The scientific method is a set of assumptions, attitudes, and procedures that guides all scientists, including psychologists, in conducting research.
What assumptions and attitudes are held by psychologists?
What characterizes each step of the scientific method?
How does a hypothesis differ from a theory?
Whatever their approach or specialty, psychologists who do research are scientists. And, like other scientists, they rely on the scientific method to guide their research. The scientific method refers to a set of assumptions, attitudes, and procedures that guide researchers in creating questions to investigate, in generating evidence, and in drawing conclusions.
Like all scientists, psychologists are guided by the basic scientific assumption that events are lawful. When this scientific assumption is applied to psychology, it means that psychologists assume that behavior and mental processes follow consistent patterns. Psychologists are also guided by the assumption that events are explainable. Thus, psychologists assume that behavior and mental processes have a cause or causes that can be understood through careful, systematic study.
Psychologists are also open-
Like any science, psychology is based on verifiable or empirical evidence—evidence that is the result of objective observation, measurement, and experimentation. As part of the overall process of producing empirical evidence, psychologists follow the four basic steps of the scientific method. In a nutshell, these steps are:
Formulate a specific question that can be tested.
Design a study to collect relevant data.
Analyze the data to arrive at conclusions.
Report the results.
Following the basic guidelines of the scientific method does not guarantee that valid conclusions will always be reached. However, these steps help guard against bias and minimize the chances for error and faulty conclusions. Let’s look at some of the key concepts associated with each step of the scientific method.
Once a researcher has identified a question or an issue to investigate, he or she must formulate a hypothesis that can be tested empirically. Formally, a hypothesis is a tentative statement that describes the relationship between two or more variables. A hypothesis is often stated as a specific prediction that can be empirically tested, such as “strong social networks are associated with greater well-
A variable is simply a factor that can vary, or change. These changes must be capable of being observed, measured, and verified. The psychologist must provide an operational definition of each variable to be investigated. An operational definition defines the variable in very specific terms as to how it will be measured, manipulated, or changed. Operational definitions are important because many of the concepts that psychologists investigate—
For example, how would you test the hypothesis that “strong social networks are associated with greater well-
To investigate the impact of social networks on college students, Adriana Manago and her colleagues (2012) used Facebook data. They operationally defined network size as the participant’s number of Facebook friends. They asked participants to classify their Facebook friends into different categories, such as “close friends,” “acquaintances,” and “online only” friends. Figure 1.2 shows the percentage of each type of friend in the participants’ social networks.
How was well-
This step involves deciding which research method to use for collecting data. There are two basic types of designs used in research—
Descriptive research includes research strategies for observing and describing behavior, including identifying the factors that seem to be associated with a particular phenomenon. The study by Adriana Manago and her colleagues (2012) on social networks and student well-
In contrast, experimental research is used to show that one variable causes change in a second variable. In an experiment, the researcher deliberately varies one factor, then measures the changes produced in a second factor. Ideally, all experimental conditions are kept as constant as possible except for the factor that the researcher systematically varies. Then, if changes occur in the second factor, those changes can be attributed to the variations in the first factor.
Once observations have been made and measurements have been collected, the raw data need to be analyzed and summarized. Researchers use the methods of a branch of mathematics known as statistics to analyze, summarize, and draw conclusions about the data they have collected.
Researchers rely on statistics to determine whether their results support their hypotheses. They also use statistics to determine whether their findings are statistically significant. If a finding is statistically significant, it means that the results are not very likely to have occurred by chance. As a rule, statistically significant results confirm the hypothesis. Appendix A provides a more detailed discussion of the use of statistics in psychology research.
Keep in mind that even though a finding is statistically significant, it may not be practically significant. If a study involves a large number of participants, even small differences among groups of subjects may result in a statistically significant finding. But the actual average differences may be so small as to have little practical significance or importance.
For example, Reynol Junco (2012) surveyed nearly two thousand college students and found a statistically significant relationship between grade point average (GPA) and amount of time spent on Facebook: Students who spent a lot of time on Facebook tended to have lower grades than students who spent less time. However, the practical, real-
A statistical technique called meta-
For advances to be made in any scientific discipline, researchers must share their findings with other scientists. In addition to reporting their results, psychologists provide a detailed description of the study itself, including who participated in the study, how variables were operationally defined, how data were analyzed, and so forth.
Describing the precise details of the study makes it possible for other investigators to replicate, or repeat, the study. Replication is an important part of the scientific process. When a study is replicated and the same basic results are obtained again, scientific confidence that the results are accurate is increased. Conversely, if the replication of a study fails to produce the same basic findings, confidence in the original findings is reduced.
Psychologists present their research at academic conferences or write a paper summarizing the study and submit it to one of the many psychology journals for publication. Before accepting papers for publication, most psychology journals send the paper to other knowledgeable psychologists to review and evaluate. If the study conforms to the principles of sound scientific research and contributes to the existing knowledge base, the paper is accepted for publication.
Throughout this text, you’ll see citations that look like the one you encountered in the discussion above on social networks and well-
Figure 1.3 shows you how to decipher the different parts of a typical journal reference.
As research findings accumulate from individual studies, eventually theories develop. A theory, or model, is a tentative explanation that tries to account for diverse findings on the same topic. Note that theories are not the same as hypotheses. A hypothesis is a specific question or prediction to be tested. In contrast, a theory integrates and summarizes numerous research findings and observations on a particular topic. Along with explaining existing results, a good theory often generates new predictions and hypotheses that can be tested by further research (Higgins, 2004).
As you encounter different theories, try to remember that theories are tools for explaining behavior and mental processes, not statements of absolute fact. Like any tool, the value of a theory is determined by its usefulness. A useful theory is one that furthers the understanding of behavior, allows testable predictions to be made, and stimulates new research. Often, more than one theory proves to be useful in explaining a particular area of behavior or mental processes, such as the development of personality or the experience of emotion.
It’s also important to remember that theories often reflect the self-
What Is a Pseudoscience?
The word pseudo means “fake” or “false.” Thus, a pseudoscience is a fake science. More specifically, a pseudoscience is a theory, method, or practice that promotes claims in ways that appear to be scientific and plausible even though supporting empirical evidence is lacking or nonexistent (Matute & others, 2011). Surveys have found that pseudoscientific beliefs are common among the general public (National Science Board, 2010).
Do you remember Tyler from our Prologue? He wanted to know whether a magnetic bracelet could help him concentrate or improve his memory. We’ll use what we learned about magnet therapy to help illustrate some of the common strategies used to promote pseudosciences.
Magnet Therapy: What’s the Attraction?
The practice of applying magnets to the body to supposedly treat various conditions and ailments is called magnet therapy. Magnet therapy has been around for centuries. Today, Americans spend an estimated $500 million each year on magnetic bracelets, belts, vests, pillows, and mattresses. Worldwide, the sale of magnetic devices is estimated to be $5 billion per year (Winemiller & others, 2005).
The Internet has been a bonanza for those who market products like magnet therapy. Web sites hail the “scientifically proven healing benefits” of magnet therapy for everything from improving concentration and athletic prowess to relieving stress and curing Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia (see Johnston, 2008; Parsons, 2007). Treating pain is the most commonly marketed use of magnet therapy. However, reviews of scientific research on magnet therapy consistently conclude that there is no evidence that magnets can relieve pain (National Standard, 2009: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2009).
But proponents of magnet therapy, like those of other pseudoscientific claims, use very effective strategies to create the illusion of scientifically validated products or procedures. Each of the ploys below should serve as a warning sign that you need to engage your critical and scientific thinking skills.
Strategy 1: Testimonials rather than scientific evidence
Pseudosciences often use testimonials or personal anecdotes as evidence to support their claims. Although they may be sincere and often sound compelling, testimonials are not acceptable scientific evidence. Testimonials lack the basic controls used in scientific research. Many different factors, such as the simple passage of time, could account for a particular individual’s response.
Strategy 2: “Sciencey” presentation without scientific substance
Pseudoscientific claims are often peppered with scientific jargon or data to make their claims seem more credible, such as “these magnets increased biomagnetic balance 84% when worn as directed!” And “sciencey” graphs and technical terms can be persuasive, especially to people who value scientific research, making information seem true (Tal & Wansink, 2014). Rather than being taken in by scientific-
Strategy 3: Combining established scientific knowledge with unfounded claims
Pseudosciences often mention well-
Strategy 4: Irrefutable or nonfalsifiable claims
Consider this claim: “Magnet therapy restores the natural magnetic balance required by the body’s healing process.” How could you test that claim? An irrefutable or nonfalsifiable claim is one that cannot be disproved or tested in any meaningful way. The irrefutable claims of pseudosciences typically take the form of broad or vague statements that are essentially meaningless.
Strategy 5: Confirmation bias
Scientific conclusions are based on converging evidence from multiple studies, not a single study. Pseudosciences ignore this process and instead trumpet the findings of a single study that seems to support their claims. In doing so, they do not mention all the other studies that tested the same thing but yielded results that failed to support the claim. This illustrates confirmation bias—the tendency to seek out evidence that confirms an existing belief while ignoring evidence that contradicts or undermines the belief (J. C. Smith, 2010). When disconfirming evidence is pointed out, it is ignored, rationalized, or dismissed.
Strategy 6: Shifting the burden of proof
In science, the responsibility for proving the validity of a claim rests with the person making the claim. Many pseudosciences, however, shift the burden of proof to the skeptic. If you express skepticism about a pseudoscientific claim, the pseudoscience advocate will challenge you to disprove their claim.
Strategy 7: Multiple outs
What happens when pseudosciences fail to deliver on their promised benefits? Typically, multiple excuses are offered. Privately, Tyler admitted that he hadn’t noticed any improvement in his ability to concentrate while wearing the bracelet his girlfriend gave him. But his girlfriend insisted that he simply hadn’t worn the bracelet long enough for the magnets to “clear his energy field.” Other reasons given when magnet therapy fails to work:
Magnets act differently on different body parts.
The magnet was placed in the wrong spot.
The magnets were the wrong type, size, shape, etc.
One of our goals in this text is to help you develop your scientific thinking skills so you’re better able to evaluate claims about behavior or mental processes, especially claims that seem far-
While the conclusions of psychology rest on empirical evidence gathered using the scientific method, the same is not true of pseudoscientific claims (J. C. Smith, 2010). As you’ll read in the Science Versus Pseudoscience box above, pseudosciences often claim to be scientific while ignoring the basic rules of science.