Perceptual illusions underscore the idea that we actively construct our perceptual representations of the world according to psychological principles.
How can the Müller-
What do perceptual illusions reveal about perceptual processes?
What roles do perceptual sets, learning experiences, and culture play in perception?
Our perceptual processes are largely automatic and unconscious. On the one hand, this arrangement is mentally efficient. With a minimum of cognitive effort, we decipher our surroundings, answering important perceptual questions and making sense of the environment. On the other hand, because perceptual processing is largely automatic, we can inadvertently arrive at the wrong perceptual conclusion. When we misperceive the true characteristics of an object or an image, we experience a perceptual illusion.
During the past century, well over 200 perceptual illusions have been discovered. One famous perceptual illusion is shown in Figure 3.18. The perceptual contradictions of illusions are not only fascinating but can also shed light on how the normal processes of perception guide us to perceptual conclusions. Given the basics of perception that we’ve covered thus far, you’re in a good position to understand how and why some famous illusions seem to occur.
Look at the center line made by the corners of the walls in (a) and (c) in Figure 3.19. Which line is longer? If you said (c), then you’ve just experienced the Müller-
The Müller-
Size constancy also seems to play an important role in the Müller-
The same basic principle seems to apply to the Müller-
Keep in mind that the arrows pointing inward or outward are responsible for creating the illusion in the Müller-
Another famous illusion is one you’ve probably experienced firsthand—
Part of the explanation has to do with our perception of the distance of objects at different locations in the sky (Ozkan & Braunstein, 2010). Researchers have found that people perceive objects on the horizon as farther away than objects that are directly overhead in the sky. The horizon contains many familiar distance cues, such as buildings, trees, and the smoothing of the texture of the landscape as it fades into the distance. The moon on the horizon is perceived as being behind these depth cues, so the depth perception cue of overlap adds to the perception that the moon on the horizon is farther away.
The moon illusion also involves the misapplication of the principle of size constancy. Like the afterimage of the glowing light bulb, which looked larger on a distant wall, the moon looks larger when the perception of its distance increases. Remember, the retinal image of the moon is the same in all locations, as was the afterimage of the light bulb. Thus, even though the retinal image of the moon remains constant, we perceive the moon as being larger because it seems farther away on the horizon (Kaufman & others, 2007).
If you look at a full moon on the horizon through a cardboard tube, you’ll remove the distance cues provided by the horizon. The moon on the horizon shrinks immediately—
Perceptual illusions underscore the fact that what we see is not merely a simple reflection of the world, but rather our subjective perceptual interpretation of it. We’ve been developing and refining our perceptual interpretations from infancy onward. But what about Mike, who regained low vision after more than four decades of blindness?
Psychologist Ione Fine and her colleagues (2003) assessed Mike’s perceptual processing with a couple of perceptual illusions. For example, Mike was presented with an image containing illusory contours, shown on the right. It’s much like the more complex image we discussed in Figure 3.18. When asked, “What is the ‘hidden’ shape outlined by the black apertures?” Mike had no response. However, when the form was outlined in red, Mike immediately perceived the red square.
Now look at Figure 3.20. Which tabletop is longer? If you used your keen perceptual skills and confidently said (b), you’d be wrong. If you responded as Mike did and said that the two tabletops are of identical size and shape, you’d be correct. You can use a ruler or tracing paper to verify this. This illusion is referred to as the Shepard Tables, named after its creator, psychologist Roger Shepard (1990).
Why wasn’t Mike susceptible to this compelling visual illusion? Partly, it’s because he does not automatically use many of the depth perception cues we discussed earlier (Gregory, 2003). As psychologist Donald MacLeod explained, “Mike is impressively free from some illusions that beset normal vision, illusions that reflect the constructive processes involved in the perception of three-
Although seeing is said to be believing, in the case of illusions, believing can lead to seeing something that isn’t really there. Like any psychological process, perception can be influenced by many factors, including our expectations. In the final section of this chapter, we’ll consider how prior experiences and cultural factors can influence our perceptions of reality.