Psychologists have been interested in the topics of motivation and emotion since the very beginning of psychology as a science. Today, psychologists are acutely aware that all motives reflect the dynamic interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors, including cultural forces. Like any complex undertaking, Sandy’s experiences in Nepal reflected many different motivational forces, from the desire to help others to her drive to challenge herself in a difficult and unfamiliar environment.
Emotions, too, reflect the interaction among biological factors shaped by evolution and personal, cultural, and social factors. As you’ve read this chapter, we hope you’ve thought about the multiple factors that influence your own motives and emotional responses in different areas of your life. Finally, in Psych for Your Life, we’ll show you how you can use psychological research to help you achieve your goals and aspirations.
Turning Your Goals into Reality
Most people can identify different aspects of their lives they’d like to change. Identifying goals we’d like to achieve is usually easy. Successfully accomplishing these goals is the tricky part. Fortunately, psychological research has identified several strategies and suggestions that can help you get motivated, act, and achieve your goals.
Your motivation to strive for achievement is closely linked to what you believe about your ability to produce the necessary or desired results in a situation. This is what psychologist Albert Bandura (1997, 2006) calls self-
Bandura (1997, 2006) has found that if you have an optimistic sense of self-
People tend to avoid challenging situations or tasks that they believe exceed their capabilities (Bandura, 2008). If selfdoubts occur, motivation quickly dwindles because the task is perceived as too difficult or threatening. So how do you build your sense of self-
According to Bandura (1991, 2006), the most effective way to strengthen your sense of self-
A second strategy is social modeling, or observational learning. In some situations, the motivation to succeed is present, but you lack the knowledge of exactly how to achieve your goals. In such circumstances, it can be helpful to observe and imitate the behavior of someone who is already competent at the task you want to master (Bandura, 1986, 1990). For example, if you’re not certain how to prepare effectively for a test or a class presentation, talk with fellow students who are successful in doing this. Ask how they study and what they do when they have difficulty understanding material. Knowing what works is often the critical element in ensuring success.
Implementation Intentions: Turning Goals into Actions
Suppose your sense of self-
How can you bridge the gap between good intentions and effective, goal-
Step 1: Form a goal intention.
This step involves translating vague, general intentions (“I’m going to do my best”) into a specific, concrete, and binding goal. Express the specific goal in terms of “I intend to achieve _______,” filling in the blank with the particular behavior or outcome that you wish to achieve. For example, suppose you resolve to exercise more regularly. Transform that general goal into a much more specific goal intention, such as “I intend to work out at the campus gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.” Forming the specific goal intention enhances your sense of personal commitment to the goal, and it also heightens your sense of obligation to realize the goal.
Step 2: Create implementation intentions.
This step involves making a specific plan for turning your good intention into reality. The trick is to specify exactly where, when, and how you will carry out your intended behavior. Mentally link the intended behaviors to specific situational cues, such as saying, “After my psychology class, I will go to the campus athletic center and work out for 45 minutes.” By linking the behavior to specific situational cues, you’re more likely to initiate the goal behavior when the critical situation is encountered (Webb & Sheeran, 2007). The ultimate goal of implementation intentions is to create a new automatic link between a specific situation and the desired behavior—
As simple as this seems, research has demonstrated that forming specific implementation intentions is very effective (Gollwitzer & Sheeran, 2006; Parks-
Half of the participants were instructed to write out specific implementation intentions describing exactly when and where they would write the report during the critical 48-
The other half of the participants were not asked to identify a specific time or place, but just instructed to write and mail the report within the 48 hours. The results? Of those in the implementation intention group, 71 percent wrote and mailed the report by the deadline. Only 32 percent of the other group did so (Gollwitzer & Brandstätter, 1997).
Mental Rehearsal: Visualize the Process
The mental images you create in anticipation of a situation can strongly influence your sense of self-
So strive to control your thoughts in an optimistic way by mentally focusing on your capabilities and a positive outcome, not your limitations and worst fears. The key here is not just imagining a positive outcome. Instead, imagine and mentally rehearse the process—the skills you will effectively use and the steps you will take—