Chapter 2

Quiz for Chapter Two Thinking Like a Historian: Who Was Pocahontas?

Feature Quiz
Chapter 2d

Select the best answer for each question. Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work. Click the "Previous" button to navigate back if you need to view the textbook.

Question 1

What does John Smith suggest in source 1 about why Powhatan allowed him to live?

Question 2

What does source 2 suggest about the power relations that existed among Powhatan’s people?

Question 3

How did John Rolfe justify his 1614 marriage to Pocahontas in source 4?

Question 4

What message do you think Simon Van De Pass intended to convey through his 1616 portrait of Pocahontas (source 5)?

Question 5

Which of the following describes Pocahontas’s feelings in her conversation with John Smith in source 6?