Chapter 3

Quiz for Chapter Three Thinking Like a Historian: Servitude and Slavery

Feature Quiz
Chapter 3d

Select the best answer for each question. Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work. Click the "Previous" button to navigate back if you need to view the textbook.

Question 1

Considered as a pair, sources 1 and 2 provide evidence for which of the following conclusions?

Question 2

What does source 3 suggest about the relationship between indentured servants and slaves in Virginia in the 1670s?

Question 3

The fact that source 4 appeared in an abolitionist work published in New York in 1807 is important to a historian’s interpretation of the source for which of the following reasons?

Question 4

In source 5, Joseph Mulders’s testimony is historically significant because it

Question 5

In source 6, Thomas Ringgold’s statement “It seems to be the interest at least of every gentleman that has slaves, to be active in the beginning of these attempts . . .” suggests which of the following?