Map Quiz

Chapter 7

Map Quiz
Chapter 7
This map shows the U.S. Population Density in 1803 and the Louisiana Purchase. The map key shows the 1800 population in terms of U.S. Nationals per square mile. Categories are: under 2, 2 to 18, 18 to 45, and over 45. Explorer routes are also shown, including Lewis and Clark, 1804–1806, Pike, 1805–1806, Pike, 1806–1807, forts, and missions.    As the map indicates, when the United States purchased Louisiana from France in 1803, much of the land to its east — the vast territory between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River — remained in Indian hands. The equally vast lands beyond the Mississippi were virtually unknown to Anglo-Americans, even after the epic explorations of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. The least dense population at a level of under 2 U.S. nationals per square mile was in the Indiana territory, Ohio, Tennessee, Mississippi territory, the western part of Georgia and the northern part of Maine. The most populated areas of 18 to 45 and over 45 U.S. nationals per square mile occurred in the coastal parts of the original 13 colonies, with heaviest concentration in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. The Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804 to 1806 followed the Missouri River, northwestward from St. Louis, crossing the Rockies (approximately up to six times - over and back) to present day Washington State, ending in what appears to be current day Montana. The first Pike explorer route (1805 to 1806) started at St. Louis and followed the Mississippi River to a point in the Dakotas and retraced the route back to St. Louis.   The second Pike exploration (1806 to 1807) went relatively straight west from St. Louis, looped down to Santa Fe, when Pike hit the Rockies, then briefly went down into current day Mexico before terminating the journey just east of Nacogdoches, Texas.   Four forts are shown on the California coast at San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Two other forts are shown at Santa Fe and El Paso. Three missions are shown: one at San Antonio, one at Taos, and one at San Luis Obispo.
MAP 7.3 U.S. Population Density in 1803 and the Louisiana Purchase

Select the best answer for each question. Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work. Click the "Previous" button to navigate back if you need to view the textbook.

Question 1

In 1800, the region with the greatest population density was

Question 2

The Lewis and Clark Expedition largely followed the course of what river?

Question 3

Of the following statements, which is justified by this map?