Modern sleep research began with the invention of the electroencephalograph and the discovery that sleep is marked by distinct physiological processes and stages.
What characterizes sleep onset, the NREM sleep stages, and REM sleep?
What is the typical progression of sleep cycles? How do sleep patterns change over the lifespan?
What evidence suggests that we have a biological need for sleep?
From Aristotle to Shakespeare to Freud, history is filled with examples of scholars, writers, and scientists who have been fascinated by sleep and dreams. But prior to the twentieth century, there was no objective way to study the internal processes that might be occurring during sleep. Instead, sleep was largely viewed as a period of restful inactivity in which dreams sometimes occurred.
The invention of the electroencephalograph by German psychiatrist Hans Berger in the 1920s gave sleep researchers an important tool for measuring the rhythmic electrical activity of the brain (Stern, 2001). These rhythmical patterns of electrical activity are referred to as brain waves. The electroencephalograph produces a graphic record called an EEG, or electroencephalogram. By studying EEGs, sleep researchers firmly established that brain-
Along with brain activity, today’s sleep researchers monitor a variety of other physical functions during sleep. Eye movements, muscle movements, breathing rate, airflow, pulse, blood pressure, amount of exhaled carbon dioxide, body temperature, and breathing sounds are just some of the body’s functions that are measured in contemporary sleep research (Carskadon & Dement, 2005).
What happens during sleep? Most people tend to think of sleep as an “either/ or” condition—
Research also disputes the notion that sleep is a global, brain-
Sleep researchers distinguish between two basic types of sleep. REM sleep, or rapid-
Awake and reasonably alert as you prepare for bed, your brain generates small, fast brain waves, called beta brain waves. After your head hits the pillow and you close your eyes, your muscles relax. Your brain’s electrical activity gradually gears down, generating slightly larger and slower alpha brain waves.
During this drowsy, presleep phase, you may experience odd but vividly realistic sensations. You may hear your name called or a loud crash, feel as if you’re falling, floating, or flying, or see kaleidoscopic patterns or an unfolding landscape. These brief, vivid sensory phenomena that occasionally occur during the transition to light sleep are called hypnagogic hallucinations. Some hypnagogic hallucinations can be so vivid or startling that they cause a sudden awakening (Vaughn & D’Cruz, 2005). Hypnagogic imagery may also reflect daily activities and preoccupations. For example, about a third of participants who learned a new video game, Alpine Racer II, reported hypnagogic images related to the skiing game (Schwartz, 2010; Wamsley & others, 2010).
What You Really Want to Know About Sleep
Why do I yawn?
Researchers aren’t certain. But the notion that too little oxygen or too much carbon dioxide causes yawning is not supported by research. Some evidence suggests that yawning regulates and increases your level of arousal. Yawning is typically followed by an increase in activity level. Hence, you frequently yawn after waking up in the morning, while attempting to stay awake in the late evening, or when you’re bored.
Is yawning contagious?
Seeing, hearing, or thinking about yawning can trigger a yawn. More than half of adults will yawn when they’re shown videos of other people yawning. Blind people will yawn more frequently in response to audio recordings of yawning. Some psychologists believe that contagious yawning is related to our ability to feel empathy for others. (Have you yawned yet?) Interestingly, chimpanzees and macaques, both highly social animals, display contagious yawning. And so do domestic dogs, which in a recent study were shown to “catch” yawns from human strangers. From an evolutionary perspective, such observations lend support to the idea that contagious yawning may have evolved as an adaptive social cue, allowing groups to signal and coordinate times of activity and rest. In support of that view, a new study found that chimpanzees yawn more after viewing iTouch videos of other chimpanzees yawning—
Why do I get sleepy?
A naturally occurring compound in the body called adenosine may be the culprit. In studies with cats, prolonged wakefulness sharply increases adenosine levels, which reflect energy used for brain and body activity. As adenosine levels shoot up, so does the need for sleep. Slow-
Sometimes in the morning when I first wake up, I can’t move. I’m literally paralyzed! Is this normal?
REM sleep is characterized by paralysis of the voluntary muscles, which keeps you from acting out your dreams. In a relatively common phenomenon called sleep paralysis, the paralysis of REM sleep carries over to the waking state for up to 10 minutes. If preceded by an unpleasant dream or hypnagogic experience, this sensation can be frightening. Sleep paralysis can also occur as you’re falling asleep. In either case, the sleep paralysis lasts for only a few minutes. So, if this happens to you, relax—
Do deaf people who use sign language sometimes “sleep-
Do the things people say when they talk in their sleep make any sense?
Is it true that you can have coherent conversations with people who are talking in their sleep?
Sleeptalking typically occurs during NREM stages 3 and 4. There are many anecdotes of spouses who have supposedly engaged their sleeptalking mates in extended conversations, but sleep researchers have been unsuccessful in having extended dialogues with people who chronically talk in their sleep. As for the truthfulness of the sleeptalker’s utterances, they’re reasonably accurate insofar as they reflect whatever the person is responding to while asleep. By the way, not only do people talk in their sleep, but they can also sing or laugh in their sleep. In one case we know of, a little boy sleep-
SOURCES: Campbell & de Waal (2011); Campbell & others (2009); Cartwright (2004); Empson (2002); Joly-
Probably the most common hypnagogic hallucination is the vivid sensation of falling, which is often accompanied by a myoclonic jerk—an involuntary muscle spasm of the whole body that jolts the person completely awake. Also known as sleep starts, these experiences can seem really weird (or embarrassing) when they occur, but they are normal events that sometimes occur during sleep onset (Mahowald, 2005).
The course of a normal night’s sleep follows a relatively consistent cyclical pattern. As you drift off to sleep, you enter NREM sleep and begin a progression through the four NREM sleep stages (see Figure 4.3). Each progressive NREM sleep stage is characterized by corresponding decreases in brain and body activity. On average, the progression through the first four stages of NREM sleep occupies the first 50 to 70 minutes of sleep.
As the alpha brain waves of drowsiness are replaced by even slower theta brain waves, you enter the first stage of sleep. Lasting only a few minutes, stage 1 is a transitional stage during which you gradually disengage from the sensations of the surrounding world. During stage 1 NREM, you can quickly regain conscious alertness if needed. Although hypnagogic experiences can occur in stage 1, less vivid mental imagery is common, such as imagining yourself engaged in some everyday activity.
Stage 2 represents the onset of true sleep. Stage 2 sleep is defined by the appearance of sleep spindles, brief bursts of brain activity that last a second or two, and K complexes, single high-
In combination, stages 3 and 4 are often referred to as slow-
During the 20 to 40 minutes spent in the night’s first episode of stage 4 NREM, delta waves eventually come to represent 100 percent of brain activity. At that point, heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate drop to their lowest levels. Not surprisingly, the sleeper is almost completely oblivious to the world. Noises as loud as 90 decibels may fail to wake him. However, his muscles are still capable of movement. For example, sleepwalking typically occurs during stage 4 NREM sleep.
It can easily take 15 minutes or longer to regain full waking consciousness from stage 4. It’s even possible to answer your cell phone or respond to a text message, carry on a conversation for several minutes, and hang up without ever leaving stage 4 sleep—
Thus far, the sleeper is approximately 70 minutes into a typical night’s sleep and immersed in deeply relaxed stage 4 NREM sleep. At this point, the sequence reverses. In a matter of minutes, the sleeper cycles back from stage 4 to stage 3 to stage 2 and enters a dramatic new phase: the night’s first episode of REM sleep.
During REM sleep, the brain becomes more active, generating smaller and faster brain waves. Visual and motor neurons in the brain activate repeatedly, just as they do during wakefulness. Dreams usually occur during REM sleep. Although the brain is very active, voluntary muscle activity is suppressed, which prevents the dreaming sleeper from acting out her dreams.
REM sleep is accompanied by considerable physiological arousal. The sleeper’s eyes dart back and forth behind closed eyelids—
This first REM episode tends to be brief, about 5 to 15 minutes. From the beginning of stage 1 NREM sleep through the completion of the first episode of REM sleep, about 90 minutes have elapsed.
Throughout the rest of the night, the sleeper cycles between NREM and REM sleep. Each sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes on average, but the duration of cycles may vary from 70 to 120 minutes. Usually, four more 90-
The progression of a typical night’s sleep cycles is depicted in Figure 4.4. Stages 3 and 4 REM, slow-
As any parent knows, sleep patterns change throughout childhood and adolescence. Circadian rhythms seem to develop before birth. Consistent daily variations in movement, heart rate, and other variables are evident by the fifth month of prenatal development. During the third trimester of prenatal development, active (REM) and quiet (NREM) sleep cycles emerge. In the final weeks, REM and NREM sleep are clearly distinguishable in the fetus (Mirmiran & others, 2003).
The newborn sleeps about 16 hours a day, though not all at once. Up to 8 hours—
The typical 90-
From childhood through late adulthood, the pattern of a typical night’s sleep evolves and changes (see Figure 4.5). Total sleep time decreases, as does the percentage of a night’s sleep spent in deeper slow-
It may seem obvious: We sleep because we’re tired and need rest. Thus, it may surprise you to learn that sleep researchers aren’t really sure why we sleep. Recent research by Lulu Xie and her colleagues (2013) revealed that sleep initiates a process that clears metabolic waste products from the brain. But sleep serves other functions as well (see Underwood, 2013). Along with providing needed rest to muscles and body, sleep is thought to maintain immune system function, improve brain function, enhance learning and consolidate memory, and help regulate moods and emotion (Roth & others, 2010; Walker & Van der Helm, 2009).
However, these explanations don’t account for the enormous variability in sleep patterns across different species. Some researchers take the view that the sleep patterns exhibited by different animals, including humans, are the result of evolutionary adaptation (Roth & others, 2010; Siegel, 2009). According to this view, different sleep patterns evolved as a way of conserving energy and preventing a particular species from interacting with the environment when doing so is most hazardous.
For example, animals with few natural predators, such as gorillas and lions, sleep as much as 15 hours a day. In contrast, grazing animals, such as cattle and horses, tend to sleep in short bursts that total only about 4 hours per day (Siegel, 2005). Lions, much like their evolutionary cousins, the domestic cat, sleep long and deeply, but giraffes, their prey, sleep very little. Similarly, hibernation patterns also reflect evolutionary adaptation, coinciding with periods during which food is relatively scarce and environmental conditions pose the greatest threat to survival.
Rather than an all-
One important function of sleep deserves special mention. Sleep plays a critical role in strengthening new memories and in integrating new memories with existing memories (Walker, 2009, 2010). Sleep seems to be especially important in preserving emotional memories and memories of details that are relevant to personal goals and preoccupations (Pace-
Sleep researchers are finding that the strengthening and enhancement of new memories during sleep is a very active process. That process seems to work like this: New memories formed during the day are reactivated during the 90-
The importance of sleep is demonstrated by sleep deprivation studies. After being deprived of sleep for just one night, research subjects develop microsleeps, which are episodes of sleep lasting only a few seconds that occur during wakefulness. People who go without sleep for a day or more also experience disruptions in mood, mental abilities, reaction time, perceptual skills, and complex motor skills (Bonnet, 2005).
But what about getting less than your usual amount of sleep? Sleep restriction studies reduce the amount of time that people are allowed to sleep to as little as four hours per night.
Sleep restriction produces numerous impairments and changes, not the least of which is an increased urge to sleep. Concentration, vigilance, reaction time, memory skills, and the ability to gauge risks are diminished (Ma & others, 2015). Motor skills—
When sleep-
The Sleep-
Whether they are children or adults, people often react with greater emotionality when they’re not getting adequate sleep (Ma & others, 2015; Zohar & others, 2005). Is this because they’re simply tired, or do the brain’s emotional centers become more reactive in response to sleep deprivation?
To study this question, researcher Seung-
Compare the two fMRI scans shown here. The orange and yellow areas indicate the degree of activation in the amygdala, a key component of the brain’s emotional centers. Compared to the adequately rested participants, the amygdala activated 60 percent more strongly when the sleep-
Yoo’s research clearly shows that the sleep-
As sleep scientist Matthew Walker (2011) observes, “When functioning correctly, the brain finds the sweet spot on the mood spectrum. But the sleep-
So, when you’re consistently operating on too little sleep, monitor your emotional reactions so that you don’t overreact and say or do something that you will regret later—
If sleep restriction continues for multiple nights, all of these changes become more pronounced. Unfortunately most people are not good at judging the extent to which their performance is impaired by inadequate sleep. People tend to think they are performing adequately, but in fact, their abilities and reaction time are greatly diminished (M. Walker, 2008).
Sleep researchers have also selectively deprived people of different components of normal sleep. To study the effects of REM deprivation, researchers wake sleepers whenever the monitoring instruments indicate that they are entering REM sleep. After several nights of being selectively deprived of REM sleep, the subjects are allowed to sleep uninterrupted. What happens? They experience REM rebound—the amount of time spent in REM sleep increases by as much as 50 percent. Similarly, when people are selectively deprived of NREM stages 3 and 4, they experience NREM rebound, spending more time in NREM sleep (Borbély & Achermann, 2005; Tobler, 2005). Thus, it seems that the brain needs to experience the full range of sleep states, making up for missing sleep components when given the chance.