Classical Conditioning
5.4 Operant Conditioning: Associating Behaviors and Consequences
5.5 Contemporary Views of Operant Conditioning
5.6 Observational Learning: Imitating the Actions of Others
5.7 Closing Thoughts
5.8 Chapter 5 Review: Key People and Key Terms
5.9 CONCEPT MAP: Learning
Prologue: The Drowning
6.1 INTRODUCTION: What Is Memory?
6.2 Retrieval: Getting Information from Long-Term Memory
6.3 Forgetting: When Retrieval Fails
6.4 Imperfect Memories: Errors, Distortions, and False Memories
6.5 The Search for the Biological Basis of Memory
6.6 Closing Thoughts
6.7 Chapter 6 Review: Key People and Key Terms
6.8 CONCEPT MAP: Memory
Prologue: The Movie Moment
7.1 INTRODUCTION: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
7.2 Solving Problems and Making Decisions
7.3 Language and Thought
7.4 Measuring Intelligence
7.5 The Nature of Intelligence
7.6 Closing Thoughts
7.7 Chapter 7 Review: Key People and Key Terms
7.8 CONCEPT MAP: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
Prologue: One Step, One Breath
8.1 INTRODUCTION: Motivation and Emotion
8.2 Hunger and Eating
8.3 Human Sexuality
8.4 Psychological Needs as Motivators
8.5 Emotion
8.6 Theories of Emotion: Explaining Emotion
8.7 Closing Thoughts
8.8 Chapter 8 Review: Key People and Key Terms
8.9 CONCEPT MAP: Motivation and Emotion
Prologue: People are People
9.1 INTRODUCTION: People Are People
9.2 Genetic Contributions to Development
9.3 Prenatal Development
9.4 Development During Infancy and Childhood
9.5 Adolescence
9.6 Adult Development
9.7 Late Adulthood and Aging
9.8 The Final Chapter: Dying and Death
9.9 Closing Thoughts
9.10 Chapter 9 Review: Key People and Key Terms
9.11 CONCEPT MAP: Lifespan Development
Prologue: The Secret Twin
10.1 INTRODUCTION: What Is Personality?
10.2 The Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality
10.3 The Humanistic Perspective on Personality
10.4 The Social Cognitive Perspective on Personality
10.5 The Trait Perspective on Personality
10.6 Assessing Personality: Psychological Tests
10.9 Closing Thoughts
10.10 Chapter 10 Review: Key People and Key Terms
10.11 CONCEPT MAP: Personality
Prologue: The "Homeless" Man
11.1 INTRODUCTION: What Is Social Psychology?
11.2 Person Perception: Forming Impressions of Other People
11.3 Attribution: Explaining Behavior
11.4 The Social Psychology of Attitudes
11.5 Understanding Prejudice
11.6 Conformity: Following the Crowd
11.7 Obedience: Just Following Orders
11.8 Altruism and Aggression: Helping and Hurting Behavior
11.9 Closing Thoughts
11.10 Chapter 11 Review: Key People and Key Terms
11.11 CONCEPT MAP: Social Psychology
Prologue: Fire and Ash
12.1 INTRODUCTION: Stress and Health Psychology
12.2 Physical Effects of Stress: The Mind-Body Connections
12.3 Individual Factors That Influence the Response to Stress
12.4 Coping: How People Deal with Stress
12.5 Closing Thoughts
12.6 Chapter 12 Review: Key People and Key Terms
12.7 CONCEPT MAP: Stress, Health, and Coping
Prologue: "I'm Flying! I've Escaped!"
13.1 INTRODUCTION: Understanding Psychological Disorders
13.2 Fear and Trembling: Anxiety Disorders, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
13.3 Depressive and Bipolar Disorders: Disordered Moods and Emotions
13.4 Eating Disorders: Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge-Eating Disorder
13.5 Personality Disorders: Maladaptive Traits
13.6 The Dissociative Disorders: Fragmentation of the Self
13.7 Schizophrenia: A Different Reality
13.8 Closing Thoughts
13.9 Chapter 13 Review: Key People and Key Terms
13.10 CONCEPT MAP: Social Psychology
Prologue: "A Clear Sense of Being Heard..."
14.1 INTRODUCTION: Psychotherapy and Biomedical Therapy
14.2 Psychoanalytic Therapy
14.3 Humanistic Therapy
14.4 Behavior Therapy
14.5 Cognitive Therapies
14.6 Group and Family Therapy
14.7 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
14.8 Biomedical Therapies
14.9 Closing Thoughts
14.10 Chapter 14 Review: Key People and Key Terms
14.11 CONCEPT MAP: Therapies
Prologue: The Tables are Turned: A Psychologist Becomes a Research Participant
Descriptive Statistics
Inferential Statistics
Appendix A Review: Key Terms
Appendix A CONCEPT MAP: Statistics: Understanding Data /p>
What Is Industrial/Organizational Psychology?
History of I/O Psychology
Industrial (Personnel) Psychology
Organizational Behavior
Workplace Trends and Issues
Employment Settings, Type of Training, Earnings, and Employment Outlook
Appendix B Review: Key Terms
Appendix B CONCEPT MAP: Industrial/Organizational Psychology