Group therapy involves one or more therapists working with several clients simultaneously.
What are some key advantages of group therapy?
What is family therapy, and how do its assumptions and techniques differ from those of individual therapy?
Individual psychotherapy offers a personal relationship between a client and a therapist, one that is focused on a single client’s problems, thoughts, and emotions. But individual psychotherapy has certain limitations. The therapist sees the client in isolation, rather than within the context of the client’s interactions with others. Hence, the therapist must rely on the client’s interpretation of reality and the client’s description of relationships with others. Group and family therapy provides the opportunity to overcome these limitations (Norcross & others, 2005; Schachter, 2011).
Group therapy involves one or more therapists working with several people simultaneously. Group therapy may be provided by a therapist in private practice or at a community mental health clinic. Often, group therapy is an important part of the treatment program for hospital inpatients. Groups may be as small as 3 or 4 people, or as large as 10 or more people (Burlingame & McClendon, 2008).
Virtually any approach—
Group therapy has a number of advantages over individual psychotherapy. First, group therapy is very cost-
Third, the support and encouragement provided by the other group members may help a person feel less alone and understand that his or her problems are not unique. For example, a team of family therapists set up group meetings with family members and co-
As I saw the widows dealing with their loss, and believing it a bit more, it helped me to accept it even more. It was easier with sharing together. Strength in numbers. It makes you feel less alone. Out of the thousands of people you bump into, not everyone can understand what you’ve been through. If I am with any one of the families, I know they will understand what I am going through. We comfort each other. Even a blood sister might not understand as well.
Group therapies in the aftermath of other disasters, including Hurricane Katrina, have provided similar support (Salloum & others, 2009).
Increasing Access: Meeting the Need for Mental Health Care
In the United States, more than two-
Is it true that therapy is effective only if it is provided by a clinical psychologist or other highly trained therapist?
Paraprofessionals and Lay Counselors
Clinicians who have not received traditional academic training are increasingly delivering mental health care. Worldwide, there are 40 million community health workers, paraprofessionals without extensive medical or psychological training (Rotheram-
Lay counselors have even less training than paraprofessionals. For example, in a refugee camp in Uganda, Somali and Rwandan refugees with as little as a primary school education received brief training as lay counselors to serve other refugees with PTSD (Neuner & others, 2008). Following treatment, about 30 percent of their fellow refugees met the criteria for PTSD, as compared with more than 60 percent of those who were not treated.
The United States has relatively few mental health paraprofessionals (Rotheram-
Just how helpful are self-
Research also supports the use of technological solutions to deliver mental and physical health care to underserved areas (Ben-
In some cases, technology allows the delivery of mental health treatment without the need for a therapist. For example, one study found that people were more likely to respond honestly in a computer-
Researchers have also examined self-
Increased access to mental health care is an important goal. However, as the use of unconventional resources to deliver treatment increases, the field of psychology will face new challenges. First, just because treatment is available does not mean people in need will use it or that it will be effective (Kazdin & Rabbitt, 2013). And, new ethical considerations have arisen. For example, psychological organizations in many countries are developing ethical standards for those providing therapy by phone or Internet-
Fourth, group members may provide each other with helpful, practical advice for solving common problems and can act as models for successfully overcoming difficulties. Finally, working within a group gives people an opportunity to try out new behaviors in a safe, supportive environment (Yalom, 2005). For instance, someone who is very shy and submissive can practice more assertive behaviors and receive honest feedback from other group members.
Group therapy is typically conducted by a mental health professional. In contrast, self-
Most forms of psychotherapy tend to see a person’s problems—
Family therapy is based on the assumption that the family is a system, an interdependent unit, not just a collection of separate individuals. The family is seen as a dynamic structure in which each member plays a unique role. According to this view, every family has certain unspoken “rules” of interaction and communication. Some of these tacit rules revolve around issues such as which family members exercise power and how, who makes decisions, who keeps the peace, and what kinds of alliances members have formed among themselves. As such issues are explored, unhealthy patterns of family interaction can be identified and replaced with new “rules” that promote the psychological health of the family as a unit.
Family therapy is often used to enhance the effectiveness of individual psychotherapy. For example, patients with schizophrenia are less likely to experience relapses when family members are involved in therapy (Kopelowicz & others, 2007; O’Brien & others, 2014). In many cases, the therapist realizes that the individual client’s problems reflect conflict and disturbance in the entire family system (Smerud & Rosenfarb, 2011). For the client to make significant improvements, the family as a whole must become psychologically healthier. Family therapy is also indicated when there is conflict among family members or when younger children are being treated for behavior problems, such as truancy or aggressive behavior (Connell & others, 2007).
Many family therapists also provide marital or couple therapy (Bischoff, 2011). (The term couple therapy is preferred today because such therapy is conducted with any couple in a committed relationship, whether they are married or unmarried, heterosexual or homosexual). As is the case with family therapy, there are many different approaches to couple therapy (Lebow, 2008; Snyder & Balderrama-
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