InteriorSurfaceRingsAtmosphereMagnetic Field*
JupiterTerrestrial core, liquid metallic hydrogen shell, liquid hydrogen mantleNo solid surface, atmosphere gradually thickens to liquid state, belt and zone structure, hurricane-like featuresYesPrimarily H, He19,000 × Earth’s total field; at its cloud layer, 14 × Earth’s surface field
SaturnSimilar to Jupiter, with bigger terrestrial core and less metallic hydrogenNo solid surface, less distinct belt and zone structure than JupiterYesPrimarily H, He570 × Earth’s total field; at its cloud layer, ⅔ × Earth’s surface field
UranusTerrestrial core, liquid water shell, liquid hydrogen and helium mantleNo solid surface, weak belt and zone system, hurricane-like features, color from methane absorption of red, orange, yellowYesPrimarily H, He, some CH450 × Earth’s total field; at its cloud layer, 0.73 × Earth’s surface field
NeptuneSimilar to UranusSimilar to UranusYesPrimarily H, He, some CH435 × Earth’s total field; at its cloud layer, 0.4 × Earth’s surface field
For detailed numerical comparisons between planets, see Appendix Tables E-1 and E-2.
*To see the orientations of these magnetic fields relative to the rotation axes of the planets, see Figure 8-37.