The experimental method is used to demonstrate a cause-
What roles do the independent variable and dependent variable play in an experiment?
What is the testing effect?
How can experimental controls help minimize the effects of confounding variables?
In this chapter, we’ve noted a number of factors that are associated with higher or lower college grades. But all of these factors—
In contrast to descriptive research and correlational studies, experimental research is used to demonstrate a cause-
To the greatest degree possible, all other conditions in the experiment are kept exactly the same for all participants. Thus, when the data are analyzed, any changes that are measured in the dependent variable can be attributed to the deliberate manipulation of the independent variable. In this way, an experiment can provide evidence of a cause-
In designing experiments, psychologists try to anticipate and control for confounding variables. Also called extraneous variables, these factors are not the focus of the experiment. However, confounding variables might produce inaccurate experimental results by influencing changes in the dependent variable. Confounding variables in a psychology experiment could include unwanted variability in such factors as age, gender, ethnic background, race, health, occupation, personal habits, education, and so on.
To illustrate how experimental research works, let’s look at a topic of interest to most college students: What types of study strategies are most effective?
In most educational settings, learning is thought to take place during study, instruction, and practice. Tests, in contrast, are neutral experiences and simply assess what has been learned. But some studies seemed to suggest that being tested on new information helped students learn and remember it better than simply studying it (see Roediger & Butler, 2011). Psychologists Henry Roediger and Jeffrey Karpicke (2006) set out to investigate the effects of testing on learning and memory.
How could you design an experiment to show a difference between learning due to studying and learning due to testing? Roediger and Karpicke (2006) designed an experiment that compared the effects of repeated testing with the effects of repeated study periods. They predicted that students who repeatedly took tests after studying would have better long-
The participants were 60 college undergraduates, aged 18 to 24. The researchers used random assignment to assign participants to one of two groups: either the experimental group or the control group. Random assignment means that all the participants have an equal chance of being assigned to any of the experimental conditions. Random assignment helps ensure that any potential differences among the participants are spread out evenly across all experimental conditions. Random assignment also helps minimize the possibility of bias because the same criteria are used to assign all participants to the different experimental conditions.
In any well-
Here’s how the experiment was conducted. All of the participants were given a short prose passage to study. Participants in the control group read the passage for five minutes, and took a two-
Participants in the experimental group were given the same prose passage to learn. They were also allotted five minutes to study the passage, and then took a two-
At the end of the session, all of the participants filled out a short questionnaire asking them to predict how well they would remember the material in a week. A week later, all participants were tested on the material.
Is it true that reading something over and over is the most effective way to prepare for a test?
How do you think the two groups would compare on a test of their retention of the material a week later? Conventional wisdom would suggest that the control group members, who studied the material in four periods for a total of twenty minutes, would have learned the material much better than the participants in the experimental group, who, after all, had only studied the material for a total of five minutes.
Figure 1.6 shows the results on the test one week later. Despite having studied the material only one-
Were you surprised by the results? In fact, the basic results have been replicated by many different researchers (see Bjork & others, 2013; Rowland, 2014). Multiple studies have supported what has been dubbed the testing effect: the finding that practicing retrieval of information from memory produces better retention than restudying the same information for an equivalent amount of time. In other words, testing—
We’ll discuss some of the reasons for the testing effect in Chapter 6, Memory. In Psych for Your Life at the end of this chapter, we’ll describe some of the other ways in which the testing effect has been explored. And, we’ll discuss additional ways in which you can use psychological research to improve your own memory for new information.
Some experiments involve extra controls to increase the reliability of their findings. One important safeguard is the double-
Using a double-
Such studies also often involve the use of a placebo, which is a so-
For example, one student in our class asked us whether we believed that the herb ginkgo biloba could improve memory. To test that notion, psychologist Paul Solomon and his colleagues (2002) used a placebo in a double-
The researchers who interacted with the participants did not know which participants received the real and which received the fake ginkgo biloba. The researchers who did know the group assignments did not interact with or evaluate the participants. Memory and other cognitive abilities were assessed at the beginning and end of the six-
Can you predict the results of the ginkgo biloba experiment? At the end of the six-
A well-
But researchers are sometimes able to take advantage of naturally occurring events or conditions. In a natural experiment, researchers carefully observe and measure the impact of a naturally occurring event or condition on their study participants (Rutter, 2008). Although not true experiments, psychologists can use natural experiments to study the effects of disasters, epidemics, or other events.
Sometimes natural experiments involve everyday settings. Psychologists Kandice Kapinos and Olga Yakusheva (2011) were interested in better understanding the relationship between environmental factors and weight gain. Previous research had shown that environmental factors, such as high concentrations of fast-
Think Like a SCIENTIST
Could you have been part of an experiment without realizing it? Go to LaunchPad: Resources to Think Like a Scientist about Contagious Online Emotions.
Of course, researchers can’t randomly assign large numbers of participants to long-
College freshmen do tend to gain weight during their first year away from home—
What did Kapinos and Yakusheva (2011) find? Female students who were assigned to dormitories with on-
Before leaving the topic of research methods, one contemporary trend deserves special mention: the increasing use of brain-
This brief introduction to research methods will give you some idea of how psychologists conduct research. But we hope it also illustrates some of the ways in which scientists—
How to Think Like a Scientist
Do violent video games make people aggressive? Are some people “right-
How can you evaluate the claims you encounter? Both in class and out, it’s important to engage in critical thinking, actively questioning statements rather than blindly accepting them.
Critical thinkers are open to new information, ideas, and claims. However, this open-
In this chapter, we’ve detailed the ways that psychologists conduct research, including the different ways they test hypotheses. You can think of the claims you encounter in print or in online media, on TV shows, or in conversation as hypotheses, too. In other words, when you encounter an idea or statement that is presented as factual, try to think like a scientist.
Like a scientist, you can follow these four steps to determine the validity of a particular claim:
Identify the Claim
Some claims are so vague that they are impossible to be tested scientifically. For example, take the statement that “you use only 10% of your brain.” Superficially, it sounds convincing, but can you imagine an experiment that would actually test this claim? Try to restate the claim in terms of a hypothesis that could be supported or disproved by empirical evidence. How would you define the variables that could be objectively measured?
Evaluate the Evidence
As you have learned, the scientific method includes key safeguards in experimental design, such as random assignment, the presence of a control group, and researchers who are “blind” to participants’ conditions. So when evidence is offered in support of a particular position, scrutinize it and look for those basic safeguards.
Is it true that when two behaviors are “linked,” “related,” or tend to occur together it’s safe to assume that one behavior caused the other?
Consider also the nature of the evidence that may be offered. When words like “link,” “tie,” or “association” are used, the evidence is probably correlational, rather than experimental. But remember the distinction between correlation and causation. As you have learned, just because two events are correlated does not mean that they are causally linked. For example, consider a recent study that found a positive correlation between the number of outdoor signs and billboards advertising food and non-
But is such a conclusion justified? No. You cannot conclude that the correlation found between obesity and advertisements occurred because the higher prevalence of advertising caused higher rates of obesity. The evidence does not support that conclusion. In fact, it could just as likely be that advertisers are more likely to place ads for food in areas where they believe there are higher numbers of obese people (Chabris & Simons, 2013).
Similarly, remember that testimonials are not evidence (Coltheart & McArthur, 2012). Distinguish between empirical evidence that can be objectively observed, measured, and shared—
Consider Alternative Explanations
Especially if a claim is highly unusual, seems to contradict accepted scientific theories, or has no plausible explanation, consider alternative explanations. A claim demonstrating improvement in a condition or skill could, in fact, have many different explanations. For example, suppose a friend’s cold disappeared after he took a special herbal supplement recommended by another friend. The improvement could be due to the herbs. But it could also be due to the placebo effect (page 29) or to the natural healing that often takes place with the simple passage of time. A child’s improvement in paying attention in class might be due to the new, sugar-
Consider the Source of the Research or Claim
Typically, scientific research is reported in a peer-
Whether the claims you encounter come from friends, instructors, or pundits, remember these four steps—
Why might other people want to discourage you from thinking critically?
In what situations is it probably most difficult or challenging for you to exercise critical thinking skills? Why?
What can you do or say to encourage others to use critical thinking in evaluating questionable claims or assertions?
Psychological Research Using Brain Imaging
Positron emission tomography, abbreviated PET, is based on the fact that increased activity in a particular brain region is associated with increased blood flow and energy consumption. A small amount of radioactively tagged glucose, oxygen, or other substance is injected into the person’s bloodstream. Then, the person lies in a PET scanner while performing some mental task. For several minutes, the PET scanner tracks the amounts of radioactive substance used in thousands of different brain regions. A computer analyzes the data, producing color-
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) does not involve invasive procedures such as injections of radioactive substances. Instead, while the person lies inside a magnetic tube, powerful but harmless magnetic fields bombard the brain. A computer analyzes the electromagnetic signals generated by brain-
Functional MRI (fMRI) combines the ability to produce a detailed image of the brain’s structures with the capacity to track the brain’s activity or functioning (K. Smith, 2012). While the person lies in the MRI scanner, a powerful computer tracks the electromagnetic signals that are generated by changes in the brain’s metabolic activity, such as increased blood flow to a particular brain region. By measuring the ebb and flow of oxygenated blood in the brain, an fMRI produces a series of scans that show detailed moment-
In the study of brain activity, fMRI has several advantages over PET scan technology. Because fMRI is a noninvasive procedure and the magnetic waves are harmless, research participants can safely undergo repeated fMRI scans. Also, fMRI produces a much sharper image than PET scans and can detail much smaller brain structures. Another advantage of fMRI is that it provides a picture of brain activity averaged over seconds rather than the several minutes required by PET scans.
How Psychologists Use Brain-
Brain imaging is used for both descriptive and experimental research. A descriptive study using brain scans might compare the brain structure or functioning of one carefully defined group of people with another.
For example, MRI scans were used to compare London taxi drivers with matched participants who were not taxi drivers (Maguire & others, 2000, 2006). In order to be licensed, London taxi drivers are required to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the city streets. The MRI scans showed that a brain structure involved in spatial memory, the hippocampus, was significantly larger in the experienced taxi drivers than in the control subjects (see MRI scans on the next page). And, the size of the hippocampus was also positively correlated with the length of time the participants had been driving taxis in London: The longer the individual had been driving a taxi, the larger the hippocampus (Woollett & others, 2009). In Chapter 2, Neuroscience and Behavior, we’ll look at how the brain changes in response to learning and environmental influences.
Limitations of Brain-
Images are becoming even more detailed as brain-
Is it true that brain scans can pinpoint the exact, single part of the brain that causes a complex behavior?
Brain imaging studies tend to focus on simple aspects of behavior. Even seemingly simple tasks involve the smooth coordination of multiple brain regions. As Jerome Kagan (2008) observes, “An event as simple as the unexpected sound of a whistle activates 24 different brain areas.” Thus, it’s naïve to think that complex psychological or behavioral functions can be mapped to a single brain center (Coltheart, 2013; Mather & others, 2013b).
Brain imaging may not increase understanding of a psychological process. For example, although brain imaging might point to a particular brain structure as being involved in, say, fear or romantic love, knowing this may not advance our understanding of the psychological experience of fear or romantic love (Decety & Cacioppo, 2010).
Brain imaging is not necessarily a more “scientific” explanation. As psychologist Paul Bloom (2006) points out, “Functional MRI seems more like ‘real’ science than many of the other things that psychologists are up to. It has all the trappings of work with great laboratory credibility: big, expensive, and potentially dangerous machines, hospitals and medical centers, and a lot of people in white coats.” To be truly useful, brain-
Looking at Brain-
What should you notice when you look at the brain-